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The players of DayZ Ruin the game

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On behalf of all the players of DayZ, I would like to personally offer a heartfelt appology for ruining the game. It won't happen again (the appology, I mean!).




You win this thread Sir.

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Door's right there. You knew the risk you were taking. Game might be trash to you, but you've already supported the game by buying it. So thanks.

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I play on a no Kill server So i can actually end up enjoying the game.  When you start out on the coast and need food and a drink b4 heading out U tend to try to look at a few places before heading out. However Most of the time I can just spawn In start walking/jogging Make it to the road and through the town/ Usually City and then get shot and Killed. because they make it so you instantly Die from 1-2 shots  you really can almost never get away.   Yeah The game will be made Harder I know that but yet still Because of how the players are the game is dead already.  I bet you 90% will not play this game how it was ment to be played. 10% will actually Not KOS and use handcuffs and rope and such. 


Yea There isnt much right now in the way of Zombies so yeah People going after others Is whats going to happen atm  However Being a complete Pathetic scrub and killing people who have No weapons at all Like always Happened in the MOD Will eventually piss the player off enough to just stop playing the game.  Its not really the game that's Trash...I cant really say that its the people that are trash who play it.


I am not a new Player I played the MOD day and night...Couldnt stand it after A while past by and everyone cared nothing about the zombies It become stupid because You had unlimited Sprint and could just run past them. That is Whats on here to and that needs to be removed.  This is where WarZ/Infestation Did something right for a change they gave you a very limited amount of sprint time so You cant Completely run away from the zombies  That is why I had fun on it. Besides that the Controls were not Clunky like for DayZ/Arma 2 the movement and such. WarZ was still bad though. 


Yes I figured this post would In the end get trolled On because Every Gaming Forums Has Retards Trolling onto it Just to draw Attention usually and more then likely because they Never got enough from their Mommy's But I really don't care The trolls are the real losers/retards on these forums.  Mean while I enjoy the legit non trolly feedback on this. 

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Door's right there. You knew the risk you were taking. Game might be trash to you, but you've already supported the game by buying it. So thanks.

Hate that shit, no constructive nothing

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I play on a no Kill server So i can actually end up enjoying the game.  When you start out on the coast and need food and a drink b4 heading out U tend to try to look at a few places before heading out. However Most of the time I can just spawn In start walking/jogging Make it to the road and through the town/ Usually City and then get shot and Killed. because they make it so you instantly Die from 1-2 shots  you really can almost never get away.   Yeah The game will be made Harder I know that but yet still Because of how the players are the game is dead already.  I bet you 90% will not play this game how it was ment to be played. 10% will actually Not KOS and use handcuffs and rope and such. 


Yea There isnt much right now in the way of Zombies so yeah People going after others Is whats going to happen atm  However Being a complete Pathetic scrub and killing people who have No weapons at all Like always Happened in the MOD Will eventually piss the player off enough to just stop playing the game.  Its not really the game that's Trash...I cant really say that its the people that are trash who play it.


I am not a new Player I played the MOD day and night...Couldnt stand it after A while past by and everyone cared nothing about the zombies It become stupid because You had unlimited Sprint and could just run past them. That is Whats on here to and that needs to be removed.  This is where WarZ/Infestation Did something right for a change they gave you a very limited amount of sprint time so You cant Completely run away from the zombies  That is why I had fun on it. Besides that the Controls were not Clunky like for DayZ/Arma 2 the movement and such. WarZ was still bad though. 


Yes I figured this post would In the end get trolled On because Every Gaming Forums Has Retards Trolling onto it Just to draw Attention usually and more then likely because they Never got enough from their Mommy's But I really don't care The trolls are the real losers/retards on these forums.  Mean while I enjoy the legit non trolly feedback on this. 

However I have not played any of the mods or Warz, This game just struck me instantly as a must buy, even in alpha. But for me too actually have fun Im most definately going to try a "No Kill" server or atleast try to join a clan to increase my chances of survival... I have gotten shot plenty of times just because I held a crowbar on my back

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I play on a no Kill server So i can actually end up enjoying the game.  When you start out on the coast and need food and a drink b4 heading out U tend to try to look at a few places before heading out. However Most of the time I can just spawn In start walking/jogging Make it to the road and through the town/ Usually City and then get shot and Killed. because they make it so you instantly Die from 1-2 shots  you really can almost never get away.   Yeah The game will be made Harder I know that but yet still Because of how the players are the game is dead already.  I bet you 90% will not play this game how it was ment to be played. 10% will actually Not KOS and use handcuffs and rope and such. 


Yea There isnt much right now in the way of Zombies so yeah People going after others Is whats going to happen atm  However Being a complete Pathetic scrub and killing people who have No weapons at all Like always Happened in the MOD Will eventually piss the player off enough to just stop playing the game.  Its not really the game that's Trash...I cant really say that its the people that are trash who play it.


I am not a new Player I played the MOD day and night...Couldnt stand it after A while past by and everyone cared nothing about the zombies It become stupid because You had unlimited Sprint and could just run past them. That is Whats on here to and that needs to be removed.  This is where WarZ/Infestation Did something right for a change they gave you a very limited amount of sprint time so You cant Completely run away from the zombies  That is why I had fun on it. Besides that the Controls were not Clunky like for DayZ/Arma 2 the movement and such. WarZ was still bad though. 


Yes I figured this post would In the end get trolled On because Every Gaming Forums Has Retards Trolling onto it Just to draw Attention usually and more then likely because they Never got enough from their Mommy's But I really don't care The trolls are the real losers/retards on these forums.  Mean while I enjoy the legit non trolly feedback on this. 


Wait now you are expecting to outrun bullets? :p


Also just because you like a to play a certain way it doesn't mean that it is the right way to play the game. Get over yourself buddy.

Edited by weedmasta

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Door's right there. You knew the risk you were taking. Game might be trash to you, but you've already supported the game by buying it. So thanks.

Nah I expected it to be better Via Players To not Actually play this game like its Not a survival game. But I expected to Much from Retards because So many so not know how to play this game.  Im pretty sure In real life People would not being going around Killing just for the heck of it. They would Kill to protect their Family or friends but yet they would not kill Unless there was a reason to kill. Most of the time...there is no reason to kill a player that Has nothing Or even Kill a player that Has a gun unless they are heading toward you.

Nah I will get my Refund. I wont support a game that players Cant play right. 

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Wait now you are expecting to outrun bullets? :P


Also just because you like a to play a certain way it doesn't mean that it is the right way to play the game. Get over yourself buddy.



what? Outrun Bullets? Well lets see again THEY ADDED HANDCUFFS AND ROPES  so what is Defined as a bandit would actually be a bandit and people could have fun fucking Round with other players and Holding them up and taking their Stuff. Game is not About Killing All the players on the server. If that's How you are going to play a game then Go play battlefield 4 A game where you are Suppose to Kill all the players on the game

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You are trying to justify your incompetence by blaming others. The ego on you man gebuz. If I want to kill every single player on the server, I will or die trying. That is the beauty of this game. You can do whatever the hell you want, it is a sandbox. There is no "right way" to play in a sandbox, you are insisting on not understanding this for some reason.


Some tips to help you even though I really do not like your attitude judging from your posts, if you follow these tips you may stay alive longer than 15-30 minutes at a time.


1. Avoid big cities.

2. Go inland as soon as possible. You will have enough initial food and water in your body to reach the next city inland without dying of starvation or dehydration.

3. When you see players do not immediately approach them. Watch their behaviour for a bit and try to figure out their intentions or just completely avoid them altogether.

4. Before going into an area scout it out from afar, watch for open doors on buildings and players.

5. If you want to go somewhere the direct approach is usually not the best approach. Use cover as much as the landscape allows you, scan your horizon from time to time. Avoid running in the open and in the middle of a road. Use treelines and other cover to conceal your approaches to your destinations. Even if that means taking a longer route.

6. Avoid the major military areas such as NE+NW airfield, Balota and the 2 military camps. There are a few other military spawn areas which will be safer. Sure it will be harder to get "military grade" items but it'll keep you alive.


This isn't exactly how I play the game, e.g. I don't avoid major military areas but for a starter like you, it will at least get you going and keep you alive. Now if you don't have the patience for any of that and still think that running on the main road is a good idea because it is "easier", than this game definitely isn't for you. And no, you can't get a refund for a game just because you didn't like it.

Edited by weedmasta
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wow some of these fanboy retard responses truly indicate their personality of how they play this game….  i love this game and the mod since it came out, but some of these dickhead responses make me feel ashamed to be apart of this game and community.  nothing constructive just pure utter hatred cause someone has an opinion they don't agree with of how the game is played. "thanks for the $30 now piss off" really? could u be anymore of a 12year old grow up.


yes banditry is part of the game and yes to a degree it offers that adrenaline rush knowing whose not around and who is.  but lets face it tons of ppl complaining about KOS is an issue and it has to be addressed for the survival of this game.  cause this was a massive problem for the mod.  the mod grew quickly at an incredible rate but immediately died at an incredible rate..  i used to see 10 servers hosted by local ISP all packed with players waiting in line to get a spot.. but cause of the mentality of players and KOS'ing ppl immediately stopped playing and went and played other mods.. now i can't find a single server for the mod thats full or occupied (this was before arma3 came out)..


a lot of the fanboys here actually don't grasp the concept of this game and what its number one selling point that lures new players.. its a post apocalyptic "zombie horror game" thats the lure thats the excitement! ppl play this game or buy this game for that number one purpose to try and survive a horde of raging zombies trying to kill them with an slight added pvp deathmatch scenario.  ppl wanna lone it up and join groups to partake in mostly killing zombies with side missions they didn't buy this game to deathmatch with a themed zombie atmosphere… this isn't carmageddon 2.


you forget the more ppl who complain about KOS will eventually reflect in sales and popularity therefor rendering us from getting DAYZ 2 in the future to come.

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I have been SOS 30 times now 


I was just playing on a NO KILL server and I got killed 3 times


Game is complete Trash.  Alpha or not It being Alpha Doesn't Redeem the fact that the Players that SOS or Shoot you even though you just told them you are friendly and also Still have nothing On you Kill games like this off. 


Have you considered the fact that you're bad at the game for not being able to survive, which is the main point of DayZ?


There are no PVE servers in this game. They are against the rules.


Okay. Bye bye now.



Creating new threads and complaining about KOS should be a punishable offense around here...

Edited by Metalunatic

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wow some of these fanboy retard responses truly indicate their personality of how they play this game….  i love this game and the mod since it came out, but some of these dickhead responses make me feel ashamed to be apart of this game and community.  nothing constructive just pure utter hatred cause someone has an opinion they don't agree with of how the game is played. "thanks for the $30 now piss off" really? could u be anymore of a 12year old grow up.


yes banditry is part of the game and yes to a degree it offers that adrenaline rush knowing whose not around and who is.  but lets face it tons of ppl complaining about KOS is an issue and it has to be addressed for the survival of this game.  cause this was a massive problem for the mod.  the mod grew quickly at an incredible rate but immediately died at an incredible rate..  i used to see 10 servers hosted by local ISP all packed with players waiting in line to get a spot.. but cause of the mentality of players and KOS'ing ppl immediately stopped playing and went and played other mods.. now i can't find a single server for the mod thats full or occupied (this was before arma3 came out)..


a lot of the fanboys here actually don't grasp the concept of this game and what its number one selling point that lures new players.. its a post apocalyptic "zombie horror game" thats the lure thats the excitement! ppl play this game or buy this game for that number one purpose to try and survive a horde of raging zombies trying to kill them with an slight added pvp deathmatch scenario.  ppl wanna lone it up and join groups to partake in mostly killing zombies with side missions they didn't buy this game to deathmatch with a themed zombie atmosphere… this isn't carmageddon 2.


you forget the more ppl who complain about KOS will eventually reflect in sales and popularity therefor rendering us from getting DAYZ 2 in the future to come.


Not really, the people complaining on these forums about KOS are insignificant. The people who really matter are actually playing the game and bug reporting.

Edited by weedmasta
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You are trying to justify your incompetence by blaming others. The ego on you man gebuz. If I want to kill every single player on the server, I will or die trying. That is the beauty of this game. You can do whatever the hell you want, it is a sandbox. There is no "right way" to play in a sandbox, you are insisting on not understanding this for some reason.


Some tips to help you even though I really do not like your attitude judging from your posts, if you follow these tips you may stay alive longer than 15-30 minutes at a time.


1. Avoid big cities.

2. Go inland as soon as possible. You will have enough initial food and water in your body to reach the next city inland without dying of starvation or dehydration.

3. When you see players do not immediately approach them. Watch their behaviour for a bit and try to figure out their intentions or just completely avoid them altogether.

4. Before going into an area scout it out from afar, watch for open doors on buildings and players.

5. If you want to go somewhere the direct approach is usually not the best approach. Use cover as much as the landscape allows you, scan your horizon from time to time. Avoid running in the open and in the middle of a road. Use treelines and other cover to conceal your approaches to your destinations. Even if that means taking a longer route.

6. Avoid the major military areas such as NE+NW airfield, Balota and the 2 military camps. There are a few other military spawn areas which will be safer. Sure it will be harder to get "military grade" items but it'll keep you alive.


This isn't exactly how I play the game, e.g. I don't avoid major military areas but for a starter like you, it will at least get you going and keep you alive. Now if you don't have the patience for any of that and still think that running on the main road is a good idea because it is "easier", than this game definitely isn't for you. And no, you can't get a refund for a game just because you didn't like it.

I agree with number 2.   You can actually make it to the airbase no matter where you start.  You WILL find food and water there.  You WILL find opposition there. Play quiet and stay out of the open and you will be fine.  There is no chance of survival for a new player on the coast anywhere.   The stocked players always go back to the coast to shoot the easy targets.  FEW stay in the cities and wait to combat other armed players.  Path of least resistance is usually true.    I can die and have everything back within a couple of hours.  Take some risks learn some new things, see some new places.  You will find it's not quite as tricky as it seems. 

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guys! there's not enough content in this game at this point! no proper end game goals. after you are all geared up, what do you do? get bored and start shooting at people. there's simply nothing else to do yet. you don't even want to spend ammo on zombies either.


just plain surviving is so easy, that you need to look for some challenge by starting a deathmatch.

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Not really, the people complaining on these forums about KOS are insignificant. The people who really matter are actually playing the game and bug reporting.



you couldn't be more wrong regardless of the SA or Mod version.. KOS is a downward spiral.. more and more ppl are doing it because some1 else is doing it to them.. regardless..  Complaining about KOS is never insignificant to the number of players who bring up the issue.  the guys creating SA are actually trying to change it by making it more interactive and responsive with players hint handcuffs and more zombies..


i remember joining a local server who had 15 guys on it who were all bandits and calibrating on teamspeak killing every1 who joined the server they were camping at spawn points and had vehicles and a chopper.. when myself and another guy managed to pick off a few they immediately resulted to hacks lol.. this is the mentality of KOS players when things dong go their way.


anyways like i said since the mod came out soon as the zombies are the number 1 threat and not an irritation there will be more player calibration and interaction..

Edited by Radeon
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wow some of these fanboy retard responses truly indicate their personality of how they play this game….  i love this game and the mod since it came out, but some of these dickhead responses make me feel ashamed to be apart of this game and community.  nothing constructive just pure utter hatred cause someone has an opinion they don't agree with of how the game is played. "thanks for the $30 now piss off" really? could u be anymore of a 12year old grow up.


yes banditry is part of the game and yes to a degree it offers that adrenaline rush knowing whose not around and who is.  but lets face it tons of ppl complaining about KOS is an issue and it has to be addressed for the survival of this game.  cause this was a massive problem for the mod.  the mod grew quickly at an incredible rate but immediately died at an incredible rate..  i used to see 10 servers hosted by local ISP all packed with players waiting in line to get a spot.. but cause of the mentality of players and KOS'ing ppl immediately stopped playing and went and played other mods.. now i can't find a single server for the mod thats full or occupied (this was before arma3 came out)..


a lot of the fanboys here actually don't grasp the concept of this game and what its number one selling point that lures new players.. its a post apocalyptic "zombie horror game" thats the lure thats the excitement! ppl play this game or buy this game for that number one purpose to try and survive a horde of raging zombies trying to kill them with an slight added pvp deathmatch scenario.  ppl wanna lone it up and join groups to partake in mostly killing zombies with side missions they didn't buy this game to deathmatch with a themed zombie atmosphere… this isn't carmageddon 2.


you forget the more ppl who complain about KOS will eventually reflect in sales and popularity therefor rendering us from getting DAYZ 2 in the future to come.

I actually really like this, It holds alot of relevance... the truth is its being sold as an independent zombie survival game, unfortunately people need to watch some let's plays before they just outright buy it... just so they can really know what its all about at this point... However I just applied for a clan and I would highly suggest you do the same OP instead of just giving up. I almost quit myself for a bit but I think with the right people we can make this the best gaming experience ever. OP seriously give me a shout or something ill team up

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the truth is its being sold as an independent zombie survival game, unfortunately people need to watch some let's plays before they just outright buy it... just so they can really know what its all about at this point... 


Taken from the Store page on Steam and I quote: "Fight the hostile environment, where every other player can be friend or foe and nothing can be taken for granted."

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I feel that weapon sounds being as loud as the sawed-off shotgun is a great way to discourage KoS a bit, if you fire off a weapon as loud as the sawed off shotgun you better get out of there fast because everyone is going to hear that.




they don't all have to be that loud of course but doing things like decreasing the magnums fire rate and increasing its sound generated, making the mosin a single-shot type gun so it is more used to snipe than it is to clear cities/buildings (as well as making it a bit louder unless with the use of a silencer), mabye decrease the M4s range a bit so people cant just go "haha shot from the other side of Kamyshovo with an m4 and you didn't even see me"



This was the big thing in the mod, I could hear gunshots from quite some distance away, especially if it was a DMR or Lee Enfield as they had very distinctive sounds.


So far unless I am within meters of someone shooting I don't actually hear the gunshot, just the sound of the bullet hitting something near by me, and I have my effects volume to max.


I testing with a friend and asked him to fire various weapons from one end of a town and I was on the other... (he was shooting zombies) and I didn't hear a thing!



Anyway... back on topic...


The game lacks features and zombies are just placeholders right now so the only thing to do is loot, kill, die, spawn, loot, kill, die etc..


When vehicles are added it will add an extra exploration value and more combat over them, sure but once zombies get added properly with increased numbers they will become a threat.


Also if they increase the volume of weapons then firing a weapon can attract players and zombies from all over.



If you keep being KoS then change your approach to things, avoid players or hold them up or even just out-right kill them if you deem them a threat.

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Have you considered the fact that you're bad at the game for not being able to survive, which is the main point of DayZ?


There are no PVE servers in this game. They are against the rules.


Okay. Bye bye now.



Creating new threads and complaining about KOS should be a punishable offense around here...

And Of course A scrub like you're self would Come around and say that but yet you know nothing to really make what you said Valid.  Scrub

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you couldn't be more wrong regardless of the SA or Mod version.. KOS is a downward spiral.. more and more ppl are doing it because some1 else is doing it to them.. regardless..  Complaining about KOS is never insignificant to the number of players who bring up the issue.  the guys creating SA are actually trying to change it by making it more interactive and responsive with players hint handcuffs and more zombies..


i remember joining a local server who had 15 guys on it who were all bandits and calibrating on teamspeak killing every1 who joined the server they were camping at spawn points and had vehicles and a chopper.. when myself and another guy managed to pick off a few they immediately resulted to hacks lol.. this is the mentality of KOS players when things dong go their way.


anyways like i said since the mod came out soon as the zombies are the number 1 threat and not an irritation there will be more player calibration and interaction..


Majority of people actually deal with KOS in-game e.g. by trying to kill the person that KOS'ed them instead, or by actually being careful when moving around. The people who are complaining about it on the forums (which is an insignificant number considering there are now over 1 million players) are usually the ones running in the middle of the road without a care thinking of rainbows and unicorns.

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This was the big thing in the mod, I could hear gunshots from quite some distance away, especially if it was a DMR or Lee Enfield as they had very distinctive sounds.


So far unless I am within meters of someone shooting I don't actually hear the gunshot, just the sound of the bullet hitting something near by me, and I have my effects volume to max.


I testing with a friend and asked him to fire various weapons from one end of a town and I was on the other... (he was shooting zombies) and I didn't hear a thing!



Anyway... back on topic...


The game lacks features and zombies are just placeholders right now so the only thing to do is loot, kill, die, spawn, loot, kill, die etc..


When vehicles are added it will add an extra exploration value and more combat over them, sure but once zombies get added properly with increased numbers they will become a threat.


Also if they increase the volume of weapons then firing a weapon can attract players and zombies from all over.



If you keep being KoS then change your approach to things, avoid players or hold them up or even just out-right kill them if you deem them a threat.


That is What you are thinking and Hoping for along with myself with more stuff being added maybe it will Calm down but again with how the players are in this game No matter how much junk they add in the game They will still Play this game likes its COD or Battlefield 4 because they Dont give a crap about other people trying to enjoy the game and Kill them Even though all they might have in their Pockets is a fork. as The guy above said People buy this game for the Zombie Horror part of it with the fun of Some players being Hostel  However the Mod The mod Ruined games like this to be anymore.  It created a Killing Frenzy So noone Trust anyone and So everyone Kills everyone so then it became A deathmatch and Not a Zombie Survival game  THAT is what DAYZ is Its No longer a Zombie Survival  Rocket should give up with it

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hay, let me tell something that happened to me that might change the way you look at some dayz players; i spawned close to electro, i was looting some buildings, then i ran outside. there was a guy with a crowbar standing there, i said: friendly? and then he ran at me, then i also started to run away from him. then there was a guy that saw i needed help, he had a M4 so he killed the guy chasing me and he let me go after we talked a bit, that might be the only friendly guy i have met, but it gave me hope about that there might be other friendly survivors. this might change your look at SOME of the dayz players. 


sorry if this was poorly written, or misspelled. 

Edited by DMentMan
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hay, let me tell something that happened to me that might change the way you look at some dayz players; i spawned close to electro, i was looting some buildings, then i ran outside. there was a guy with a crowbar standing there, i said: friendly? and then he ran at me, then i also started to run away from him. then there was a       gun that saw i needed help, he had a M4 so he killed the guy chasing me and he let me go after we talked a bit, that might be the only friendly guy i have met, but it gave me hope about that there might be other friendly survivors. this might change your look at SOME of the dayz players. 


sorry if this was poorly written, or misspelled. 

i just ran past that little town just before Elektro. one friendly bambi came to check me out and was acting friendly. i gave him one of my canteens and some food. just seconds after that 2 other bambies came running to me with fists up. i shot both of those sad bastards down.


i'm on my way to hunt loot hoppers to Elektro firestation :)

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My interactions with other people in DayZ have largely been non-hostile.


Not necessarily friendly, but most of them don't result in someone dying.


To tar all players with the same brush is a little unfounded and unnecessary.

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