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The players of DayZ Ruin the game

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There are way to many Players out there that are way to use to how DayZ was as a mod that they Continue to Ruin the game.  I have been SOS 30 times now when All i have is well A bag of rice.  They made this game More Interactive with more things to deal with such as colds and eventually camping and cooking food.  They added Handcuffs So instead of Killing players they use them and steel their Things Like a bandit  Is defined as  But yet players Wanna be A--Hats and Kill on sight Because OH That Bag of Rise is such a treat to me. If they want the food they can simply go up and ASK if then they do not or try to run away then Kill them or  wound them so U can take it and run.  Sadly with how the MOD was People play this like its Still Arma 2  or they play it like it is COD.

         Why I am writing this is to really rant right now because I was just playing on a NO KILL server and I got killed 3 times by Players that are Stupid as all hell And because of that I uninstalled the game and will be working on getting a Refund because I can see this game being the same Trash that the mod was Because of the players.  Yes I enjoy PVP in games like this but I can not stand Getting killed by some guy When I have Nothing worth killing me over because 99% of the time I have no guns if anything a Shovel But OH WOW Whats a shovel going to do VS a player 100 feet away from me with a gun..........The game is full of this and Well because players/ People in general and really more so other gamer's are just complete Skilless pathetic Scrubs. They cant 1v1 someone so everyone kills others with nothing and somehow that makes them feel like they are pro. 


Game is complete Trash.  Alpha or not It being Alpha Doesn't Redeem the fact that the Players that SOS or Shoot you even though you just told them you are friendly and also Still have nothing On you Kill games like this off. 

Edited by Notofthiswar
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It's quite unfair to look at the alpha as if it was a fully released game. There are a lot of things that are missing and I predict that there will be ways to eliminate some forms of killing on sight to have it happen less commonly. It's one of the pillars to DayZ.

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Man i just tried posting a thread about the amount of KoS, your just gonna get trolled, nobody cares.


Its an open battlefield game right now, where you loot up avoid zombies (nobody wastes ammo on them), then hide in the towns or hills and ruin peoples dayz experience just to get a


kick out of it and a laugh.


Just wait till vehicles are added, It will be a big open Battlefield 4 map.. thats my opinion atleast with the way its going

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I completly get your points, but it sounds as if you spend your time on the coastline. 

here use this and go north to NWAF

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Why would you want to play on a "NO KILL" server? That completely defeats the purpose of the game. What do you do after you get all your gear and there's nothing left to do? I for one think the community is pretty great. But if you don't know what you are doing, you get punished hard. That is why there is so much complaining going on about KoS. 

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The tears I love them. OP don't let the door hit you on your way out and thanks for the 30 bucks.

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Why would you want to play on a "NO KILL" server? That completely defeats the purpose of the game. What do you do after you get all your gear and there's nothing left to do? I for one think the community is pretty great. But if you don't know what you are doing, you get punished hard. That is why there is so much complaining going on about KoS. 

This i what I do: Clear a city, help noobs, kill zombies, loot more, fashion sim 2014, Roleplay rob people, snipe bandits, find rare shit, be a doctor, set up a shop in Berez

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The tears I love them. OP don't let the door hit you on your way out and thanks for the 30 bucks.

That is hardly an appropriate response

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I feel that weapon sounds being as loud as the sawed-off shotgun is a great way to discourage KoS a bit, if you fire off a weapon as loud as the sawed off shotgun you better get out of there fast because everyone is going to hear that.




they don't all have to be that loud of course but doing things like decreasing the magnums fire rate and increasing its sound generated, making the mosin a single-shot type gun so it is more used to snipe than it is to clear cities/buildings (as well as making it a bit louder unless with the use of a silencer), mabye decrease the M4s range a bit so people cant just go "haha shot from the other side of Kamyshovo with an m4 and you didn't even see me"

Edited by Timecharge

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Im starting to think that online map that shows all the loot is causing most of the problems lol... why would you want to be anywhere else besides where the "Rare" loot is. You have like 3 big cities, a military base, a couple airfields. Thats where everyones going to go, not to friggen staroye so they can get a couple cans of beans and a backpack. Unfortunately I think most people server hop till they have their gear then camp those towns KOS. I dont get how thats fun, but like I said in another post, pretty sure alot of saddists play this game. I blame justin bieber and miley cyrus for creating the youth of today... you little horrible beings =)

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That is hardly an appropriate response


To the OP calling an "Alpha". that people have put their hearts and minds on making a reality and are slowly but surely progressing, trash, it definitely is an appropriate response. 

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So as a fairly new player to this game it took me a bit to figure out how to survive.  Really not knowing anyone that plays it I was on my own.  I can tell you that you CAN survive on your own and do quite well.  The problem is it get boring quick.  Your left with little to do other than camp.   I think that the solution to A keeping people from getting bored and B keeping people from killing each other on sight is to add about 100 times more zombies.  The "herds" would force people to work together to clear areas and gather materials.  I would certainly force people to use their guns on the zombies more.  Thoughts?  

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To the OP calling an "Alpha". that people have put their hearts and minds on making a reality and are slowly but surely progressing, trash, it definitely is an appropriate response. 

Man we all want Rocket to get richer and see this game Thrive trust me, just need less killing. I would totally join a no kill server BTW to get some experience and gear up before I actually join the real world of the KOS Dayz

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So as a fairly new player to this game it took me a bit to figure out how to survive.  Really not knowing anyone that plays it I was on my own.  I can tell you that you CAN survive on your own and do quite well.  The problem is it get boring quick.  Your left with little to do other than camp.   I think that the solution to A keeping people from getting bored and B keeping people from killing each other on sight is to add about 100 times more zombies.  The "herds" would force people to work together to clear areas and gather materials.  I would certainly force people to use their guns on the zombies more.  Thoughts?  


One of the few people whose first post isn't terribru. Anyway to answer your question, there will be more zombies, many many many more and they will be more dangerous than they are now. As for playing lonewolf, try to find some people to play with. There is a whole forum section dedicated to just that.

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Man we all want Rocket to get richer and see this game Thrive trust me, just need less killing. I would totally join a no kill server BTW to get some experience and gear up before I actually join the real world of the KOS Dayz


So you want to gear up on a no kill server to go kill people? 

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The whole point of this game is that we have the freedom to make any decision we want.  Yes, people came from the mod, because the mod is virtually the same concept.  Only difference is that the mod was far buggier and did not run very well at all.  The core of the game remains the same.  You collect loot, want to survive for fear of losing it all, and will do anything to make sure you don't lose the time you spent, even if that means killing someone you deem as a threat.


You are right though, this game is not for you if you can't handle that fact.

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oh look. another one.



Another successful hunting trip...

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One of the few people whose first post isn't terribru. Anyway to answer your question, there will be more zombies, many many many more and they will be more dangerous than they are now. As for playing lonewolf, try to find some people to play with. There is a whole forum section dedicated to just that.

I will check it out!  Thanks!  

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He needs to give us Bikes atleast ASAP, so sick of going all the northwest or northeast to spawn at the coast... AND ONE MORE BITCHRANT before im done, I have also died countless times from finally getting to a barracks just to see a guy log in and kill me. server hopping is definately a huge problem but with that note....


If I join a hardcore server, is my character specifically saved to that server or can you just serverhop from hardcore to hardcore server as well

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He needs to give us Bikes atleast ASAP, so sick of going all the northwest or northeast to spawn at the coast... AND ONE MORE BITCHRANT before im done, I have also died countless times from finally getting to a barracks just to see a guy log in and kill me. server hopping is definately a huge problem but with that note....


If I join a hardcore server, is my character specifically saved to that server or can you just serverhop from hardcore to hardcore server as well



Server hopping and combat logging will eventually be adressed.  It is still very much in alpha, and we have to accept that those things may not be on the top priority list.  Not to sound like a broken record, but we bought into a testing phase knowingly and he actually strongly recommended people don't buy into it if they didn't want to test the game in its early phase.

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He needs to give us Bikes atleast ASAP, so sick of going all the northwest or northeast to spawn at the coast... AND ONE MORE BITCHRANT before im done, I have also died countless times from finally getting to a barracks just to see a guy log in and kill me. server hopping is definately a huge problem but with that note....


If I join a hardcore server, is my character specifically saved to that server or can you just serverhop from hardcore to hardcore server as well


"Hardcore" servers have a separate hive similar to the "Regular" servers, so yes, your character will carry over. I know you are new and all but please do some research. Most of the problems you are mentioning in your posts are being worked on already. Look at the Announcements and information forum, read/watch the devblogs, go on reddit etc. There is a lot of information out there waiting for you which will answer most of your questions or gripes. 

Coming on these forums and complaining about the same thing 100s of others have already complained about isn't going to help you or us in anyway.

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On behalf of all the players of DayZ, I would like to personally offer a heartfelt appology for ruining the game. It won't happen again (the appology, I mean!).



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