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Latest Patch Caused Major Desync For Me. You?

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So yeah, I get desync all the time now can't even play the game thanks to it. Was fine up until the latest patch. 

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I'm actually finding the latest patch much better as far as dsync. Used to get yellow and red chains a fair bit, now not so much. Also seems to be running on my rig better than it was, so no issues here as far as worse desync.

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i fixed my desyncing before the patch now im getting it again all the time and nothing i do works

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No one can help unless you provide your system specs, and any troubleshooting you have done.

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I feel that it may be possibly caused by the various server changes done, that in a short while there will be more patches to assist lower performance machines. As an alpha, the game isn't and can't be expected to be playable at all times. Be ready to lose playability while the devs do their thing and check back regularly to see if there is an improvement.

Post system specs to help get an idea of your machine's capabilities and as many specific issues as you can with as much detail as you can. Doing this will give the devs and others much more info to use and might possibly lead to a fix for your very problem.

Remember, that playing in early alpha stage isn't so much about giving you something to play as it is assisting with the development. Stating what is wrong isn't finding a solution, but giving as much info as possible just might be. If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

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I feel that it may be possibly caused by the various server changes done, that in a short while there will be more patches to assist lower performance machines. As an alpha, the game isn't and can't be expected to be playable at all times. Be ready to lose playability while the devs do their thing and check back regularly to see if there is an improvement.

Post system specs to help get an idea of your machine's capabilities and as many specific issues as you can with as much detail as you can. Doing this will give the devs and others much more info to use and might possibly lead to a fix for your very problem.

Remember, that playing in early alpha stage isn't so much about giving you something to play as it is assisting with the development. Stating what is wrong isn't finding a solution, but giving as much info as possible just might be. If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem.


I tried this, no one got back to me...., 

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So yeah, I get desync all the time now can't even play the game thanks to it. Was fine up until the latest patch. 


Yes, horribly so. Now I can't run without teleporting through buildings. I keep going for a bit when I stop running too.

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I tried this, no one got back to me...., 

Its not that someone will get back to you, its that the problem will be identified by patterns using multiple people's system info and then fixed in a patch. The fix is just easier with more info to go off of...

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For those still desyncing have you changed your in game name recently, like perhaps right after the patch when it reset to the computer's name.  Try putting it back on the name of the computer and see if it solves your issue.  Just be warned if you switch back to another name it might not allow you to go back again.  I had it work like that once and then 2 more times I got it to work by changing the computer's name then the ingame name to a new one.  Now nothing works and every server is severe desync.


Was rather odd cuz I got a good solid 5 days out of this patch till desync reared it's ugly head again....totally thought I was through with that crap ><

Edited by Rushthezeppelin

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