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                Hello. Through extensive research, some of which is extremely controversial, I have pieced together the puzzle of the mosin as an over watch weapon, especially against moving targets. now then.

                My first area to report on is accuracy. I find that on the whole, mosins are better below 400 meters. this is mostly due to the drop and bullet flight time that need to be factored in for any shot over that amount, which complicate the shot and can cost precious seconds to our intrepid sharpshooters. Any shot under 400 meters was observed to have nearly unnoticeable flight time, arriving at target within a second and a half. (approximately) also, while i was using a PU Scope, the bullets path was almost perfectly flat. damage was not reduced by the distance either, it seems.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            On the coast (let the angry "go home CoDler" rants begin!) I found a comfortable spot and lie for about 50 minutes watching the wild life. They ran in nearly straight lines when unaware of other people, or threats of such a nature. as such, and having observed such behavior even among fully geared players in the northern wastes, I have come to the conclusion that most targets are fairly static with their movements, giving the mosin the edge it needs to be considered a marksman's rifle.                                                                                                                                              Now, as I sat on the coast, I finally swallowed my pride and found my range, then proceeded with the damage model test. I was approximately 250-300 meters from a small town, on a position on a hill, above the road, where my camo blended and i was in cover. I started with torso damage. almost every shot (5/6) that hit the torso squarely instantly killed the subject. bleeding was also observed. Clothes were obliterated, as well as their contents. I then moved to the legs. I had no fatalities observed with leg shots. However, bleeding was consistent, and broken legs were observed in about 2/5 of all shots that hit the main part of the lower extremities. no unconsciousness was observed, and combat logging immediately ensued once they had attempted to spot their attacker and failed. (the goal here was science, not a pile of bodies.) Arm shots also seemed to deal reduced damage, with bleeding observed as with parts A and B of the study. Head-shots, needless to say, saved items and clothing on the main body, but are too risky in a world where one miss can mean a life.                                                                                                            So, my overall observation that was taken from this study is: The mosin rifle, while of large size, and having low capacity, high noise, and a slow fire rate, is an excellent over-watch weapon, at least under 400 meters. It has a high first shot kill rate, and the ammo is plentiful. it can blend well with the environment, and come with a good range of attachments to augment its long range capabilities. It is useless in close range firefights, and a pistol is a must if you plan to use the mosin as a primary. An extraordinary gun overall. Thanks for reading!

Edited by LootandLive
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text wall that I didn't read.

BTW: OP, a thesis is not an essay, but is itself the core IDEA of an essay.

Your title should have just been "Essay on the Mosin". But any worthwhile English teacher would have scribbled red ink all over that title as well.

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I would argue that mosin's are incredibly accurate even at 800 meters. I killed a good amount of people who were camping in the cherno tower from that distance. And the bullet/flight time and such, I would say those wouldn't -really- matter since at any distance over 300m you should only take the shot if you are 100% sure the bullet will hit.

All your points are good though, although the one hit kill rate is iffy, I've had several instances where my targets survived the first shot, but that may have been due to decreased damage over distance. There has been a time where a guy shot me in the legs 2 meters away and I survived, so there's that.

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unfortunately, i haven't had as much testing with a LRS as with a PU. too bad. once i get one, ill post again if this post is read at all.

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Break that wall of text up with paragraphs then proof read for grammar and spelling errors. Btw I love the Mosin.

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In summary, the thesis is the bread of the essay sandwich and the paragraph is the knife. 

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In summary, the thesis is the bread of the essay sandwich and the paragraph is the knife. 

what's the butter?

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what's the butter?


Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence.


Seriously OP, fix your post and people may actually bother to read it.

Edited by weedmasta

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What's sad about this post is that it attempts to be pretentious, but fails even at that. A for effort, but I think you would benefit from an English composition class. Not only does your writing fail to express what you mean, but what you mean is wrong. The Mosin is equally effective at all ranges, and arguably the best gun in the game. 



Edited by Solopopo

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what's the butter?

butter, mustard (Dijon), mayo, relish and other dressings would be ideas that support your thesis...

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I find that on the whole, ....

Preparations A through G were all complete failures....

But on the whole, I feel pretty good about preparation H...

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Since the latest patch, I've been able to hit within about a 8 inches of my point of aim at 700 meters with a mosin with a long range scope and a compensator.

Probably good enough to hit a stationary target if you aim at the center of mass (roughly a person's sternum).


Have not tried hitting a moving target at that range.


Also, with the compensator and a PU scope, the thing is deadly accurate, within 2 inches, at 300 meters.

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Yes please paragraphs are needed (I've read it).

Personally I think weapon analysis are kinda moot, when Rocket himself said, that guns have unrealistic/wrong attributes so I guess their behavior will change a lot.


Guns definitely will need big overhaul since now they shoot pretty randomly most of the time.

I've played Red Orchestra 2 recently and I love how guns behave there. Full auto weapons kick like a mule, bolt action is very precise, with LMG you need to go prone and deploy bipod...



Also, with the compensator and a PU scope, the thing is deadly accurate, within 2 inches, at 300 meters.


So with PU score, mosin is more accurate then with hunting optics? Gosh I would hate, if weapon accuracy is based on scopes, that would make zero sense.

Edited by Hombre

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maybe you should see how many 1 hit kills you get in torso on healthy targets...



and wtf? 1.5seconds is "unnoticeable flight time" ??!?!  :|

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Thank you. As you may have noticed, this IS NOT microsoft office.... its hard to make paragraphs, and i wrote this late at night. I did it for fun, so theres no need for reviews even. Its all for the fun of it. And yes, 1.5 is pretty damn fast.

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Guns definitely will need big overhaul since now they shoot pretty randomly most of the time.

I've played Red Orchestra 2 recently and I love how guns behave there. Full auto weapons kick like a mule, bolt action is very precise, with LMG you need to go prone and deploy bipod...


red orchestra 2 is a joke. Try playing red orchestra or darkest hour if you want a good game

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more text walls pls, I don't know what to do in my spare time

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more text walls pls, I don't know what to do in my spare time

I was honestly trying to be informative, but obviously reading is a thing of the past. Ill have an audio file of morgan freeman reading it for you up next week. stay educated.

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text wall that I didn't read.

BTW: OP, a thesis is not an essay, but is itself the core IDEA of an essay.

Your title should have just been "Essay on the Mosin". But any worthwhile English teacher would have scribbled red ink all over that title as well.

a 300 words essay?! what are you, in the fifth grade?

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Everyone who says that the thesis is the main idea of the essay is wrong, to some extent. In some instances, that is correct. However, university students often write an honors thesis, which is a very lengthy essay. Similarly, master's students write a master's thesis, which is basically a book. hth

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a 300 words essay?! what are you, in the fifth grade?

THANK YOU! by the way, sir, theres more than one meaning for most words. (a proposition stated or put forward for consideration, especially one to be discussed and proved or to be maintained against objections.)

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text wall that I didn't read.

BTW: OP, a thesis is not an essay, but is itself the core IDEA of an essay.

Your title should have just been "Essay on the Mosin". But any worthwhile English teacher would have scribbled red ink all over that title as well.



Don't bash someone who has issues with the language. Especially when he/she doesn't speak english as his or hers first language. Like myself, i try. I sometimes make a mistake, or make a lot of mistakes. You want to bash me for that aswel? I try, your turn.

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                Hello. Through extensive research, some of which is extremely controversial, I have pieced together the puzzle of the mosin as an over watch weapon, especially against moving targets. now then.



1) My first area to report on is accuracy.

I find that on the whole, mosins are better below 400 meters. This is mostly due to the drop and bullet flight time that need to be factored in for any shot over that amount, which complicate the shot and can cost precious seconds to our intrepid sharpshooters. Any shot under 400 meters was observed to have nearly unnoticeable flight time, arriving at target within a second and a half. (Approximately) also, while i was using a PU Scope, the bullets path was almost perfectly flat. damage was not reduced by the distance either, it seems.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

On the coast (let the angry "go home CoDler" rants begin!) I found a comfortable spot and lie for about 50 minutes watching the wild life.

They ran in nearly straight lines when unaware of other people, or threats of such a nature. As such, and having observed such behavior even among fully geared players in the northern wastes, I have come to the conclusion, that most targets are fairly static with their movements, giving the mosin the edge it needs to be considered a marksman's rifle.                                                                                                                                              


2) Now, as I sat on the coast, I finally swallowed my pride and found my range, then proceeded with the damage model test.

I was approximately 250-300 meters from a small town, on a position on a hill, above the road, where my camo blended and i was in cover.

I started with torso damage. almost every shot (5/6) that hit the torso squarely instantly killed the subject. bleeding was also observed. Clothes were obliterated, as well as their contents.

I then moved to the legs. I had no fatalities observed with leg shots. However, bleeding was consistent, and broken legs were observed in about 2/5 of all shots that hit the main part of the lower extremities.

No unconsciousness was observed, and combat logging immediately ensued once they had attempted to spot their attacker and failed. (the goal here was science, not a pile of bodies.) Arm shots also seemed to deal reduced damage, with bleeding observed as with parts A and B of the study. Head-shots, needless to say, saved items and clothing on the main body, but are too risky in a world where one miss can mean a life.                



=> So, my overall observation that was taken from this study is: The mosin rifle, while of large size, and having low capacity, high noise, and a slow fire rate, is an excellent over-watch weapon, at least under 400 meters. It has a high first shot kill rate, and the ammo is plentiful. it can blend well with the environment, and come with a good range of attachments to augment its long range capabilities. It is useless in close range firefights, and a pistol is a must if you plan to use the mosin as a primary. An extraordinary gun overall. Thanks for reading!



Srsly guys, stop bi†ching about the post.

Just take real 3-4mins. and read it.

I don't see the "problem"...

Edited by irishroy
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text wall that I didn't read.

BTW: OP, a thesis is not an essay, but is itself the core IDEA of an essay.

Your title should have just been "Essay on the Mosin". But any worthwhile English teacher would have scribbled red ink all over that title as well.

A thesis above a high school education is much more than a simple paragraph synopsis of the purpose of a paper/essay. A proper thesis can be several pages and go into detail. While I will agree that this isn't a thesis nor an essay, I will say that it provides solid insight into mosin damage on particular body parts.

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