joeymp 27 Posted January 25, 2014 The engine that powers the new game, The Division. Hopefully DayZ 2 will look like this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geckofrog7 1169 Posted January 25, 2014 (edited) DayZ 2GTFO PLS :D(Jk, but seriously...) Edited January 25, 2014 by Geckofrog7 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SalamanderAnder (DayZ) 1747 Posted January 25, 2014 20 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ItsJustKfoss 16 Posted January 25, 2014 Not the right engine for this game type but the game looks epic man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkwaveDomina 1099 Posted January 25, 2014 It looks impressive, but "smokes and mirrors" comes to mind. It's probably a great engine for single player games but I doubt it's actually rendering anywhere near as much as that trailer seems to be implying. At the beginning it looked pre-rendered, the Manhattan skyline ended up looking like a skybox during the gameplay sequence. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joeymp 27 Posted January 25, 2014 It is an open world always online game like DayZ, not single player or linear. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkwaveDomina 1099 Posted January 25, 2014 It is an open world always online game like DayZ, not single player or linear. And how big is the map, anything like 225km²? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ghostflux 100 Posted January 25, 2014 (edited) It would be a game most PC's couldn't run. Edited January 25, 2014 by Ghostflux 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkwaveDomina 1099 Posted January 25, 2014 Size doesn't really matter nearly as much as you may think. A large empty world is even easier to accomplish then a small filled up world. But Chernarus+ is a very full world, for a mostly rural landscape. I am no expert on game engines but from what I have read about this board they tend to only support specific maximum map sizes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
svisketyggeren 662 Posted January 25, 2014 The engine that powers the new game, The Division. Hopefully DayZ 2 will look like this. I dont think that engine could handle the amount of grief and nagging that Dayz players produce. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
noblue 27 Posted January 25, 2014 there's absolutely no evidence that this engine could provide what dayz's engine does we have a couple trailers that show small-scale maps, and the vague promise of a larger map. For all we know, this game will have a bunch of instanced areas, and no real "open world" people who fucking lose it over an early trailer are part of the problem with the video game community 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Madshot 0 Posted January 25, 2014 The engine has issues, but I feel it was the best pick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Awruk 216 Posted January 25, 2014 (edited) Snowdrop engine + thirdperson = still shit Just checked, only on CrapBox and CrapStation4, I'll be damned if that game is anything like DayZ. Full loot? Open PvP? Permadeath?! No one would make a game like that for consoles. EDIT: lol'd at that fucking wallhack scan to check for enemies inside hahaha Edited January 25, 2014 by Awruk 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gerandar 212 Posted January 25, 2014 It is an open world always online game like DayZ, not single player or linear. its more of a counter-strike style game with online servers, huge map but hardly a MMO being that current max is 40 players. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
waffen-79 32 Posted January 25, 2014 as opposed to dayz? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Defalus 8 Posted January 25, 2014 To me Dayz is one of the best looking games out there. It might be just me though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
erocker 87 Posted January 25, 2014 What if dogs were cats and it rained skittles all day? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PoebusApolloHC 24 Posted January 25, 2014 Snowdrop engine + thirdperson = still shitJust checked, only on CrapBox and CrapStation4, I'll be damned if that game is anything like DayZ. Full loot? Open PvP? Permadeath?! No one would make a game like that for consoles.EDIT: lol'd at that fucking wallhack scan to check for enemies inside hahahaWoah we got a first person only, ultra-realism elitist over here! As the saying goes, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, so that must mean even more when said book is a year or more away from being released.IE. Don't make judgements about a game/engine that you have never played nor have sufficient knowledge about. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trigger Hippy 176 Posted January 25, 2014 It looks impressive, but "smokes and mirrors" comes to mind. It's probably a great engine for single player games Did you even watch the video? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted January 25, 2014 Don't fall for Ubisofts bullshit. Ubisoft is notorious for downgrading games or flatout using bullshot footage before the game comes out. I promise you all that the game will look nothing like that when its out. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YeBittenDog 106 Posted January 25, 2014 Hopefully DayZ 2 will look like this. GTFO. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dallas 5195 Posted January 25, 2014 This is a concept video and so far, we've only seen a street and a police station and 3-4 voice actors pretend playing from a written script. It unfortunately reminded me of the first gameplay video from WarZ, where a single person walked around a corner, walked through two buildings, activated two zombie encounters, while pretend talking to a dude, allegedly standing out of sight on a highway overpass. We've seen nothing from The Division, but this gameplay trailer, which I believe, at no point stated this is actual gameplay footage. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Atomizer 53 Posted January 25, 2014 The division seems more like GTA style, where 99% of the buildings are not enterable, and on a smaller(yet more heavily urban) map, sure it looks nice, but with just that video to go off, I doubt it would handle the DayZ SA map with most buildings enterable(and hopefully ALL by release, though limited by performance).Not to mention, one of the things on Rockets list is improved graphics, which I assume means an upgrade to the shaders, sure, it wont look as good as that video, but it will have a larger more detailed map(in terms of enterable buildings and loot) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djporternz 644 Posted January 25, 2014 Hard to tell what Snowdrop is or isn't as the only information presently available for it has obviously been passed through the PR machinery several times. No hard data or numbers are avialable anywhere, and TBH, that trailer and the other shorter videos available are all slow-pan pre-rendered 'showcases'. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Furtherado 100 Posted January 25, 2014 Why is everyone so keen on great graphics? I just don`t get it, the graphics for DayZ are perfectly fine, they do the job and more.With great graphics + all of the features and 95% enterable buildings + up to 100 players only people with the most powerful machines will be able to play the game at a reasonable level. Graphics DONT make a game, people still play chess some 2000+ years after it was invented. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites