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Bow and Fishing, Mining

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Bow is basic weapon for survivor. Will it be implemented in game?

Fishing is same case. 

Mining is good activity for survivor in the wild, what is your opinion?

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First point yes

Second point yes


Third point, I think you are looking for mine-craft mate, this isn't Minecraft...... 

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Pretty sure bows, crossbows, and fishing will be added in to Standalone.


Mining?  Mining is rather counterproductive to surviving, as you use a lot of energy and resources for very little gain in comparison.  (Assuming you have a yard) go out into your yard with a shovel.  Start digging.  You'll probably need a pickax eventually, but let me know when you find iron ore or anything useful (buried pipes and cables do not count).  Okay skip all that, now you've got a chunk of iron ore...or at least you think it's iron ore...now what?  This isn't Minecraft where you can make a forge out of rocks and just toss charcoal inside and you'll have a nice shiny iron ingot free of impurities and ready to work into something usable, which is a whole other set of tools and resources.  What are you going to make now that you have some iron?  A gun?  A sword?

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1. Dean said that he wanted bows in the game.


2. Fishing is very likely to come into the game.


3. What? This isn't Rust dude.

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Fishing would be nice feature.

Edited by Warheart

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Pretty sure bows, crossbows, and fishing will be added in to Standalone.


Mining?  Mining is rather counterproductive to surviving, as you use a lot of energy and resources for very little gain in comparison.  (Assuming you have a yard) go out into your yard with a shovel.  Start digging.  You'll probably need a pickax eventually, but let me know when you find iron ore or anything useful (buried pipes and cables do not count).  Okay skip all that, now you've got a chunk of iron ore...or at least you think it's iron ore...now what?  This isn't Minecraft where you can make a forge out of rocks and just toss charcoal inside and you'll have a nice shiny iron ingot free of impurities and ready to work into something usable, which is a whole other set of tools and resources.  What are you going to make now that you have some iron?  A gun?  A sword?



I think, Mining is useful for making part vehicle as engine and etc. The second, you will able to do own bracelet or tools (shovel). I know the game is Survivor but people who live in the wild is one activity of many.

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I'd say no mining. I could see foraging though. Strictly for medicinal and nutrition needs. Maybe you pick a good mushroom? Maybe you pick a bad mushroom? Maybe you pick the fun mushroom? weeeeeeeee

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Bows, fishing yes mining hmm maybe not but some crafting id like to see personally before going into a zed apoc town in just my jeans and a shirt id atleast grab a bloody big branch to bat them away with lol .


once i had a knife a pointy stick spear 2 knives a stick with knife at the end taped on lol. Make my own bow ( traded in a heart beat for a already pro made one) stuff to make it more survival lol still have guns lots different guns just less of them .


Asking to much ???probably but you get the idea lol

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 I don´t think you can mining gold and similiar stuff. I think, you will able to mine coal, wood or iron. These things used to use for all centuries and probably wiil use after apocalypse.


my plan


wood + iron  = item tools  as shovel, axe, bracelet and more.

coal = fire, coke oven

wood  = shelter, fire, watch and more

Edited by Poseidon11
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I think, Mining is useful for making part vehicle as engine and etc. The second, you will able to do own bracelet or tools (shovel). I know the game is Survivor but people who live in the wild is one activity of many.



Your talking about taking a piece of Iron and making a working car engine with very limited tools...I really don't know if you're trolling or just that naive.  Realism is the key in DayZ, we're not gonna be able to just craft stuff from (literal) raw materials.


Watch this, this is a guy who knows what he's doing, has all the equipment he needs (which we won't have in the zombie apoc) and has a peice of prepared metal already and it took him quite a few hours to just make a tomahawk.  (I plan on buying one of these from him btw)


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i would say crossbow is pretty much confirmed, but a compound bow would be cool to.  OR IMPROVISED LONGBOW MADE OUT OF STICKS AND SHIT OMG

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All the easily mined minerals have already been extracted from the surface of the earth.

Scavenging yes, mining no.

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