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Mythical 'Healthy' Status

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Hi all,


I have been trying for quite a while now to get the, i call, fabled 'healthy' status.

Now, I have literally sat next to a well, drinking my fill, and ate until i was full, as well as taking vitamins. I had members of my clan bringing food to me for a few hours, and not once did 'healthy' or any other message pop up.

This really needs to stop being so abstract, I understand where Rockets trying to go, I really do, but even if you haven't eaten for 2 days and you donated blood (bad idea btw) you would start to produce new blood (red and white cells, plasma etc). Why do you have to be 'full' to regain blood? I know their is the saline bags and obvious blood bags, but still.

I'm not asking for COD level regenerating health, but you should gain blood at (if its still 12000, as in the mod) about 750 - 1000 every 20 min.

Does anybody else have trouble getting the 'healthy' status? do you like the current system or would you change it?

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Eat tons of food, then drink water. Remember that water is consumed when you eat. You have to eat A LOT more than you think in order to get healthy. For me it was 4 rice, a full dried milk, and a few cans of food until I finally got 'healthy'.


Only thing I would change, is I wish we had an actual bar/meter to show where our blood, health, food and thirst were. The current indication system is extremely vague, and difficult to read for color blind players.

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As soon as I spawn in I make my best attempt to find 2-3 of rice or cereal, then either fresh fruit or vitamins. And only after I've eaten that I go to a well and drink. I always have healthy status within an hour of spawning in.
One of my friends has a lot of trouble obtaining it but he always fills up at a well before eating anything, so from my experience I think that may be why you aren't getting it?

Also there's only 5000 blood in the standalone.

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I have no trouble getting the status try rice seems to work the best as it is high in energy, be sure to have plenty of water or a well nearby eat 20-30% of the rice and drink your fill!

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Watch this dudes (Merino) youtube videos on dayz. He does a great job of explaining the health system. I actually really like it.. It's so simple on the surface, but pretty complex underneath...


http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9YSGX22B6Z3k9-hJzJcz4w (Merino's channel)


(specifically on food and water consumption)


also of note: just because you are full, doesn't mean you have the maximum amount of water or food. Once both of those are satiated, and you are above a certain level of blood (can't recall atm), you will observe the healthy status.


Think of it not so much as food and water, but being properly hydrated and having a proper amount of energy/calories. When we spawn in we are in pretty rough shape and it takes a while to fulfill that. Our stomachs have a limit on what we can take in so people see the "i'm stuffed..etc." notification and they think they are good.. That is not the case.


Some of Merino's data might be out of date, since they "balanced stomach capacity". I am pretty sure they made the capacity smaller from my experience so far, so this "problem" you speak of may seem even worse... However, I like it and it makes sense to me.. all in all this is still a game, and if they made things like how far you could live on a can of beans or canteen of water, I think it would detract from the game.

Edited by wolf-mind
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Watch this dudes (Merino) youtube videos on dayz. He does a great job of explaining the health system. I actually really like it.. It's so simple on the surface, but pretty complex underneath...




also of note: just because you are full, doesn't mean you have the maximum amount of water or food. Once both of those are satiated, and you are above a certain level of blood (can't recall atm), you will observe the healthy status.


yeah, I've watched his video's before, but it seems an extremely odd way of doing things, zero feedback and being vague as hell about how to do things.

so your current blood level effects if you regain blood or not? that's got to be the stupidest thing I've heard of in gaming as a whole.


As soon as I spawn in I make my best attempt to find 2-3 of rice or cereal, then either fresh fruit or vitamins. And only after I've eaten that I go to a well and drink. I always have healthy status within an hour of spawning in.

One of my friends has a lot of trouble obtaining it but he always fills up at a well before eating anything, so from my experience I think that may be why you aren't getting it?

Also there's only 5000 blood in the standalone.


like I said, no matter what i eat or drink, it doesn't appear.

really? it matters what order you eat/drink in? that's a bit of a cock eyed way of going about things, isn't it?

only 5000? thought they would have had a bit more than that


Eat tons of food, then drink water. Remember that water is consumed when you eat. You have to eat A LOT more than you think in order to get healthy. For me it was 4 rice, a full dried milk, and a few cans of food until I finally got 'healthy'.


I was eating/drinking till it was saying i was stuffed after every action, by the time i finished trying, i got so fed up i ate/drank until i threw up (I know this empties everything) but nothing.

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I linked an actual video in my post.. That is about as definitive as it gets. I have looked into it a lot, and I don't think there is any better info out there.

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yeah, I've watched his video's before, but it seems an extremely odd way of doing things, zero feedback and being vague as hell about how to do things.

so your current blood level effects if you regain blood or not? that's got to be the stupidest thing I've heard of in gaming as a whole.



like I said, no matter what i eat or drink, it doesn't appear.

really? it matters what order you eat/drink in? that's a bit of a cock eyed way of going about things, isn't it?

only 5000? thought they would have had a bit more than that



I was eating/drinking till it was saying i was stuffed after every action, by the time i finished trying, i got so fed up i ate/drank until i threw up (I know this empties everything) but nothing.


Sounds to me like you need to rewatch the video again.


There's only 5000 blood and there's also 5000 health.  You lose health and blood when you take damage, and health will only increase when you're regening AND your blood is full.   0 blood won't kill you, but 0 health will.


When you eat/drink something, it goes into your stomach first, and then is digested over time into your water and energy pools.  Most foods either have a positive or negative water amount along with their energy amount.  For example, with rice you'll need to take a sip from a canteen every time you eat some of the rice to maintain your current water level.  You'll have to drink even more beyond that to increase it.


In order to achieve regeneration, you'll need 3000 water and 3500 energy for light regeneration (1 blood/sec) or 3500 water and 5000 energy for full regeneration (3 blood/sec).  You get the hunger and thirst messages at 600 energy and 2000 water, respectively.  An entire can of beans gives you 462 energy.  You'll need to eat about 10 cans of beans after you stop getting messages to just barely have enough energy for full regen.  If you are moving or lose water or energy via other means (vomiting, being sick, etc) you'll need to eat/drink more to keep your levels up.


Finally, just a tip here, vitamins provide no nutritional value and serve no purpose medically atm.  They are just a filler model and a planned feature, but they do nothing for you right now.

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yeah, i'd the bug recently where I just couldn't get healthy, just take a hit from a zombie, clean your wounds with alcohol, bandage.. bob's your uncle you will get healthy again shortly..

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yeah, i'd the bug recently where I just couldn't get healthy, just take a hit from a zombie, clean your wounds with alcohol, bandage.. bob's your uncle you will get healthy again shortly..


Unlikely. Alcohol tincture isn't active in the game yet, in fact infections aren't active. Atm it is all about the eating. And yeah as stated already you need to eat a lot. But the "Healing" and "Healthy" boxes will appear when you do.

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I've found it quite easy to get "healthy" in my experience. I make it my first priority when I spawn in with a new character. Eating as you go makes it so much easier and faster than stockpiling a bunch of food and waiting to eat it at a water pump.

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I got that Healthy status the day before the patching.


I was badly hurt before, then drank some water and ate rice. I also got a saline bag from a very kind stranger.

P.s.: He did for a reason, he got my M4A1 with 2x30Mag as payment... ^^

My colors came back and the blur disappeared, the notice "healing" switched to "healthy" but with a black background.


I don´t know if running affects the healing, I am the kind of guy walking through the forest and hiding in every bush. Maybe slow movement helps healing... I dunno.

Edited by elPropofolian

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Find water, energy level is less important. you have a virtual stomach and I like this. 


As in real life, your body can only process so many nutrients at a time .This is how the game is setup. Even if you eat  whole pizza, you will not absorb that whole pizza. get my drift? you will shit most of it out. 


I am a new player as of 5 days ago. 


I have no problems getting healthy status. 


1: find water, drink until player is STUFFED ... 

2: find food ...Eat w/e food you can find ... 

3: sip water whenever you find it

4: keep eating food ..

5: above all else, alternate these things and KEEP YOUR STOMACH STUFFED.... 


you will stay healthy for QUITE a while ... 


your energy and water levels cannot max out on ONE stomach full (as in real life) you need to eat and drink regularly and CYCLE food/drink through your stomach to keep those nutrients going into your body ... 


I never thought "healthy" was a problem to get ..you just need to understand how the stomach works. A full stomach does not = full stats. that is the point. It is just the most you can digest at that time .... you need to keep your stomach full of water and food so your "body" can stock pile it into energy/water, ,your body can hold a lot more than the stomach ..you just have to keep eating and drinking and avoid exertion, 


Dont sprint unless in combat or unless you have containers of water or food. I just jog or walk everywhere I go unless I anticipate contact ..I only use sprint to evade ..or to move from cover to cover ...or in a hot zone or when approaching an area of high probability of contact. 


If you are sprinting to travel, you totally miss the point of the system ..and probably dont train much IRL yourself and you are wasting a lot of water/energy 


As it stands I find the current system highly immersive and realistic. 

Edited by Photonic

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Im tryn to get Healthy atm.. you have to eat a carload of food if youre in a not so good condition.q



Well man you paid a high price for gettin healthy ;) ... you can be glad that he didnt shot you after you gave him the carbine.


But this gives me hope that not everyone exept my mates are asshats that kill on sight. :D


:beans: for the man who helped ya out...

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you guys are wasting your time eating and picking up vitamins, it's supposed to prevent and fight infections, has nothing to do with healthy status.  Since infections aren't in the game yet it's a waste of time eating them and a waste of space carrying them around.  I have had people swearing to me that vitamins gets you healthy faster, but i'm always healthy before them because i don't waste time with vitamins ;-)

Edited by GungZA

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Correct, vitamins have no effect on the healthiness you are talking about.


In my eyes, 'healthy' is pretty badly worded and is commonly seen as "in perfect health", but it's definitely not that. It's rather "your body is a sufficiently good condition to endure and recover from hardships".


The last three builds made some changes. Namely you now need less energy and water to enter the regeneration stages and it's much easier to get at least slow regeneration, but also your stomach fills up quicker. In total, you will need to eat and drink less to achieve the same effects as previously.


Since the making of this video I worked out more precisely how those statuses are assigned, but it's pretty complex to explain and is tied to the way it is coded, so I can't just annotate it. Unfortunately, those statuses are also suffering from the issues caused by the fact that statuses with an infinite duration do not get removed when the requirements for them aren't met anymore. The status display and the actual effect are treated separately and unfortunately aren't perfectly synced up and may behave differently.


The short version: As soon as you fulfill the energy and water requirements, you will start regenerating blood, but won't see a status change if you aren't healthy yet. Once you 1. fulfill the energy requirements for full regeneration 2. fulfill the water requirements for full regeneration 3. your blood has fully regenerated, which may take up to 20 minutes, the healthy status should show up. Once you have been healthy, it will behave as described in the video. 

Edited by (TMW) Merino
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@ BadAsh - cleaning your wounds with the Alcohol Tincture does give a responding status such as "My wounds feel cleaner" after a time.  However like you said, infections don't seem to be in the ame atm so it's likely a moot point - but the Tincture is indeed active.  Unless they just shut that down somehow in the latest patch - if that's what you're saying, you may very well be right. 

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@ BadAsh - cleaning your wounds with the Alcohol Tincture does give a responding status such as "My wounds feel cleaner" after a time.  However like you said, infections don't seem to be in the ame atm so it's likely a moot point - but the Tincture is indeed active.  Unless they just shut that down somehow in the latest patch - if that's what you're saying, you may very well be right. 


Yes, sorry it was badly worded. I know it triggers some messages, in that way you can say it is active (as are antibiotics), but it has zero effect on your player.

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You do realise that this video you linked is pre-patch and that they changed the balance of the stomach?


'Cause it doesn''t look like you thought of that.

Edited by BrainlessZombie

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The "Healthy" status is SO Mythical, that I achieve it on every character that survives more than an hour... here's how


1. Find Rice

2. Find water pump

3. Eat the entire bag of rice

4. Drink from the water pump until "stuffed" status appears.

5. Go about your business for about 20 minutes, then eat whatever you've collected and drink again.. Healthy status should appear.


You WILL be healthy if you follow these 5 easy steps. 

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You do realise that this video you linked is pre-patch and that they changed the balance of the stomach?


'Cause it doesn''t look like you thought of that.


Yes, obviously. It's only intended to be used to describe the process, which the OP did not understand. As noted by my initial sentence in my post stating that it does a good job of describing the process. The general basis of the changes in the new patch have already been addressed in previous posts (see Merino's post). It doesn't change how the process works, which is again, what I refer to.


Edit: Holy crap dude, I just went back to look at this post again and realized that I even state that the information in the video is outdated from the changes to stomach capacity balancing... You my friend get the burlap sack award.

Edited by wolf-mind

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The only character I ever had, that wasn't healthy, was my first one (who died of thirst and hunger by the way :D ). After that I did some research and found Merino's medical guidelines, and my characters have been healthy ever since :). Usually takes me about 2-3 hours from spawn to get my character the "healthy" status with my slow play style.


My friends were having trouble with it as well. They just weren't eating often enough to get that "energy" level up, so I started to remind them every now and then. Even though it takes a bit of time to sit down and eat some beans, it's well worth it.

Edited by Badass Preacher

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