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Cheater, Cheater everywhere (IMHO)

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again got instakilled by a cheater who just logged in to the game and no fucking minute after he joined (was alone on the server until then) i was dead, it's just like in the mod nothing changed mass teleports, abusive admins and ridiculous impropabilities still fucking up the entire game (again) and soon this will ending up in thousand of clustered private hives where the problems will be even worse and everyone will just do their own thing instead of contributing to the game :(


I go now lamenting about my crushed dreams...

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Can't say I've encountered or heard of this...maybe you just had terrible luck and someone was spawning near where you spawned?






couldnt help it lol

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...I have zero idea, what you're talking about, in all of my 200+ hours i haven't ran in to a single hacker.

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I don't understand the point of this post, there is nothing helpful, constructive or conducive to a conversation.

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Where were you killed? If in military building or ATC tower then possible it was just server hopper.

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I don't understand the point of this post, there is nothing helpful, constructive or conducive to a conversation.



A thread with just mindless bitching on the DayZ forums...NEVER!

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...I have zero idea, what you're talking about, in all of my 200+ hours i haven't ran in to a single hacker.


Well - i have run into some before battle eye. Now i don't see them at all but i know  they exist. Stealth hackers _~ rarely get banned. 

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I am so awesome and good at this game that when I am farming loot on a server all by myself and someone joins in and kills me, it must be a hacker.

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I am so awesome and good at this game that when I am farming loot on a server all by myself and someone joins in and kills me, it must be a hacker.


Happened to me ONCE what you are describing but i contributed that to a server jumper who just loots one spawn - feels like a bad luck. :P 

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I got knocked unconscious by any invisible zombie before.  Only reason i knew thats what happened was that 1 of 4 members of our group could see him (the guy without a weapon of course).


On a separate note, you ever seen a pant less man boxing an invisible opponent, worth the price of admission, especially when you life is on the line!

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I am so awesome and good at this game that when I am farming loot on a server all by myself and someone joins in and kills me, it must be a hacker.


Who woulda thought someone else would be spawning in at a high yield military loot location near my position?!

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I have seen people teleporting 100m at a time, scaring the crud out of others from a distance. Once I was hiding in the woods looking around in 3p, when I see a guy porting his way to elektro with an axe out. As soon as he was close enough  (I was hiding in the woods in 3p) he ported right on me with a little kid voice (Creepy). Must have been an identifying hack too that could see people across the map or in a certain vicinity.... Who else would like to meet a hacker irl?

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I have seen people teleporting 100m at a time, scaring the crud out of others from a distance. Once I was hiding in the woods looking around in 3p, when I see a guy porting his way to elektro with an axe out. As soon as he was close enough  (I was hiding in the woods in 3p) he ported right on me with a little kid voice (Creepy). Must have been an identifying hack too that could see people across the map or in a certain vicinity.... Who else would like to meet a hacker irl?


Sounds like it could be a data networking/rubberbanding issue

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i met an hacker at elektro while PvP with a friend , we went in the house and i got one shotted , saying to my friend someone was behind me. He checked and got one shotted too. I didn't respawned to see what happened when i saw a guy coming through the wall to loot us ...

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the teleporting is a hack and not a networking issue LOL, ppl are so sheltered about hackers its redic.

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i met an hacker at elektro while PvP with a friend , we went in the house and i got one shotted , saying to my friend someone was behind me. He checked and got one shotted too. I didn't respawned to see what happened when i saw a guy coming through the wall to loot us ...


Translation: I am uninformed about the current state of the game, so when I see something out of the ordinary I immediately assume it is a hacker. Oh and he killed us both and we didn't see him, that definitely makes him a hacker.

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i met an hacker at elektro while PvP with a friend , we went in the house and i got one shotted , saying to my friend someone was behind me. He checked and got one shotted too. I didn't respawned to see what happened when i saw a guy coming through the wall to loot us ...

How is one-shot a hack?

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the teleporting is a hack and not a networking issue LOL, ppl are so sheltered about hackers its redic.


Teleporting is a hack yes. Is there a teleporting hack right now in Dayz SA? I doubt it. The teleporting that you do see is shitty network code combined with client side issues (ping or hardware lag). I teleport around according to my friends as well sometimes when I play with buddies on a US server (being in Europe myself).

Edited by weedmasta

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the teleporting is a hack and not a networking issue LOL, ppl are so sheltered about hackers its redic.


Never did i say a teleporting hack was for sure a networking issue. it was an implied suggestion. I just don't like to make blanket statements such as "yup it's a hack" regarding things I don't completely know the entire story about lol. Something called being open to alternative possibilities...quite the opposite of sheltered if you ask me :) now button up your shirt darling :P

Edited by DeatHTaX

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Logged into a Nightserver a few weeks ago at an Airfield only me and one other on the server. Open the door of the last building, (creepy as I got no lighting), when inside on comes a light, I jump 10 feet out of my chair and we commence a firefight. He wins and killed me. No he was not a hacker just a dude who was in the same place as me and a better shot.

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again got instakilled by a cheater who just logged in to the game and no fucking minute after he joined (was alone on the server until then) i was dead, it's just like in the mod nothing changed mass teleports, abusive admins and ridiculous impropabilities still fucking up the entire game (again) and soon this will ending up in thousand of clustered private hives where the problems will be even worse and everyone will just do their own thing instead of contributing to the game :(


I go now lamenting about my crushed dreams...



So you were a lone on a server farming loot... were you shot or just died?

If you just died it could have been an invisible zombie or you could have been killed by a glitch.


I was killed by a ladder once.


I have yet to meet any hackers or be killed by invisible people, and to top it off I play on populated servers.

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Could you describe where you were when this "hacker" joined the server? For all we know, you probably were inside a military building looting it and the guy was a server hopper that just managed to spawn inside the room you were in. That or he spawned where you were, which would still be bad luck.

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Much of what is being called hacking is really rubber banding or straight ghosting.  


Server hopping and server hoppers also contribute to this issue.  


I am sure some hacking can happen or is still possible, but with 80 hours in game, I have never seen anything that didn't look like a stability issue.  Well there is the issue where my buddy and I seemed to fall victim to a teleporter and were flung to different areas (me dropping from the sky and dying).


That being said, the video from a week ago where everyone teleported to a player, dropped from the sky and died was compelling.

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I'm amazed by the amount of people mentioning "insta" killed with a haccusation. How infected by the CoD virus are they....

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