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DayZ Spawn Points - Mass Suicide

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Using a third-party map to play a game illustrates perfectly that there is a problem... 



Did you come from the DayZ Mod or was this the first time ever playing DayZ?  I find it hard to believe that a complete n00b would figure these things out on the first play.  Most people I encounter in the game can't even tell what direction north is, let alone find specific towns while running through a forest unaided.  

No I'd never played the mod before, it was literally my first experience.  I just figured that roads would connect other towns, towns would need power and high voltage lines would provide power to larger centres.  I wasn't looking for specific towns I was just looking for the resources to survive.


edit: land need's to be higher then the water otherwise it wouldn't be land, I didn't know which way north was either it didn't matter, survival mattered.


final edit: I did get lost, after walking in the forest for a while I became very committed to walking near roads

Edited by Window Licker

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 I find it hard to believe that a complete n00b would figure these things out on the first play.


You're not supposed to figure them out on your first play. You're supposed to die alone and hungry and scared the first time you play. And the second. And about a dozen more times after that.



 Thus, I can get geared in 15 minutes at Elektro (6 5 min spawns divided by 2 geared bodies) vs 3 hours+ at ANY other spawn point.


You can get geared in 15 minutes at Elektro if you manage to find a geared dead body and if you manage not to get killed in the process. Neither of those are guarantees. Yes, occasionally things work out in your favor and you walk away uninjured with a nice pack full of loot, but that's the exception, not the rule. Over time, across multiple spawns, when you add up 15 minutes times all the times you run into Elektro and find nothing but a bullet to the back of the head, you will quickly find that you're wasting way more time trying to get lucky in Elektro than you would just running inland.
3 hours is a ridiculous exaggeration. You can cover 50+ km in that amount of time. Eastern coast to Vybor military base is like 9km. You can run that in 30 minutes.
Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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No. The solution is absolutely not to cater to players who would rather spend 20 minutes repeatedly suiciding in order to save themselves a 20 minute run. It's senseless effort to cater to a senseless group of players.
Spawn points should not be "convenient."
The solution is to make spawn suicide pointless by locking players to a single point until they're able to survive for at least an hour, or are killed by player-related activity. This way, suicide accomplishes nothing and players will quickly learn that the best way to get to where they want to be is to strap on their jogging shoes and run there, the way it should be.


I like the hour lock thing, but if you survive that long you should get a spawn totaly diffrent than your last one.  I keep getting the same general area and it's getting boring.  I want some random spots.  Good or bad.  Though since last patch I was respawn after the patch and haven't died but once and it was pretty much my same spawn spot I all ways get.

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