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About enlgma

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  1. enlgma

    Those panic killers.

    Seriously, whats wrong with some people? I just have looted a house in elektro, i had 0 gear (not even cloths). I walked into a house with a closed door, walk up until the first stage and there we go. Two guys fully suited with m4's picking up something from the ground and insta shooting, they killed me within 2 secounds.They just spotted me and started to insta shoot. What is wrong with DayZ players nowadays? , this is not the first encounter with people KoS'ing for no reason, even if you have no gear. Im playing alone right now because my people are at work. Any ways to defense myself if this happens again?
  2. enlgma

    Don't fuck with Gas stations.

    They will always win.
  3. Should something like this be added?
  4. enlgma

    More players?

    Hey guys, is there any chance that after DayZ gets it full release, there will be server with more slots? Would be cool to have some action in chernarus. Thinking about 100-150 people more would be awesome :D
  5. enlgma

    Where do mosins spawn?

    Wow, i was looking for a Mosin but found the new shotgun :D
  6. enlgma

    Will a 1440p Monitor kill Performance?

    To have 2 fps more? Sandy Bridges are still Top Notch and OC better then some new models. I have a EVGA Z68 FTW which is a lot better then the new bugged boards intel released, and costs more then some of the new boards. Thats 400€ more for 5% more performance.
  7. Hi guys, im going to buy a 2560x1440p Monitor soon, im planning to play in High settings without HDR / ATOC / ANTIALIASING and AO. Can somone tell me if it looks much better then in 1080p, and if it will kill my performance to under 40 FPS ? Im going to power this with a Titan and a i7 2700k.
  8. Hey guys, im most time between Cherno and Elektro, can somone tell me where mosins spawn? I heard in Schools at the top, but where do they also spawn? I have found two M4's in construction sides, do they also spawn there?
  9. enlgma

    Weapons are to strong and easy to use.

    This forum is a hole of negativity. People jsut complain about people complaining WTF !?
  10. enlgma

    Weapons are to strong and easy to use.

    Im not asking for a casual game with health regen and players which eat 500 bullets, but its not a real firefight if you get oneshotted without any chance to encounter.
  11. So yeah, i don't want to cry - but i need to get rid of my emotions. I have been walking the last three days through cherna and i have lost four fully equipped Characters, i were everywhere. Elektro, Cherno, both military bases, NWAF. I survived everything. But then, i went back to Elektro and a dickhead oneshotted me with his mosin from like 800m. I wasn't even able to hear his shot, i was dead before i noticed the sound. I think its very unfair if fresh players get such a strong gun and kill somone who has survived the last two days with one shot, and his M4 needs like 3 magazines more. Same happened in Krasnostav AF (Climbing the ATC tower down) I tried to kill somone today, i did short burst with my M4 (Distance to target - 300m). And i have hit everything surroundin him, and 40 shots went near him, even i was aiming directly at his corpus. Is this intended? I know its a Alpha, i don't want to complain, just share what happened to me and maybe somone from the dev team will pick this issue up.
  12. enlgma

    New Guba

    I have exactly the same question, can't see shit.
  13. enlgma

    Night Time is Unplayable

    Gas Lamp -> Mole nest
  14. enlgma

    Street Lamps are on?

    Dean should use the light system from ArmA 3, and viola -> its playable at nighttime :D