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My first experience of DayZ

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Well I watched all the videos and looked really good.

I have been running around chased by zombies for three days now without finding food or a gun.

I have mainly been at balota airport but there is just empty cans there

The frustrating thing is not having a weapon to use against the zombies

So I ran to cherno.

When I bumped into another survivor it in Cherno he didnt speak - just commenced the massacre. There were other survivors crawling around on the flooor whilst he "survivor" beat me and the various other survivors us all down brutally with some sort of blunt object. None of us had any weapon.

Incredibly I could not even punch or kick - only to just accept the blows pathetically

He didnt talk as he beat us down - at one point I tried to crawl out of the room - I think my legs were broken but the survivor followed me and finished the job. It was a brutal experience - like something from Hotel Rwanda or some sort of genocide.

So I continued running from zombies without a gun for a few hours. Eventually I stopped playing as it s not much fun being like some sort of homeless tramp whilst all the good players with the bling bling shoot at you and beat you down, silently, and weirdly I might add.

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there are three types of people in this world:

We're reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And the Film Actors Guild are pussies. And Kim Jong Il is an asshole. Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes: assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is: they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate - and it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes, pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves... because pussies are an inch and half away from ass holes. I don't know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know this: If you don't let us fuck this asshole, we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit!

moral, don't be a pussy. log back in and this time don't fucking wander in cherno without a weapon... I mean Jesus!

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man this thread made me laugh. My favourite part was when you tried to crawl away to safety and was brutally bludgeoned to death.

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He didnt talk as he beat us down - at one point I tried to crawl out of the room - I think my legs were broken but the survivor followed me and finished the job. It was a brutal experience - like something from Hotel Rwanda or some sort of genocide.


"I have mainly been at balota airport but there is just empty cans there

The frustrating thing is not having a weapon to use against the zombies"

Check out this map


There you can see where you can find weapons and other tools, take a few minutes to inform your self about this game and you will have a great expirence.

Otherwiese change the thread title

"I suck at DayZ-cause im too lazy to use my brain or read some guides/ask for help"......

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Well I watched all the videos and looked really good.

I have been running around chased by zombies for three days now without finding food or a gun.

I have mainly been at balota airport but there is just empty cans there

The frustrating thing is not having a weapon to use against the zombies

So I ran to cherno.

When I bumped into another survivor it in Cherno he didnt speak - just commenced the massacre. There were other survivors crawling around on the flooor whilst he "survivor" beat me and the various other survivors us all down brutally with some sort of blunt object. None of us had any weapon.

Incredibly I could not even punch or kick - only to just accept the blows pathetically

He didnt talk as he beat us down - at one point I tried to crawl out of the room - I think my legs were broken but the survivor followed me and finished the job. It was a brutal experience - like something from Hotel Rwanda or some sort of genocide.

So I continued running from zombies without a gun for a few hours. Eventually I stopped playing as it s not much fun being like some sort of homeless tramp whilst all the good players with the bling bling shoot at you and beat you down' date=' silently, and weirdly I might add.



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When I bumped into another survivor it in Cherno he didnt speak - just commenced the massacre. There were other survivors crawling around on the flooor whilst he "survivor" beat me and the various other survivors us all down brutally with some sort of blunt object. None of us had any weapon.

Incredibly I could not even punch or kick - only to just accept the blows pathetically

He didnt talk as he beat us down - at one point I tried to crawl out of the room - I think my legs were broken but the survivor followed me and finished the job. It was a brutal experience - like something from Hotel Rwanda or some sort of genocide.

Those were my favorite parts, haha. This is the only "complaining" thread I can really enjoy. I died laughing at "Incredibly I could not even punch or kick - only to just accept the blows pathetically" only because it's really true.

Honestly, since they added melee weapons you should be able to kick, punch, or something to defend yourself to make it more realistic.

Thank you, you made my night. I could just picture you standing there taking it, and then somehow your legs broke and you crawling away thinking you got away, and then him just appear and brutally kill you. I am still laughing.

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Some griefer has never been happier than reading your post, that's what he plays for.

Give it a try when the mod is more advanced, it's still a work in progress.

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dude....made my day....but tell me more pls...i want to know the exact feeling....crawling on the floor with a broken leg....pls tell me :D

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You want boring??? Go pay 60 fucking dollars for Diablo 3.

That game is a goddamn travesty.

At least DayZ was 15$ for Arma II and a free mod. Diablo 3 is a professional game from a top studio.. and it's god awful. I've gotten to act 2's end hoping it'd get better. Now all I want is my money back...

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are u serious about all that "played 3 days still no gun" thing ? i mean...finding no gun and just get bitchslaped by melee i mean...that is just horrible...

i feel sorry for new players that get dominated bye a crowbar or a axe....get the holy shiiiet beatn out of u...breaken your leg...thats just not right -.-

i hope u are in a better place now. axe bless you...ahhhh i mean god bless you sorry

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I lolld

The picture the op painted of the "crowbar bandit" gleefully bludgeoning newbies in Cherno was priceless.

In all seriousness though.. I remember how hard it was getting the hang of things back when I started wi a gun and lots of gear.. I couldn't imagine starting for the first time on the latest patch.

If I could give some advice to the op; just as in a game like battlefield or cod, yeah you're going to have a rough time starting out. But if you're willing to put in the effort to get some good gear you'll find it to be one of the most rewarding gaming experiences you can have

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This game rocks my world...it's just a shame nobody at work plays or I could live the illusion all day.

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@ OP. Learn the damn game before giving up like a giant pussy. THis isnt a "HOLD MY HAND PLEASE DADDY WHILE WE CROSS THE STREET" game bro. One can't simply walk into cherno and expect to be handed a fucking gun as a welcoming present. You must realize this is a SURVIVAL game against zombies and humans. Do you think you're the only weaponless survivor looking for a weapon? FFS man cherno and electro are very common places for people to pillage clean of loot and for bandits to be looking to kill you for your beans.

Learn the damn game before you stumble into a hotbed of conflict HERP DERPIN around as zombie/bandit bait.

It takes all of 1 hour of research to understand the basics of what you should do if you read the newcomings forums, build a general knowledge of the surroundings and layout of the cities and where loot spawns. Seriously man this MOD is only in ALPHA and its simply a lot more amazing and memorable then DIABLOW 3 or many other carebear ass sell out games.

Im sorry but if you're expecting every game to hold your hand and highlight objectives and tell you what you should do with your gaming experience then this isnt for you.

Maybe try again and this time try not to pigeon hole yourself into being someones crowbar fodder. try running from people maybe or talking on direct comms to see if they friendly or not? JUST A THOUGHT!

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He's right though, the wierd idiots who enjoy shooting and killing unarmed survivors never speak, i announce im friendly and unarmed.... get no reply and they proceed to waste ammo killing me for my flashlight...

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Wow I wish I had been there, such a cool experience. Exactly what points dayz apart from most other games.

Nice one sir.

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He's right though' date=' the wierd idiots who enjoy shooting and killing unarmed survivors never speak, i announce im friendly and unarmed.... get no reply and they proceed to waste ammo killing me for my flashlight...


If you arent shooting on sight you are doing it wrong. Grow balls carebear

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If you arent shooting on sight you are doing it wrong. Grow balls carebear

Small correction here:

If you aren't avoiding the big cities until you have a decent gun AND when you obtained it you aren't shooting on sight you are doing it wrong.

BTW: Lots of people at first are extremely frustrated when they start off the game, doesn't mean they are carebears.

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My advice is get the hell off the coast, too many ppl, too much risk. Find a gun more easy you will.

Try find a tent, then you start hording stuff, so when you die just go to tent and rearm, think there still a chance tent can be buggy, but i not experienced buggy tent in latest patch.

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what ppl call griefer is an intended part of the gameplay,dont listen to thoses idiots they will call griefer all the players who got another playstyle. 3dayswithout a gun? you must be really bad at this game. PM me if you need help tho!!!!or goodluck somewhere else

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if you play for a week without finding food or guns then you are doing it very very wrong. Try thinking about what you would do to survive if DayZ was real life... then try doing that in the game.

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