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no more loot in military tents

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it's gone :( WHY?

not even a lousy rotten banana.


also i had i strange bug with a player i've killed.

after painting my mosin i got the nice "only one bullet" bug and i tried to take a look at his mosin.

well... because it wasn't painted there was no bullet bug, but MY mosin (with long range scope) was GONE and his was duplicated. it was in my hand but also still on his body.

that's a really annoying way to lose your long range scope :D

Edited by drunkenteddybear

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scope like the pu and long range have been playing up in inventories long before the update haha

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I can confirm that the loot in the military camp at the NWAF is also empty, after a server restart last night just after the patch.

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Should've lowered chances of loot appearing for all military buildings, instead of making one half useless, and the other half unaffected.

Spreads the loot around better too. Now you can simply skip the tents. Remove some barracks at Balota whilst they're at it.

Edited by Ratiasu
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I've also noticed certain homes that used to always be a sure bet for loot now never have anything (the brown barn looking house with the curved roof and the small green and yellow house) I think some spawn locations might be a lil bugged, i get loot has decreased but it's unusual that it isn't spawning in certain places at all.

i'm waiting for that one time something / anything spawns in those places for me so i can go oh ok it's just crazy low but it hasn't happened yet, so i presume it's the same thing with the military tents, only hangars / barracks for military weapon mods now i guess!

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Hmm i am one of those guys that wanted loot in these areas serverly lowered but none ( havent been to base yet on my way to NEAF ) heading NW from ship wreck.)


Damn i hope they just change it to less not none as you dont want to have an area that big be not even worth looking at lol ( i just dont want to walk away with 5 or 6 clips easily and of different sizes when i hit them ...

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The only thing i had one hell of a time finding through 3 towns and a military base was a canteen. Found everything else just fine for the most part. I am very please with the serious reduction in military grade weapon spawns, such as pistols. I have even noticed the fire stations are now home to quite a variety of loot (and fire extinguishers now, which makes sense when you think about it lol) rather than just pistol ammo, clothes, and magnums. makes you have to search far and wide for whatcha need xD

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Tents aren't spawning things any more, but certain other structures in the tent areas are .. they're just severely reduced. Probably a way to combat server hoppers.. What was happening before the patch is that a server hopper would log in around the tent area, check it for people moving in and out of the tents, and if they didn't see anyone they would run through all the tents, pick up all the cloths/ammo/guns/attachments they needed, then hop to the next server and repeat the process...


Having the loot more spread out across the airfields means they actually have to expose themselves a little more, which increases they odds they're going to get caught and killed.

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Tents aren't spawning things any more, but certain other structures in the tent areas are .. they're just severely reduced. Probably a way to combat server hoppers.. What was happening before the patch is that a server hopper would log in around the tent area, check it for people moving in and out of the tents, and if they didn't see anyone they would run through all the tents, pick up all the cloths/ammo/guns/attachments they needed, then hop to the next server and repeat the process...


Having the loot more spread out across the airfields means they actually have to expose themselves a little more, which increases they odds they're going to get caught and killed.


Knowing those people, they'll just keep server hopping even harder now that the military tent loot is reduced lol. 


Oh deer lurdy caint play dis gayem withowt mai EIGHT MILLION GUN ATTACHMENTS!!!!

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I'll give you guys a Pity *Blank* cause you all look like bambi killing bandits to me, but there is still loot at the tents. Maybe not in the tents, at the tents there are 3 lootable area where ONLY THE LONG RANGE SCOPE SPAWNS IN. So if you guys are looking for a long range scope there still at the tents maybe not in them but at them.


heaven forbid you have to look in *new areas for loot* that is just  crazy talk.

Edited by Uncle Ruckus

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Knowing those people, they'll just keep server hopping even harder now that the military tent loot is reduced lol. 


Oh deer lurdy caint play dis gayem withowt mai EIGHT MILLION GUN ATTACHMENTS!!!!



There are only 3 buildings at either airfield tent city (balota/nwaf) that spawn ANYTHING now, and hangers now spawn less. They used to reliably spawn 3 things... now it seems like they spawn between 1-3.


I've noticed this in other buildings too.. It seemed like the spawn rate for every building was set to 100% guarantee of "X" items spawning in a variety of different placeholders.. Now, it seems the likelihood of those spawn points actually spawning an item has been moderately reduced.. It's possible that tents still spawn SOMETHING, but that the odds are very slim, although more testing/looting will have to be done to know for sure whether this is the case or not.


Either way, I'd say the tents have gone from "high" priority to "extremely low" priority for loading up on rare goodies (like Pristine M4 parts.)


Just to give you an idea... I looted NWAF, Veresnik, Zelenogorsk, and Kamenka military base, and didn't find a single M4.. I did find 2 on the previous server restart, both in Pristine condition.. I also didn't find a single Magpul Buttstock, Long Range Scope, or Magpul HandGrip. In related news, I found 3 (yes, 3!) FNX45 Red Dot sights and 2 FNX Silencers and 2 FNX flashlights!


(Just for info: I work nights, so my "home" server tends to die off as I play.. started full, at 40/40, and by the time I logged off tonight it was just me and 1 other person.. so it's not like I am loot whoring.. just playing on my normal server and normal schedule.. just happens to be busy when I get home and slowly die off through the night.)

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I'll give you guys a Pity *Blank* cause you all look like bambi killing bandits to me, but there is still loot at the tents. Maybe not in the tents, at the tents there are 3 lootable area where ONLY THE LONG RANGE SCOPE SPAWNS IN. So if you guys are looking for a long range scope there still at the tents maybe not in them but at them.


heaven forbid you have to look in *new areas for loot* that is just  crazy talk.



These are the exact 3 buildings I am referring to.. Actually, there's 2 different "types" of buildings, but only 3 "loot locations" at either airfield..


I did take a cursory look around some of the other "locations" at the airfields, such as the tables, broken down Urals, porta-potties, and the "wood floor tents", and didn't manage to find anything else.. but it's possible I missed stuff.

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These are the exact 3 buildings I am referring to.. Actually, there's 2 different "types" of buildings, but only 3 "loot locations" at either airfield..


I did take a cursory look around some of the other "locations" at the airfields, such as the tables, broken down Urals, porta-potties, and the "wood floor tents", and didn't manage to find anything else.. but it's possible I missed stuff.


Well I'm with ya there. I didn't see a single optic in the server I was on, and I spent a good 4 hours hoofin it around to the different military bases and airfields. HOWEVER, I did find a FN red dot in Cherno. That town always just surprises me with its dirty dirty loot :p

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These are the exact 3 buildings I am referring to.. Actually, there's 2 different "types" of buildings, but only 3 "loot locations" at either airfield..


I did take a cursory look around some of the other "locations" at the airfields, such as the tables, broken down Urals, porta-potties, and the "wood floor tents", and didn't manage to find anything else.. but it's possible I missed stuff.


No there is three spots. I came across the other two by accident. i don't want to give all the information out for server hoppers, cause i want to snipe them tomorrow. But yes there are 2 of the "old areas" close to one another in NW, the other two are new.

Edited by Uncle Ruckus

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No there is three spots. I came across the other two by accident. i don't want to give all the information out for server hoppers, cause i want to snipe them tomorrow. But yes there are 2 of the "old areas" close to one another in NW, the other two are new.


Now its the morrow I expect a full report.

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They are probably going to add a proper loot table to it so it doesn't spawn masses of high-end loot. Patience.

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The tents had way too much loot before, but yeah I guess going from getting multiple 60 round clips, hundreds of rounds and all your attachments in 1 trip, to being totally empty is kind of funny, maybe the devs are well, you know, trying to get more people testing other places on the map.


On a side note I did manage to find 2 pristine m4's last night. On one server of course.



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I am glad tbh becuz it means if i cant find this loot so can less others, meaning if you want me dead you gotta chase me with your axe or shoot with your pistol,

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I would prefer it if they kept the drop rate the same, but lowered the item quality dramatically.

Items sitting out exposed to the elements are very unlikely to survive a single winter. Canned food - I am looking at you!

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