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The game doesn't feel like a zombie apocalypse.

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First off let me say I absolutely love the game, over 80 hours played since release, best game of 2013 IMO and I love the graphics. It's just that everything is so fancy and tidy, sun is shining all the time and there are fucking rabbits running around everywhere. Only thing missing is double rainbows and helicopter dildos. Every place should be way more overgrown. The atmosphere feels like what I would imagine living in Russia actually feels like (JK). I think I just hoped too much, again. This is what I hoped for...


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i advise you see a doctor and get help then come back and right down what he told you after that go back on steam go to search bar type in dayz you will find the game ok you there yet? ok now check were it says this game is an alpha and they quote " we strongly advise you not to play or buy this game it is an alpha" :)  

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i advise you see a doctor and get help then come back and right down what he told you after that go back on steam go to search bar type in dayz you will find the game ok you there yet? ok now check were it says this game is an alpha and they quote " we strongly advise you not to play or buy this game it is an alpha" :)  


Oh no not you people again, I know the game is in alpha................. It's not like they would anymore even change the graphics anyways, I'm just saying what I feel.

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Why shouldn't the sun be shining after a zombie apocalypse?

So the atmosphere would be grimmer.

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Sun is shining and wild lives are running freely. This is exactly how it should be when human cease to pollute the air and hunting animals. What's wrong with that?

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As other people mentioned (some in a rude way) it is a alpha. I have no idea if it's gonna be more grey, destroyed etc. Also, the map is set in summer I think, and in your picture it looks like early winter. But I agree with you, I hope it gets more greyish/the world have stopped. But I also love how it is now, time will show. 

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Yes I do realize that there is no reason for the sun NOT to shine, but have you player metro last light? That game has an AMAZING atmosphere! Also there isn't any explanation for the rain and clouds, but why should there be? Zombies are already 100% fictional.

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Sun is shining and wild lives are running freely. This is exactly how it should be when human cease to pollute the air and hunting animals. What's wrong with that?


Indeed. There is also a certain deceptiveness about it. The nice weather, the wind rustling in the leaves, the bunny hopping along. But the knowledge that there is a reason for all this quiet, and that every second you may encounter something very unfriendly, is in my mind much more disturbing than a fake Hollywood grey filter (which wouldn't make any sense for the storyline of this game, as as far as I know, there was no atmospheric catastrophies involved in this zombie apocalypse).

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He's speaking about the environment, the setting... the mood! Over grown grass, dirty,broken filty cities. dead bodies... all that horror shit you'd expect. Maybe in due time... can only wait. :D

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Yes I do realize that there is no reason for the sun NOT to shine, but have you player metro last light? That game has an AMAZING atmosphere! Also there isn't any explanation for the rain and clouds, but why should there be? Zombies are already 100% fictional.

Metro Last Lights apocalypse has nothing to do with this game. That was a Nuclear one, this is just a zombie outbreak. Thats why the atmosphere is different.

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Something iv noticed is how many less wrecks and barricades there are around the place compared to the mod. They really helped with the apocalypse feel and I hope we see a lot more as the alpha goes on :)

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Indeed. There is also a certain deceptiveness about it. The nice weather, the wind rustling in the leaves, the bunny hopping along. But the knowledge that there is a reason for all this quiet, and that every second you may encounter something very unfriendly, is in my mind much more disturbing than a fake Hollywood grey filter (which wouldn't make any sense for the storyline of this game, as as far as I know, there was no atmospheric catastrophies involved in this zombie apocalypse).


Well said, you can't please everyone unfortunately, and that is why we both can't enjoy the game in the same way. I'm just saying what I wanted the game to be like.

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Why shouldn't the sun be shining after a zombie apocalypse?

'Zactly... The Zone, from STALKER, was created by a nuclear meltdown... so, radiation and stuffs and way for all sorts of odd weather (Emissions, anyone?). A zombie apocalypse is just a virus spreading among humans. It would have no effect on the weather. And, seeing as we don't know exactly how long it has been since the initial outbreak (I am guessing a week tops, seeing as there is still what looks like pretty fresh blood scattered about various building in Chernaraus) so, things may not need to be overgrown or totally bombed out to hell.

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He's speaking about the environment, the setting... the mood! Over grown grass, dirty,broken filty cities. dead bodies... all that horror shit you'd expect. Maybe in due time... can only wait. :D


I don't see any difference in the OPs pic and what you encounter in the outskirts of Cherno. They look exactly the same, and there is lots of burned out cars, broken windows, ruined buildings etc in the game. The degree of ruination would also vary depending on how long it has been since the apocalypse. Since you find lots of goods in houses, I have always imagined that it is fairly recent in DayZ.

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Something iv noticed is how many less wrecks and barricades there are around the place compared to the mod. They really helped with the apocalypse feel and I hope we see a lot more as the alpha goes on :)


Yes, I would love to see barricades, failed military operations against zombies and all that stuff. Also buildings like these (below) should spawn and they should have things like gas masks and medicine in them. 



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If your going to be active in the community with posting and whatnot, you should really start reading the Dev blogs etc.. They let us know whats being worked on as far as plans for future content. lol. That being said ... yeah.


And there is nothing wrong with someone posting what they feel about the game here in the forums. That is what they are for. So for all the "But this is Alpha" spammers ... get a grip

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People please stop with the GAME IS IN ALPHER STOP POSTING FEEDBACK bullshit. If that's all you're going to say why couldn't you just NOT say it OK?

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People please stop with the GAME IS IN ALPHER STOP POSTING FEEDBACK bullshit. If that's all you're going to say why couldn't you just NOT say it OK?


Then this should be posted in the suggestions section not here. Saying what should or shouldn't be in the game and complaining now without reading the upcoming patch notes etc is just ignorance especially because IT IS in alpha.

Edited by hatesauce

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