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Wernsley (DayZ)

Suggestion for future patches (not about items or features, plz read)

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This post is mostly directed @Rocket and @hicks and the rest of the dev team and also to gauge the opinion of the rest of the community.


Imagine that you just had a new patch applied and you start up the game again, you walk around for a bit and suddenly find an AK, while in the release notes there was nothing mentioned of this.

Overly happy that you found this you start looking around and find a russian made scope other then the PU one and drag it over the AK...presto


What i'm trying to say is that i think that it would be one hell of a lot more fun to try and find things out on our own and maybe get the precise released new detailed features with a next patch.

For example state that a few new crafting recipes have been added : 2 for weapons and 5 for clothing...but dont mention what, this will also get people to try out stuff and maybe give suggestions on what else could be possible.

Same goes for the weapons: 3 new weapons added including 2 new mods per weapon. Let the users themselves find what they are and where to find them.


To me this sounds a lot more fun and a lot more like a real sandbox game where you really have find out yourself what everything is for and what there is to find and then showing it off to the rest of the forum users.


Your opinions?

++edited because title was somewhat misleading/incorrect++


Edited by Wernsley
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I do not believe what you describe is the purpose of a "pre alpha" game release.


The updates that are released NEED testing, we can't test the functionality of updates we are not aware of......

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I do not believe what you describe is the purpose of a "pre alpha" game release.


The updates that are released NEED testing, we can't test the functionality of updates we are not aware of......


So maybe ad a spoiler tag under the patch notes, with the details. 

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Bad idea. We are all here to test this game primarily. Why make testing harder by hiding newly implemented features/items? It makes no sense whatsoever.

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Bad idea. We are all here to test this game primarily. Why make testing harder by hiding newly implemented features/items? It makes no sense whatsoever.


People are already finding stuff that wasn't in the patch notes, so i think the devs do want some surprises for us. 


But like i said, a spoiler tag with the details would work. People who just want to get the testing over with can do that, and others can be surprised.

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Bad idea. We are all here to test this game primarily. Why make testing harder by hiding newly implemented features/items? It makes no sense whatsoever.


In essence your still testing, and the main testing phase has allready been done before you get your hands on it in the experimental branch release.

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Or how about we get nothing at all expect for a notice a patch is in coming. Personally I like the idea of finding new shit that was kept from the patch notes ( for whatever reason). It's like when you were a kid a discovered something that was just epic and wanted to tell everyone about it.

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In essence your still testing, and the main testing phase has allready been done before you get your hands on it in the experimental branch release.


How is that a response to my post?; and I really don't see your point because you don't seem to be making any. 8l


People are already finding stuff that wasn't in the patch notes, so i think the devs do want some surprises for us. 


But like i said, a spoiler tag with the details would work. People who just want to get the testing over with can do that, and others can be surprised.


Or how about you just don't read the patch notes instead? Genius innit  :o

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I do not believe what you describe is the purpose of a "pre alpha" game release.


The updates that are released NEED testing, we can't test the functionality of updates we are not aware of......


...what rowdy said!

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Bad idea. We are all here to test this game primarily. Why make testing harder by hiding newly implemented features/items? It makes no sense whatsoever.







How is that a response to my post?; and I really don't see your point because you don't seem to be making any. 8l



Or how about you just don't read the patch notes instead? Genius innit  :o


Let me rephrase it then, because the point is pretty clear: main testing is ussually done before experimental and stable releases , what your testing is what features do when under load (at least thats what the best practises state for testing software) if i combine that with what Dean has said on monthly updates, i guess there is enough time to test the features

Making it "harder"? i'd say making it more "fun" to test (and play a game)


What do you do when playing? Do you try to combine stuff? try to use items on items? walk past the known map? See what accuracy a LRS has when badly damaged vs pristine? Or do you go ahead and try and find the best gear you can find and "hunt" "bambi's"?


What i'm trying to say is that you can still test things and see how they work, maybe also turning this game a bit from a KoS fest that it sometimes is, to a sandbox survival game.

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I like the idea of getting surprised by things to find i didnt expected. But, as some of my pre-poster said, it's not the purpose of a alpha!

Its about testing everything new to the core. If you dont want to see whats new just dont read the patchnotes.


A little compromise would be that you only see what has been fixed and the new features are shown with a "spoiler-attachment"! 

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I like the idea of getting surprised by things to find i didnt expected. But, as some of my pre-poster said, it's not the purpose of a alpha!

Its about testing everything new to the core. If you dont want to see whats new just dont read the patchnotes.


A little compromise would be that you only see what has been fixed and the new features are shown with a "spoiler-attachment"! 


or after 1 or 2 weeks of play/testing

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People are already finding stuff that wasn't in the patch notes, so i think the devs do want some surprises for us. 


But like i said, a spoiler tag with the details would work. People who just want to get the testing over with can do that, and others can be surprised.


just don't look at the release notes? why do you need a spoiler?

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They didnt say they added a suppressor or torch for the fnx45 or that the red barns spawn loot or that there are 2 new buildings added in the new town did they? Or that theres a compensator for the mosin now? Try playing the experimental servers before posting this.

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They didnt say they added a suppressor or torch for the fnx45 or that the red barns spawn loot or that there are 2 new buildings added in the new town did they? Or that theres a compensator for the mosin now? Try playing the experimental servers before posting this.

Ehm no , why would i? For that matter i would much rather preffer that users running experimental branch release get an NDA to accept which runs until a few days after stable release so people cant release whats in the patch and let other find out for themselves in those few days.



And if your response is going to be "dont read those posts on the board", well thats would be possible if people didn't post what they found in the topic Thread title.

Edited by Wernsley

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Just saying they did add secret stuff ang got mad because its alpha and i should know what im testing so i told you what the secrets are.

Edited by spartan54820

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Just saying they did add secret stuff ang got mad because its alpha and i should. O what im testing do i told you what the secrets are.

Nah i'm not mad :)

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Sounds like a great idea. I'd love to run around trying to combine different items and see if they fit, for example.

And the current experimental patch has some un-mentioned stuff in it already. :]

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For the people telling me to just not read the patch notes: please read before trying to make smart comments.


For example state that a few new crafting recipes have been added : 2 for weapons and 5 for clothing...but dont mention what, this will also get people to try out stuff and maybe give suggestions on what else could be possible.

Same goes for the weapons: 3 new weapons added including 2 new mods per weapon. Let the users themselves find what they are and where to find them.

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Some things can be left out of the changelog, no doubt, but not major things like alot of new content or big new features, in my oppinion.

How are we suppose to test it, if we dont know what to test :)

But you will surely get stuff in the game, which isnt in the changelog, simply because nobody can be arsed to write every little thing down, every single time, we have seen it with tons of other games.
Please do tell us the important stuff though, so we know what has been fixed/tweaked and should be tested again.

Ohh and no NDA please, it will only make more people interested in getting the info, just play it casually and most people wont even see most of the stuff :)

Edited by Byrgesen

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Let me rephrase it then, because the point is pretty clear: main testing is ussually done before experimental and stable releases , what your testing is what features do when under load (at least thats what the best practises state for testing software) if i combine that with what Dean has said on monthly updates, i guess there is enough time to test the features

Making it "harder"? i'd say making it more "fun" to test (and play a game)


What do you do when playing? Do you try to combine stuff? try to use items on items? walk past the known map? See what accuracy a LRS has when badly damaged vs pristine? Or do you go ahead and try and find the best gear you can find and "hunt" "bambi's"?


What i'm trying to say is that you can still test things and see how they work, maybe also turning this game a bit from a KoS fest that it sometimes is, to a sandbox survival game.


I never claimed you won't be able to test things if you "don't have" patch notes, I don't know why you are making that assumption. Also assuming that hiding patch notes will reduce KOS is really ridiculous in itself. People will KOS, whatever you do, people need to understand this and get over it already, that is just how some people like to play the game.


As for the actual testing, stress testing is only part of the purpose of experimental and stable releases. The other part being finding and figuring out the bugs that internal testing was unable to find. The more people test something the more likely it is to find bugs. Stable or experimental release does not mean the update is bug free and just needs stress testing, listen to yourself good god.

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