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ACOG/M68 Zoom explained

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I keep seeing people claiming that the ACOG does not provide the full magnification advertised. Some people (like Dayz gamepedia) claim that it is only a 1.56x magnification. I decided to do a little testing of my own using a simple post on the side of the road. Here are my results. Feel free to duplicate this experiment if you'd like. Using only screenshots and Paint to add the words, other than that no other enlargement or manipulation to the images. Direct copy/paste from screenshot gallery.

Edit: If you changed your FOV, then you will not get the same results. This could be why some don't see proper magnification.


Edited by Punkrawks
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If anyone with a mosin wants to test this with a long range scope, I'd be interested to see the results.

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A bit off topic, but never noticed this until now (usually use a mosin, myself, and when I HAVE had an M4, never got an acog for it).

That is not the proper sight picture for an acog scope.

Anyone else notice this?

I wonder why the developers made it this way? By design? Or did they just not know what the proper sight picture of an ACOG should be?

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Depends on the ACOG model, not all are the same. Civilian models differ from military models, and they differ by year as well.


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This is not how zoom is measured.

Zoom = magnification ABOVE your maximum default eyesight. You maximum default eyesight remains the same in DayZ as it did in ARMA.








Example of how scope zoom is measured:




The M68 is non-magnified and is a true 1x zoom. It's the only optic with correct zoom.

The iron sights actually zoom LESS than your normal eyesight zooms. They are only 0.71x.

The ACOG zooms 1.5625x more than your default eyesight.




I detailed this in the thread "the Campaign for Iron Sight Zoom".

Taking from your measurements, 4.785/3 = 1.595 =~ 1.5625.


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hmm. I did not know that.

The only one im familiar with is the one I used in the military (chevron sights). Guess I just assumed they were all the same. But, we all know what assuming does....

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