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Server Admin tools

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Howzit guys/girls

Cool, so today or rather tonight I'd like to start the topic on getting some "rage" and pressure the local community is having when it comes to enforcing the rules that are set down by Developers of the Standalone version of DayZ.

One of the many topics and yes this isn't the first but, as a supreme server admin since the day DayZ came out I rented and still am renting a server of 40 slots for the South African DayZ community. Server admin tools is a BIG must, as a admin I can't enforce the rules DayZ Developers have set out as well as our own server rules. I must say this is having major effects on the community as we are faced as admins with also the questions you are faced with and that's, "I found a hacker can't you kick/ban him" or "Is there no way to check the log files of the server for a possible hack in use". As a admin I can't ban nor can I kick without proof of the offence but there must be a way for a logged in admin to see people in the different locations. I thought maybe a command line that could mention to the admin proximity from key area's such as major points on the map to identify who is where, without giving away too much of the location the player is located in.

I really speak for most of the admins that really do follow the rules to the letter, when we need some more functions to enable us to report or kick people that abuse the game either through hacking/using glitches. Even though the game is a running Alpha stage we still want to serve a stable platform for players to really see the potential DayZ could have for the future releases of the game.

I know this is a chance I really hope that the Lead developer in the next patch implements more control in order for the few of the good admins to better enforce the rules of the game.

Please don't play this down, we really need the extra tools, even if it is extremely limited to do our jobs even better.

Any ways guys thanks for a awesome looking game I look very much forward in the future of the game.
Oh btw this rubber banding on our South African servers is kinda still bad but not as much as before.



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I would be okay Admin's having a camera they can fix on different players and watch people IF they are not able to access their inventory, the target's inventory, shoot/attack, or otherwise interact with the game so there aren't teleporting KoS admin assholes, like in the mod. When they are done spying, the camera goes back to their own character.


And no spawning tools.

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I really speak for most of the admins that really do follow the rules to the letter


And what about all the ones that do not? What do you propose we do about them?


The "effect on the community" in the mod was dozens and dozens of rogue admins running "join and get kicked" servers, passwording their servers for their clan and friends, randomly restarting the server when firefights didn't go their way or in order to "roll back" vehicle positions if one of their vehicles got stolen, etc.


It was a mess and I hope the developers can find a way to avoid it for the SA. Opening up a bunch of tools right now would be a mistake imo.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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I would be okay Admin's having a camera they can fix on different players and watch people IF they are not able to access their inventory, the target's inventory, shoot/attack, or otherwise interact with the game so there aren't teleporting KoS admin assholes, like in the mod. When they are done spying, the camera goes back to their own character.


And no spawning tools.

Yea, if we could have the bare minimum in tools that would enable us to better facilitate a working environment for players to enjoy the true potential this game could have.

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soon as more than needed tools come in then its sell gear game dissolves into what a farce the mod has become. if the tools do come out and admins can sell donations packages watch players live im asking for my money back and ill make sure its on every forum highlighting it.


give admin tools but no abuse shit no selling gear or watching players live around map 24/7.


ive asked about this for about a yr now and still no real answer. i hope rocket doesnt cave in and give tools like the mod cause it will be screwed and just pay to win .

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I absolutely agree, administrators have almost no control over players whatsoever on the server. At minimum, they should be given:


- the ability to kick a player / issue a ban

- a log file to check various player activity

- *** enforce kicking of players with absurd ping ***


In my opinion, these should be the bare MINIMUM options available to server admins.

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And what about all the ones that do not? What do you propose we do about them?


The "effect on the community" in the mod was dozens and dozens of rogue admins running "join and get kicked" servers, passwording their servers for their clan and friends, randomly restarting the server when firefights didn't go their way or in order to "roll back" vehicle positions if one of their vehicles got stolen, etc.


It was a mess and I hope the developers can find a way to avoid it for the SA. Opening up a bunch of tools right now would be a mistake imo.

Well since the servers are still running off a "public hive", the servers should follow the set admin rules by the developers. Servers that are being missed managed as you would put it are in violation of the terms of use of the game and thus from the rules of the admin page for DayZ standalone forfeit the right to rent/own a server. It is clearly stated on the rules for admins to follow that such actions are a offence and punishment thereof is the hosting provider revoking your server without refunds. People can report those servers on the forums or report the ticket so that those rules can be enforced.

Also we aren't talking about the mod, we are talking about DayZ Standalone and I do have to re-quote myself in saying that "we really need the extra tools, even if it is extremely limited to do our jobs even better". I do agree opening the box of tricks is way out of the question. So that's one point I'll give you ;)

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If you catch a server admin not following the set rules you must report them.
Here is the link to the forum post on rules and reporting methods; http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/


or you feel that the server is being missed managed either way a report is the way.

Edited by Hart92

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Well since the servers are still running off a "public hive", the servers should follow the set admin rules by the developers. Servers that are being missed managed as you would put it are in violation of the terms of use of the game and thus from the rules of the admin page for DayZ standalone forfeit the right to rent/own a server.


Yes; that was the same during the mod days and it never happened. People constantly reported these servers that were locked or kicking everyone or whatever else and nothing ever happened because server hosting companies don't want to lose money. They're not going to act unless they absolutely have to. Unless Dean and/or Bohemia get a lot more serious about forcing server hosting companies to enforce DayZ hosting rules, then I don't see it being any different for the Standalone.



Also we aren't talking about the mod, we are talking about DayZ Standalone


That's fine, but what evidence do we have that it's being handled any differently than it was during the mod? The mod had hosting rules too. At least, for the first 6 months or so before they completely gave up enforcing them and basically said "do whatever you want."


In the early days most of the same rules were in place. No kicking/banning without just cause (hate speech, cheating), no password-locking. Heck, in the early days of the mod you weren't even supposed to alter the time of day. But, admins just said "fuck you" and did it anyway and nothing was ever done about it.


Until I see some evidence that they're actually going to put effort into enforcing these rules this time around, I don't think admins should have any more privileges than they do now.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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Things I need as an admin to properly run my server include:


Rcon, or it's equivalent.  To give me the ability to kick and ban players remotely, without having to be in the server.  ( Or to reserve slots for my community and self. )


The ability to properly set the schedule for resets, day/night, etc. (weather?)


The ability to check server logs to determine if an when someone was exploiting, hacking, etc.


Beyond that, I'm good.  I don't think we need tools to enforce rules, as the game is designed to have none.  Other than the most basic stuff.  Language, behavior, etc.

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I absolutely agree, administrators have almost no control over players whatsoever on the server. At minimum, they should be given:


- the ability to kick a player / issue a ban

- a log file to check various player activity

- *** enforce kicking of players with absurd ping ***


In my opinion, these should be the bare MINIMUM options available to server admins.



I agree man to many servers owners would abuse his or her powers. This was a serious wide spread issue in the standard dayz mod 

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Things I need as an admin to properly run my server include:


Rcon, or it's equivalent.  To give me the ability to kick and ban players remotely, without having to be in the server.  ( Or to reserve slots for my community and self. )


The ability to properly set the schedule for resets, day/night, etc. (weather?)


The ability to check server logs to determine if an when someone was exploiting, hacking, etc.


Beyond that, I'm good.  I don't think we need tools to enforce rules, as the game is designed to have none.  Other than the most basic stuff.  Language, behavior, etc.

Definitely ^This


We don't need teleporting or being able to physically look into players inventories or anything like what appeared in the Mod. What we do need are tools to properly Admin a server because at the moment we can't do a whole hell of a lot. Some biggest things is wanting a GMT offset, RCon access and something like BEC for scheduling server restarts/messaging. These would do for now.


The thing that caused issues in the Mod were tools that gave Admins the potential to abuse them, which a fair amount did. I for one didn't abuse those tools but it just takes one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch and we're all thrown into the bad Admin basket. We don't need these tools but what we do need should be implemented soon, fingers crossed.

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