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Had no idea I was in the wrong.

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Bear with me a second.  I am brand new to the game (as many people are).  I had this mentality going in that I would jump on a low pop server in hopes of getting my bearings on the controls, and exploring with little worry to my health.  Finding these forums I find that "server hoppers" (which is what I was doing) are frowned upon.  Now that I have seen the light I plan on starting my fresh character tonight on a mildly populated server and whatever happens, happens.


For me server hopping was my thing because I didn't want to play in the dark so early in my game.  I didn't want it to be harder than it already was for me, a new player.  So consider me a changed man.  That being said, how can I ID server hoppers in the future?  I always hear about people saying that they saw this server hopper or they killed a server hopper. 

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If someone "spawns" 1 meter next to you while you are in a military building or tent or anywhere with good loot, you can say he´s a server hopper.

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From playing and dying several times at the weekend, everyone who doesn't spawn at Solnichniy is a server hopper...

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If someone "spawns" 1 meter next to you while you are in a military building or tent or anywhere with good loot, you can say he´s a server hopper.

Jupp, there are good and bad server hoppers. I tend to hopp from one server to another if there is less people on the one i am playing one. Nobody wants to play with 5-10 people on a regurarly basis.

Edited by StayAlive

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i started on half-full server first time,had a stalker with an axe just creeping the shit outta me looking tru windows and following me,what a glorious exp that was!


anyway,just do what you wanna do bro,cause your not gonna survive longer then 4 days even with military equip.

Edited by aLucard®

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You can't avoid server hopping. It's stupid to complain about it. I play for about an hour in the morning before work. What am I expected to do? Kill myself instead of log off? Travel all the way to a spawn point before I log off? Whether you log in to the same server or a different one, if you are alive when you log off, you might be a hopper. Hopping isn't bad, it's how people take advantage of it that is like loot farming or ghosting. But it's too early in development to worry about these things right now.

Edited by Sinphaltimus

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i started on half-full server first time,had a stalker with an axe just creeping the shit outta me looking tru windows and following me,what a glorious exp that was!


anyway,just do what you wanna do bro,cause your not gonna survive longer then 4 days even with military equip.

That's kind of the thought process I had as well.  However you do see those few people saying they have lived for a few weeks now.  So I guess it is possible. :P

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Bear with me a second.  I am brand new to the game (as many people are).  I had this mentality going in that I would jump on a low pop server in hopes of getting my bearings on the controls, and exploring with little worry to my health.  Finding these forums I find that "server hoppers" (which is what I was doing) are frowned upon.  Now that I have seen the light I plan on starting my fresh character tonight on a mildly populated server and whatever happens, happens.


For me server hopping was my thing because I didn't want to play in the dark so early in my game.  I didn't want it to be harder than it already was for me, a new player.  So consider me a changed man.  That being said, how can I ID server hoppers in the future?  I always hear about people saying that they saw this server hopper or they killed a server hopper.

in my opinion, you're good. A server hopper is someone who hops servers with the whole intention of gathering gear and supplies in/near military bases and airfields. If you hop onto a night server but didn't realize it then log to go to a day server, there's no shane in that.

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Yeah, for me that isn't 'true' server hopping. You were simply aware that you were inexperienced, aware that DayZ isn't exactly a welcoming environment for new players, and looked for a quiet place to get to grips with the fairly steep difficulty curve.


A server hopper is a player who doesn't have the skill, guts or patience to actually go and loot buildings in populated servers, so instead jumps from quiet server to quiet server in order to get good gear, which he then (usually) uses to attack other players with once he's fully geared up and logs into a populated server. He's basically one step above the combat logger in the 'DayZ scumbags' list.


You are not him, don't worry. :)

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I tend to hop if things aren't jumping on the server I am on. I like to be on the more populated servers, handing out water bottles and opening food cans for people, providing general aid.... that kind of stuff. My personal opinion is that it shouldn't be done to get loot, although I'm not 100% on that as sometimes servers can get pretty dried up prior to restart. No point in being on a server with nothing in it (although I generally haven't ran into extreme cases of this). Those issues will change once they implement respawns.


I think that server hopping is all about what you do with it.. no harm in starting off on a low pop to get familiar with the game, then moving to a higher pop. I think it's the people that hop to farm military spawns, hospitals etc.. that give server hopping a bad name.


I actually can't wait to find a permanent home. I like the feeling of being a "regular" on a server. I have already found one that I tend to stay on for the most part. If nobody's on, I go into loot mode, gathering supplies for my next coast run.. if it's hopping, I like to hit the coasts and try to be a hero.

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A server hopper is a player who doesn't have the skill, guts or patience to actually go and loot buildings in populated servers, so instead jumps from quiet server to quiet server in order to get good gear, which he then (usually) uses to attack other players with once he's fully geared up and logs into a populated server. He's basically one step above the combat logger in the 'DayZ scumbags' list.


Haha... "DayZ scumbags list"... I love it! so true. You need to make that it's own thread and add to the list.

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complaining about server hopping is like complaining about the sun rising, its gonna happen regardless, and i just lost a guy that i had for a week with all pristine parts in a firefight at NWAF, so shit happens, people make frowny faces when you switch servers, but if you're a noob you shouldn't have to play in a nigh server, and go to empty servers and get some decent gear, don't worry too much bout what ppl say here, most of the ones crying foul are the ones to KoS first so dont worry bout hopping around, theres no rules about it just a whole bunch of cry babies, play the game you wanna play.

Edited by PiLLZ

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There are internal rules, which u make for yourself.

I'd like to add gamma warriors to "dayz scumbag list", also peeps that run to their dead bodies, and one's that suicide for better spawn location.. 

Edited by theanes

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I think it's only frowned upon if you are doing it to intentionally exploit the game like hopping from server to server to server at a good loot point just looking for easy pickings with no challenge.

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Server hopping is just as bad as people killing you on sight because they want your loot.

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Server hopping is just as bad as people killing you on sight because they want your loot.

Even worse cause they can since they all ready have all the good loot.  I watched a guy last night kill three early spawns while they where hunting.  He was snipping them from the distance.  I didn't have any good gear as I just got server restart respawned, but heard the shots and went hunting for him.  To bad I wasn't on a server that had a TS or way to get a hold of hunters to stop him.   The sad thing was it was a low pop server too, only 6 of us on as it was very late.  He was going out of his way to kill early spawners.

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Bear with me a second.  I am brand new to the game (as many people are).  I had this mentality going in that I would jump on a low pop server in hopes of getting my bearings on the controls, and exploring with little worry to my health.  Finding these forums I find that "server hoppers" (which is what I was doing) are frowned upon.  Now that I have seen the light I plan on starting my fresh character tonight on a mildly populated server and whatever happens, happens.


For me server hopping was my thing because I didn't want to play in the dark so early in my game.  I didn't want it to be harder than it already was for me, a new player.  So consider me a changed man.  That being said, how can I ID server hoppers in the future?  I always hear about people saying that they saw this server hopper or they killed a server hopper. 


I fail to see how you engaged in any bad server hopping here. The server hopping that most people frown upon is the one where you log out in an area with military loot and hop from server to server to accumulate military grade equipment with minimal effort and/or risk in a short period of time. Not necessarily military equipment, but equipment in general but since military equipment is the equipment that most people want.

I play on at least four different servers, depending on what time I play and how many people there are at the servers when I play and I wouldn't consider myself a server hopper.

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Im glad I came upon this, only got the game on Friday and just properly played it last night. Died the first few times trying to figure things out which made it fun but I did move to different servers when I saw random people coming to me (having no weaps and reading guides saying to avoid them) and I was worried id be banned for doing it.


Thats a relief

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I too am new and read this topic and went "uh oh" as I've jumped out of night servers and primarily stick to daytime servers with low player counts so I can gear up in relative peace (already been nuked a few times but no biggie).


I also tend to jump out of a server if I'm getting the "No message received" warning as I figure I'm about to disco anyway.  Not sure if that is a bad thing or not.


Fun game so far but I can certainly see where some folks exploit the mechanics and what not to get a piece of equipment, sad but not much you can do except hope that karma gets them.



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