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item idea to deal with kosers (I kos btw)

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okay first off you never will stop people killing just because they can kill.


secondly I am not a dev nor want to be so things like drop rate and so forth i will not mention that is for the devs to decide if they like the idea.


I myself kos, But I do it for 2 main reasons I feel threatned or I need gear/food etc.


This idea would solve both reasons above.


Add a bomb vest you can wear (or a bomb you can put in your backpack) with a dead mans trigger, it could do things like...


-destroyes you and your gear leaving no trace.

-kills anyone in a 15 meter radius whos gear is also vaped (to stop friends setting one dude up to draw others in)

-can only be triggered by death (to stop people running in and kosing with a bomb)

- Can clearly be seen.

-only a melee weapon can be equiped with it, otherwise kosers would use it too.(to deal with zeds)

-takes a long time to set up...this is so a koser cant quickly switch if he knows he is going to die in a firefight.

- Might draw zeds

-might be able to hear it up to 1km away drawing other players to the area.


with this i feel as a koser myself no longer is the best answer to get your gear = bullet to the brain, but to hold you up handcuff you and gtfo, killing you would not only waste your gear and my bullets but draw zeds to the area and might cause me to go into shock.

Edited by Jimbo_au
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A lot of people just kill because they can, not because they want gear.

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A lot of people just kill because they can, not because they want gear.


first line, did you even read it?


also right now remember they can have what 1 of 3 guns and gear that is easy to get... as more stuff is added and hopefully things become rarer and harder to access (more zombies added) kosing for the hell of it becomes a very dumb move if the other person is geared and wearing a dead mans bomb or something along those lines, without a feature like this kosing someone for gear is the right move unless your role playing its just so much safer.


I know you have a chance to ruin gear with bullets but as people get better at the game 1/2 bullet headshot kills should become common place and no one, koser or not will like looting a body with ruined gear from 1/2 bullets hitting his head.

Edited by Jimbo_au
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didnt think of it like that, good point.


I'm just glad they kept the game pc with just chainsaws and being able to force feed people off food, handcuff them and beat them to death and shooting them but not killing them n letting them bleeding out.


vests are way to far, I am sorry for the idea : P.


okay with the idea being shit but you cannot really draw the line with bomb vests with the sick shit you can already do in this unfinished game (which i love).

Edited by Jimbo_au

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See that's where you're wrong. Poeple don't kill for the gear, because unless it's a headshot it ruins all the gear, right now ruined gear can still be used, something I believe will change in future. So KoS players will get zero gear unless they can shoot accurately enough to make it headshots only. Poeple who will want to rob will get a drop on you, subdue, restrain you and take what they want, than they'll decide whether to let you live or end you. 

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first line, did you even read it?


also right now remember they can have what 1 of 3 guns and gear that is easy to get... as more stuff is added and hopefully things become rarer and harder to access (more zombies added) kosing for the hell of it becomes a very dumb move if the other person is geared and wearing a dead mans bomb or something along those lines, without a feature like this kosing someone for gear is the right move unless your role playing its just so much safer.


I know you have a chance to ruin gear with bullets but as people get better at the game 1/2 bullet headshot kills should become common place and no one, koser or not will like looting a body with ruined gear from 1/2 bullets hitting his head.


You said it yourself then.


It's a problem that can't be dealt with. People are just too stupid to see that there's more to the game than shooting other players.

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Indeed, unless they are good shooters they can mow people down with a headshot, then the gear is ''saved'', in the 106 hours i played in DayZ:SA all the encounters end up in a COD firefight style, spray and play is what bandits/KoS'ers prefer. It's good to post ideas so people can give feedback, so don't be sorry.

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See that's where you're wrong. Poeple don't kill for the gear, because unless it's a headshot it ruins all the gear, right now ruined gear can still be used, something I believe will change in future. So KoS players will get zero gear unless they can shoot accurately enough to make it headshots only. Poeple who will want to rob will get a drop on you, subdue, restrain you and take what they want, than they'll decide whether to let you live or end you. 


very good point.


I dont think there will be a way to stop people killing other people its fun (in game) and I do it, I also believe people are not angry at kosers for killing them so much as all that happened was there screen went black, if on the other hand something was to change where stealing there gear first is the best plan of attack and then maybe killing them that will somewhat ease the pain of dying because atlest your character had a ending apart from black screen some interaction with a player, you got to see him try and talk him out of it, reason with him not just black screen.

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very good point.


I dont think there will be a way to stop people killing other people its fun (in game) and I do it, I also believe people are not angry at kosers for killing them so much as all that happened was there screen went black, if on the other hand something was to change where stealing there gear first is the best plan of attack and then maybe killing them that will somewhat ease the pain of dying because atlest your character had a ending apart from black screen some interaction with a player, you got to see him try and talk him out of it, reason with him not just black screen.

That actually sounds good, adding some death animation that will illicit emotional response of those who kill. Like in new Tomb Rider, death scenes actually made me feel sorry for young Lara.  

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Indeed, unless they are good shooters they can mow people down with a headshot, then the gear is ''saved'', in the 106 hours i played in DayZ:SA all the encounters end up in a COD firefight style, spray and play is what bandits/KoS'ers prefer. It's good to post ideas so people can give feedback, so don't be sorry.


I kos as I said but I looked at my hours played and in the 35 hours I have clocked up I only 4 kills and maybe only shot at 10 (all geared players) and only been killed once (I am like a shadow in the night lol). I tend to set a trap with me lying in scrub with my bipod (still yet to find a mosin or a player carrying that didn’t combat log).


This idea is not just for non kosers... I want to be forced not to kos, sounds dumb but it’s the smartest safest way to get gear right now if that was taken away from me I wouldn’t kos, whether it’s from not being able to kill a player because it will ruin his gear or I have access to rubber bullets or bean bag sacks that shotguns use.


The way I play though the bullet ruin gear thing wouldn’t address the problem as I am already becoming a better shot (the last 4 spotted where 4 killed)

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Bomb vest? I'm sorry to ask but are you by any chance a muslim?

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Bomb vest? I'm sorry to ask but are you by any chance a muslim?

No, it's just his explosive personality. 

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lol how would there be international problems? You cannot make a character that looks remotely from the middle east.

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lol how would there be international problems? You cannot make a character that looks remotely from the middle east.


Because people get super anal over everything.


And adding suicide bombers is just asking for someone somewhere to have an aneurysm over it

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Rough idea but quite an interesting concept.

A "homemade" bomb vest, would be quite a weapon in DayZ.
I say yes hehe, give us the option and let people use it if they want tbh.

I mean, if you should be able to either find or "create" explosives, why should not be able to attach a trigger to it and put it on your vest/jacket?

I can see some very interesting scenarios play out with this :)

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"A clever DayZ player tricks a lousy KoSer"

Edited by Awruk
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Yea good opinions here,


with everything being added I say why not.


even if they are super rare adding something like this will only add depth in my view.


Dayz to me is a emotional game, you sweat when you search a airfield or popular area you know the hills have eyes, you want to run but you tell yourselves to crouch to try and remain unseen, you hear a gunshot and want to run, I have sat there saying please don't see me, please don't see me when I have heard a gunshot go right off next too me.


Adding something that might force us in close with other players (not just for friendly talks) gives that player a face, a soul, you realise he is just like you, he might make a nervous joke, or beg for his life all of a sudden its a lot harder to pull the trigger, you might take all his food and he points out you might as well shoot him in the head because he will starve, so do you leave him some food?


I remember seeing a post on reddit, "how to add value to life", to me that is simple... it's the players, forcing a "killer" in close while the victim begs, cry's or jokes that adds value to there life they no longer are just a computer model... all we need is a system that encourages you to get close and not take a shot from 100m + away.


"There is something about killing people at close range that is excruciating, It's bound to try a man's soul", Steven Spielberg.


It might not test your soul but it might make you think twice.

Edited by Jimbo_au
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I think when there are 1000's of zombies, the decision to shoot will be much more difficult to make.  Taking a shot and drawing 50 zombies on your location would require you to use a LOT of ammo, disclose your location to anyone nearby, or relocate quickly.  Regardless, there won't be much time for looting, and camping out sniping will be very difficult.  Sniper takes the shot, a 100 zeds converge on his location making it REALLY obvious to everyone else where he is at.


I really believe that KOS, combat logging, server hopping, all the major complaints will sort themselves out when there are hordes of zombies rather than 3.

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-destroyes you and your gear leaving no trace.

-kills anyone in a 15 meter radius whos gear is also vaped (to stop friends setting one dude up to draw others in)


I see where you're going with that, but the phrase "Hey! Let's go to the beach and make noobs explode!" springs to mind....No doubt someone would think it hilarious to make YouTube videos about it so we can all guffaw together, because we all need yet another channel where such jokes never get tired.

Edited by Trigger Hippy

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