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Hordes of zombies

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So, I think devteam saw this topic and our discussion has not gone unnoticed.

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I think, a good change to this, would be to implement a system where increased player's activity in an area spawns more zombies. i.e. there's 20 people in elektro, fighting carrying on etc. Increase the zombie spawns in the area in response to increased number of players to the point where it becomes a hot-zone. I notice on problem with zombies in the mod is they are secondary, as in never really dangerous. If this system were implemented it would change the flow of players through major towns. Basically the zombie count in an area would get so high players would be forced out of town til things cool down.

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I think the whole idea about hordes is amazing!! Imagine u r just chilling with ur friends in the woods at a good old dayz camping fire and suddenly someone screams: "HOLY SH*T!!! THERE ARE TONS OF ZOMBS INCOMING!" and the whole situation gets quite scary.


And why does everyone want loot drops on zombies so bad?! I actually don't care if they drop anything or not...

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Also, expanding on what crimsonBZD said; the roaming infected is a much better way of introducing them to the world, re-populate the towns with members of the roaming horde rather than have them respawn, or should I say appear out of nowhere..

Infected could wander in from all non-coastal edges of the map. 



I think the whole idea about hordes is amazing!! Imagine u r just chilling with ur friends in the woods at a good old dayz camping fire and suddenly someone screams: "HOLY SH*T!!! THERE ARE TONS OF ZOMBS INCOMING!" and the whole situation gets quite scary.


And why does everyone want loot drops on zombies so bad?! I actually don't care if they drop anything or not...


Ditto.. take my beans

Edited by Jaybopper

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Hello everybody. This is my suggestion.

Can we find hordes of zombies migrating over all map in future? It will be dangerous and make strong action. They can moves slowly from town to town over roads, forest, swamp and so on... Sometimes people can be trapped by hordes of zombies on the roof of building for some time... So, it will be great adventure.


I would also like this. I would bring some challenge to the veteran player groups, other than shooting players.

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Its very simple why a zed would have a horde, weather they are infected or undead. Both variants thrive on instinct and a extremely base instinct we humans have is the pack mentality. You can see it in riots or when a group of people suddenly mob a person. Its instinct in a strange or tense situation or sometimes just in general to follow the "energy/emotion" if you will of the pack.

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The "zombies" are just humans infected with a virus. It makes more sense that they would just wander around where they were before the infection took hold.


Think 28 Days Later, not The Walking Dead.

In 28 Days Later, the infected do roam around in somewhat large groups, and even work together to achieve a common goal, such as killing an uninfected human. The 28 Days Later style "zombie" is definitely what this game should stick with, though. It's much more realistic than the Romero style zombies.  

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In 28 Days Later, the infected do roam around in somewhat large groups, and even work together to achieve a common goal, such as killing an uninfected human. The 28 Days Later style "zombie" is definitely what this game should stick with, though. It's much more realistic than the Romero style zombies.  


I think it's more that they're attracted by noise etc. than them actually consciously moving in groups. If you jump into a DayZ mod server and fire off a few Enfield rounds in the middle of Elektro I'm sure you'd see a pretty large crowd of zombies, although they don't actually move together as a "horde" most of the time.


I dunno, just my $0.02.

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It does. But then ALL of them would be doing it. Not just some. 


Not necessarily. There could be tons of reasons why some do and some don't. Different reactions to infections, how much former brain-life left, random noises causing specific reactions, etc etc. Questioning the rationale for hordes seems kind of strange, since we don't really have any kind of background story for the game in the first place.


And hordes definitely would make a great gameplay addition, making not only towns potential zomibe hotspots.

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And why does everyone want loot drops on zombies so bad?! I actually don't care if they drop anything or not...


Yeah, loot drops on zombies are completely unnecessary. Especially if it would negatively affect the number of zombies present on the map.

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since we don't really have any kind of background story for the game in the first place.


That's what I'm really worried about. Maybe fans can compose a good prehistory.

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I think it's more that they're attracted by noise etc. than them actually consciously moving in groups. If you jump into a DayZ mod server and fire off a few Enfield rounds in the middle of Elektro I'm sure you'd see a pretty large crowd of zombies, although they don't actually move together as a "horde" most of the time.


I dunno, just my $0.02.


What you're telling us is clear - it is very convenient to the game developers as a game engine currently can not implement such concept. However, it would be a very interesting experience for the developers themselves, because that things have not yet been implemented in any other game in my memory, so like many things in DAYZ.

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What you're telling us is clear - it is very convenient to the game developers as a game engine currently can not implement such concept. However, it would be a very interesting experience for the developers themselves, because that things have not yet been implemented in any other game in my memory, so like many things in DAYZ.


I don't think it would be that difficult to have AI wander around the map as a group, personally I just don't think it's a particularly good idea.

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I really don't like the idea of roving hordes of zombies, it doesn't really make any sense. We'll definitely see much larger numbers of zombies later in development though.


But maybe the zombies were hungry and left looking for some much needed eats 

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I think that is a great fucking idea, people would hunt packs of zombies for loot. or even better, get stuck on roof tops untill they managed to clear the horde


Why this a fan-fiction discussion about what motivates a zombie? fast or slow we have all different ideas about zombies. Stop finding reasons this couldnt work, let the game developers worry about what is within the realm of possibilites

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True. In the end, it's not like DayZ has a lore behind it like Warcraft. With books and hundreds of hours of content. Rocket never wrote "the lore of DayZ". Everybody just makes up their own stuff and their own explanation. 

So in the end, I guess you're right. There is no right or wrong here. 

Actually he did, nobody bothered to read it though.


As for roaming hordes, server can't even handle 750 static zombies so it's gonna be "a while" before anything like this becomes possible.

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Why are they banding together in a horde? Where are they going? 


Because humans are herde animals and they could just be on the move because others around them are moving in that direction as well. They don't need a particular reason or destination, just simple instinct is enough. Startle one goose and the rest will follow it in panic, not even knowing why they're following the first one; they just do.


Likewise, one Zed starts moving, others follow by instinct. Once this instinct has taken hold, there's no stopping them. When a flock is created, its movement is self-sustained. Even the original will instinctively feel the need to keep following the rest, thus every Zed influences the other Zeds to keep moving. In fact you should debate what would halt a moving horde instead, what would break their instinct to follow the rest mindlessly along? (answer = food aka you). Or, what makes a herde divert from its original course (answer = source of food like towns, concentration of players over time (like Elektro sometimes)).

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