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A Trusting Bandit? Not Anymore...

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So I Spawned near Berenzino and, after grabbing a splitting axe and one of those big hiking backpacks from the construction site, I made my way through the town with the appartments to grab some stuff from the supermarket before heading down to that office building in the lumberyard. See I knew that, for some dumb reason, the room on the top floor was a military spawn. I managed to grab some warmer clothes and a chest holster along with a Magnum to fill it. (Ever notice how the magnum has "Python" carved into the side of it? That's a Walking Dead reference isn't it? Rick's magnum is a Python)


So I'm working my way back down, checking each room for anything I'd missed, when I hear over direct "Hey, you in the room. Put your hands up or you're dead!" So I surrender. The guy appears in the doorway, aiming a Mosin at me. He sees the Magnum on my chest and tells me to drop it so I tell him that I had only just found it and didn't have any ammo. So he says "Ok then, just drop your pack on the floor and you can go."  I comply. He takes my pack and turns to leave.


Thats when I pull out my newly found Magnum and put two of the sixteen .357 rounds I'd found in the supermarket into the back of his head. I got my pack back and his Mosin (which he had no ammo for) and he got a lesson in banditry: Don't take anything your victim says at face value.

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No, instead you just kill them straight away.


That just ruins all their gear. If you want to actually rob someone, hold them up. The only time you should be a KoS bandit is if you have no interest in their kit and just want to fuck up someone's day.

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Thats when I pull out my newly found Magnum and put two of the sixteen .357 rounds I'd found in the supermarket into the back of his head. I got my pack back and his Mosin (which he had no ammo for) and he got a lesson in banditry: Don't take anything your victim says at face value.

Love this bit haha. 

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Bandits and Trust  do not go together..... they never have and never will

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