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Markov (DayZ)

Non-Lethal Alternatives

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It'd be great to see some non-lethal weaponry/solutions added to the game. They could enhance player interactions and pull away from KoS, this of course would not prevent your normal KoS player. However, it would give alternatives to the player who feels they need to KoS just to survive.


Here's some weapon ideas that could put a player down long enough to cuff them, without a dance to the death by two paranoid parties.




Pepper Spray


Tranquilizer Dart

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You have my beans.


Imagine this :


You peacefully walk towards Elektro or any other city.

Then suddenly, a wild clan appears. 10 people.

Every single one of the 10 people taze you or tranquilize you.




You walk around a city, looting, BAM, 2 people chase you and spray you with pepper spray,

another guy taze's you while you run,

comes up with a stungun and stuns you.


Now THAT is fun.


Ofcourse you'd die.

Edited by Doviszxc
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Maybe thoce throwing balls on chains to stop you from running or capcans or giant boxes who will trap you? Why ppk so dumb and whine about kos? If you do not want to kill - go behind him, take your wrapon and tell him thats if he tryes to pull out a gun you will squze his brains, then talk to him.

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сборник последних версий самых часто используемых в работе программ. http://b23.ru/5lc8 Этот образ был извлечен из последней сборки Windows Данный сборник будет полезен как начинающему, так и опытному пользователю.


Don't click the link. Just SPAM, lead's to some sort of a program download.



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I wouldn't be against beanbag rounds for shotguns, but no thanks for tazers & peppers sprays and all that crap, the effect of those rounds fired at you could be knocking you out for a few minutes.

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DayZ Origins uses tranq arrows in a crossbow and I must say it's pretty hilarious. They also have epi-pen-like arrows/darts for them to wake them back up.


Chloroform on rags could be used like handcuffs, in that it takes time to perform the maneuver? I like the bean bag in shotgun thing, but i also think it should have a chance to fail.

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Allso tear gas,or/and knockout gas that can be found in police stations.

Edited by Damnyourdeadman

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I think that we should get big pillows for muffling the screams of the innocent.

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We defintly need a solution, KoS is no fun if you are a new player like me...

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They could have tazer and it would not knock you completely out(unless you tazed them in the head maybe) that just in the movies, it usually depends on body weight. They have tazer shells for shotguns now, as well as grenade launcher net shells(lol yeah we act have net grenades) I would also like to see a tranq rifle or pistol.

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Correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't a baseball bat/sledgehammer/wrench to the back of the head "less lethal" at least?


I mean sure, there'll be some blunt-force trauma and one -hell- of a headache. But still. What doesn't kill you....

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someone had a post earlier about paintballs and it made me think of those paintball guns with pepper-balls.  Basically long-rage pepper spray.

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It depends a wrench to the back of the head might be less lethal then a bullet but it still has the full potential to kill(You may think he is just knocked but his brain is prob swelling) and you have to get close. I would rather have a tazer slug or a beanbag gun if I wanted to capture someone alive.

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fairly certain that none-lethal ammo / beanbags are already confirmed for being added.

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The problem with Taser slugs would be the fact that it takes up your primairy weapon slot. Tazers and all that, maybe some pepperspray, take up as much space as a pistol, making it worthwile to carry with you, but let's be honest: if you run into a guy or 3, with nothing but a tasing slug, you'd pray to have a lethal weapon, one with a longer range of effectiveness than the buckshots you carry with you. Maybe the sawed-off shotgun (confirmed) won't take up your primairy slot?

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Considering that most of the map is out of major cities, bear spray would be realistic and would give a somewhat ranged non-lethal option (perhaps blurring vision of your target). 

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No that's not what I mean by tazer slug those would be darts that you are thinking of from a tazer gun, those could be considered pistols. But what I meant is a Slug for shotguns, they have a slug that can be fired from a shotgun that is a self contained tazer no wires. This would be a rare 12g round that you could find in police stations.

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