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There wil always be hacker, when we they block a hack another one comes up. they will never die

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there is a glitch which teleports you backwards. as in like teleports you back 5 minutes ago but apart from that, and of course hackers teleporting themselves, nothing can happen.

What causes this glitch? Happens to me all the time.

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there is a glitch which teleports you backwards. as in like teleports you back 5 minutes ago but apart from that, and of course hackers teleporting themselves, nothing can happen.


What causes this glitch? Happens to me all the time.


It's not a glitch...It's the Source Code, Captain Stevens.



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Horray! Another whiny thread! I can't believe people still make these posts. Hacking cannot be avoided in games. As I said in another whine post, join protected official servers, not community made ones. That, and if you get teleported, just hit escape and alt f4 or just disconnect from the server.


will it help once combat loging is fixed? :D 

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all alpha comments aside, you guys say some wonderfully dumb things during a fight. im not mr tactical response by any means, but we teamspeak and only chatter about directions/commands/etc until the guy is spotted and dead.


"i really need to kill him"


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even worse is that my friends have offered to help rocket several times, because we had these things fixed in our private hive server! teleport was IMPOSSIBLE because server recorded the positions at all times and kicked you INSTANTLY if you travelled more distance than you could. so if you moved too fast = insta kick+ban.

also all those spawn scripts were impossible to use, i mean you might have been able to use it once, but that got you insta banned because we used the anti-cheat that detected all "illegal" spawns.

I like this function a lot. But does it take in consideration, driving vehicles and or rubber-banding etc?

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Folks, if your launched into the air, alt f4 or exit log ASAP. Join a server with high latency, and it just may teleport your little heinies back to safe ground.

Also, if you find yourself teleported far out to sea, don't panic, take a moment and use your noggin. The clouds blow eastward, always. Line yourself up to northwest, and start swimming. One of two things will happen, dry land, or death via starvation. Either way, it beats sitting there and posting on the forums about it.

Thee will always be "hackers", no matter what stage of the game there is. Sure they can implement measures against them, they will keep coming however. Just the nature of the beast.

Edited by Ineedscoffee

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At this point I just try to ignore the fanboys. I used to find it comical how normal gamers and fanboys feuded but now they're rather annoying. If anybody ever has a bit of a criticism against the sacred DayZ or God Dean then you can expect for at least one person to skim over your post and make a combative post essentially trying to bully you. 


It's either that...

You joined the wrong server even if it was official

You just don't understand that it's Alpha

or You're whiny 


And when there's no other explanation they search until they find a statement made by the developers months and or years ago about what the developers planned to do. 

I think you're stupid, you misunderstood EVERYTHING. Dean is NOT god, he is money greedy F$(@! that's what he is .. he don't care about you or anyone else in dayz community or about the game itself, all he cares about is MONEY he makes from it, this is why he disappeared for months in past and didn't give a crap about the game, he made his money and probably went travelling with that money.

What i SAID, is that Dean said that STANDALONE's sole purpose is to ELIMINATE such super hacks like teleport, weapon spawns, vehicle spawns, nuke the map ...etc ...etc. BUT the sole purpose of Standalone was to get MOOOORE $$$ into his greedy pockets! 

he didn't fix shit, even the glitches where you can go under map ..etc are STILL NOT FIXED! he didn't fix shit, it's same old arma2 mod that it used to be, NOTHING HAS CHANGED! except few new features, which me and my friends already had in our private hive ...

well yeah, arma3 models are used now ,but cmon .. any kid can do that!

he spent maybe like week on standalone and made millions out of it, Dean DOES NOT care about dayz at all, he just wants $$$$$$. otherwise he would have fixed all those issues, that take like few minutes to fix! LITERALLY they take few minutes to fix. i know, because me and my friends have done it already. he REFUSES to even accept any help, cuz he don't give a crap how well the game works.

you're STUPID to keep repeating "its alpha, its alpha" ...this alpha should be BETTER than the dayz mod, but it isnt. its same old shit.

get that banana out of your bum and try to understand what im saying.

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Folks, if your launched into the air, alt f4 or exit log ASAP. Join a server with high latency, and it just may teleport your little heinies back to safe ground.

Also, if you find yourself teleported far out to sea, don't panic, take a moment and use your noggin. The clouds blow eastward, always. Line yourself up to northwest, and start swimming. One of two things will happen, dry land, or death via starvation. Either way, it beats sitting there and posting on the forums about it.

Thee will always be "hackers", no matter what stage of the game there is. Sure they can implement measures against them, they will keep coming however. Just the nature of the beast.

yes ofcourse hackers will keep on coming, but whole idea of this post was to point out that Dean (rocket) is just a lazy money hungry greedy F#@$ !

Dean himself said that sole purpose of standalone is to elimnate SUPER HACKS like teleport ..etc, but he didn't do shit, instead he just made standalone so that people have to BUY standalone and he gets more $$$$ into his pockets, that's all ..

now he have "disappeared" again and can't bother fixing anything. just like he disappeared for months in past.

also i just made new topic about idea on super anti-cheat that would eliminate ALL hacks for 100%. in short, just update dayz.exe every day, that would prevent all hacks from working, that would force all hackers to update their hacks daily. they might do it, but for how long? for game developers, its easy, they can create automatic system to release "new" dayz.exe that doesn't change game, but mixes the code in dayz.exe so that hacks won't work anymore. simplest solution!

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