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My experience

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Thought I'd say hi! Been hanging around the forum a while and about time I shared my experience.

I've not played the mod but have been aware of it. Saw the standalone on Steam, watched a few vids on YouTube that convinced me to buy it!

From what I've gathered so far... Brilliant!

It's different to what I normally play (BF3/4, Diablo, CS:S) but something that's appealed to me but never found anything fulfilling.

Being the alpha, it's not too fulfilling but what a start! So engaging, thought provoking and really tests your moral options and gives you the options rather than firing at first sight and constant violence (for some of us... (: ) A great start to a great game.

My experiences so far have been varied... Fired at and killed at my first air base visit. I've been met on a rooftop by a survivor who proceeded to remove all clothing and gear onto the floor then run and jump to their death... Wandered around in greyscale for hours on end and done some site seeing.

Looking forward to some teamwork and bandit bashing once I find some ammo for my Mosin!

Anyway, Hi! See you around.


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I hear you brother. Different and brilliant, I got a copy of the original arma1 many moons ago, and the minute I played it, it changed my gaming life. No first person shooter I tried ever came close to the loneliness & freedom of the arma games, and still don't. When I look at battlefield and COD, they just seem so empty and boring to me.

Glad you are enjoying this new gaming experience my good man.

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I learned that DayZ is not an easy game just to "jump into".  My first go around was very confusing lol.  I made a video of it, its pretty noob lol *facepalm*


I love how real it is.  the game seems so well thought out.  I am looking forward to learning more about it.   This is a FPS that I can see myself REALLY loving

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