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Helping is nice....

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My character is all geared up, military everything. I have 2 first aid kits, 3 canteen, 2 protective cases with anti-biotics, painkillers, morphine, epi pens, food to spare. Hours of looting.


I made my way back to Berezino, hoping to find fresh spawners... help them finding the water pumps, give them a canteen, food, clean rags... find an axes, weapons... well you catch my drift.


I met with 3 guys at the construction site, sneaked up on them, they had no idea I was there and took control... pointing my pristine everything M4 at them. They complied with my directions and soon I was helping them looting, teaching them about what places are good for looting and what not. All was well.


I lost connection so I changed servers... found a new spawner and I picked up where I had left. I gave him water, found a backpack, a fire axe for him. I showed him around town... I always guided him and stayed on his 6.


After 30 mins of successful looting with him, he struggled with a couple zombies and he was bleeding heavily... 


That<s where I made the mistake of bandaging him instead of giving him the bandage... LOL


Needless to say, I let my guard down for one minute and that's all it took for him to chop me down with the axe I found for him.


I am now debating if I will ever help a young Bambi...I will never bandage anyone again that's for sure.


Well enjoy my gear young baby, I'm sure you look sharp!


Karma is a bitch though... and I will find you....

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those guys are as skilled as a vegetable,it was not a fair fight.


And If I think they suck then it has to be true.


Glad to see you are a hero though

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Reminds me of the time I was dropping my backpack on the road for a bambi. He tried punching me to death...

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I like playing the good guy... but now all I want to do a put a bullet in the back of his head. It was a noob move to bandage him... I'm learning though. I never played the mod but I learned alot watching Sacriel.

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I like playing the good guy... but now all I want to do a put a bullet in the back of his head. It was a noob move to bandage him... I'm learning though. I never played the mod but I learned alot watching Sacriel.

revenge is not needed he is nothing you are a hero,he is weak,you are strong!!!!!

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Protip from a seasoned medic, if they are conscious, have your patient empty their hands (lower weapon in mod) and go into a sitting position (F3 SA, ' mod) and then administer aid.  If they want to make a move, it'll take them a good 2-3 seconds to stand up, get a weapon ready, and aim properly.  In that time you can either warn them to sit back down, finish up or cancel the animation and react.  Preferably have them facing away as well.  Having someone else there whom you trust running security as well can help immensely.


Until we can open each others backpacks I wouldn't trust trying to give people the meds, lost too much gear to the void by putting it in vicinity.

Edited by (TMW)HerrJon
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That's the risk of being a hero. But helping those 3 guys at the start was pretty bad-ass! Real hero there. To each his own. The first human player I met in the DayZ mod 14 months ago was a hero player. Since then I always been one. It's not easy feat, but for me it's more gratifiyng. I've been killed more times than I can count, but for all the "thanks!!" (and sincere ones) I had for helping out meant more for me than anything else.


I lost virtual items, and gain real gratitude. Thanks for sharing.



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Protip from a seasoned medic, if they are conscious, have your patient empty their hands (lower weapon in mod) and go into a sitting position (F3 SA, ' mod) and then administer aid.  If they want to make a move, it'll take them a good 2-3 seconds to stand up, get a weapon ready, and aim properly.  In that time you can either warn them to sit back down, finish up or cancel the animation and react.  Preferably have them facing away as well.


Until we can open each others backpacks I wouldn't trust trying to give people the meds, lost too much gear to the void by putting it in vicinity.

It takes at least a few seconds to spawn on the ground. I rarely seen items never reappear.

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It takes at least a few seconds to spawn on the ground. I rarely seen items never reappear.


I have had several items lost to the black hole called vicinity 

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wow Here have some beans i hope they can ease a little.

but listen dont let the asshats ruin your attempt at being awesome.

i just started playing about 2 days ago and i would have loved meeting someone like you when i started. hell i still do lol. most of the time i run around like looking for anything and everthing untill i manage to find a sign and or compass then i can start trying to move inland.

But it usaly take me ages just to find a backpack,

or hell an axe.


Anyway Keep it up friend, Being an asshat is easy, its being awesome thats hard.

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Thanks for the beans and kind words. At first I was upset, told myself I woyld simply start KoS... but I can't do that. Too nice of a guy for that. I will simply get geared up again... help out fresh spawns again.

This reminds me... I even gave away a can opener to the guy! I had 3 on me heheh.

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How do you have room for all of that? I carry only food, water, bandages and 600+ ammo XD with 4 mags that are 30x2

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I tried the same thing, was ambushed from behind, and lost a bunch. For the next few dayz i KOS'd, and I planned on being a bandit for the rest of my dayz.

But, after reading all these comments, and this story, I now understand why people are heroes, and i want to be one to  :) 

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yup... don't let the ass players change your style of playing. You are gonna die a lot more than advantage takers and KOSers, but being a hero takes more skill and can be more satisfying (take time to become a good hero).


I have given a bambi my whole kit before and gun, then sat, knowing they where probably gonna kill me (and they did). Seems when they have an advantage, the will take it. 

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How do you have room for all of that? I carry only food, water, bandages and 600+ ammo XD with 4 mags that are 30x2


Food belongs in your belly, not your backpack.  And 600 rounds is a bit overkill.  You won't need that until they actually have enough enough zeds to be a horde.

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^ what he said. But with the 30 slot of the hunter pack, I had 2 protective cases which add 2 slots each, same for the first aid back... so now you have still 14 slots open plus the 24 of the kits... ttko vest and shirt pants... theres alot of room. Plus I only carry 2 mag of 30×2... one being in the weapon. I had 2 blood bag of O- ...

But yea... ill keep helping. KoS isn't challenging enough. Much harder to sneak up on someone and be in a posution of control.

Im in the military personally... I would love to join a clan but ill be deployed soon so I prefer not commit.

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 Had a similiar thing happen last night. Two of my buddies and myself spawn on the east coast, raid the vilalges near by and make a daring run into electro to nab some stuff at the firehouses. We make it out alive and armed with axes and magnums and 45s. After a tense standoff with another group of survivors (which i think the only reason they didnt try to attack us was my firing a warning shot and telling them I dont want to kill them) when one of them rushed at my buddy with an axe; we decided to get out of dodge and head east/north to Berezino to try and find more gear and supplies. One by one along the way we find and help 5 more players, added them to teamspeak and getting gear. When we finally make it to the construction site (all 8 of us) one of the new guys I found out was starving and had red thirst.... so I tab open my inventory and drop my canteen and some food from him... thats when hell broke lose. The bandits show up and knock me out while i was going though my things and the newer guy i was helping; and then proceed to just murder everyone there! While we were trecking up and picking up more survivors the entire server filled up.... the constructionsite became a huge battleground as we tried to get back to help and get some gear back.... I have never seen such chaos... The spawnpoints and small villages along the way to the construction site were a battleground also as a bunch of fresh spawns and survivors were just duking it out with fists in the streets with the occasional zombie rtunning interference. It was an aderaniline high to say the least!

Then.... the server went down! We ended up losing 80% of our gear but ended up making 5 new friends and making our wolfpack much stronger. The game has a great way of forging friendships when you share adversarity. show kindness and a desire to help one another out... we are forming our own community in a lawless waste and even after losing everything I can honestly say it was worth it and fun!

Long sotry short... keep helping people.. add them to steam.. join up on teamspeak and make a hero community for yourself like we are!

edit: spelling is my bane

Edited by Brethren Develain
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^ what he said. But with the 30 slot of the hunter pack, I had 2 protective cases which add 2 slots each, same for the first aid back... so now you have still 14 slots open plus the 24 of the kits... ttko vest and shirt pants... theres alot of room. Plus I only carry 2 mag of 30×2... one being in the weapon. I had 2 blood bag of O- ...

But yea... ill keep helping. KoS isn't challenging enough. Much harder to sneak up on someone and be in a posution of control.

Im in the military personally... I would love to join a clan but ill be deployed soon so I prefer not commit.

kitted like this?



Added: that was a run with no back pack for a test, but you get the idea


added: added: box in hand is filled with trash, it was used as running loot space

Edited by Sooden
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^ exactly what im talking about :) love them yellow boxes!

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^ exactly what im talking about :) love them yellow boxes!


gave all that way after the test, and started fresh :P Love looting and trying different 'load outs' but never carry M4 or mosin, as i am a medic lol


Added: even when i did my KOS test (i didn't like it, but had too, balance research) i still only used pistols

Edited by Sooden

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^ I enjoy the medic as well, but I like having a long gun for protection as it will not affect storage.... you never know when a KoSer will strike.

As far as the medic goes though... I gotta figure out what does what against what in order to be an effective medic.

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^ I enjoy the medic as well, but I like having a long gun for protection as it will not affect storage.... you never know when a KoSer will strike.

As far as the medic goes though... I gotta figure out what does what against what in order to be an effective medic.


That part can be funny, feeding the patient all the med you have... luckily, i think this wont kill them in new patch :P 


as for the long gun. seems good but... if you not a fighter, it just makes you more of a threat, and may get killed faster. 

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Are you sure? If im playing alone like ive been, always will have a long gun.

If I had a teamate... then id go without.

I was thinking about getting a red hoodie and red mountain pack with no gun and just loot medical and health... but theres always these guys who woyld say: " how stupid was he to dress in red and no gun..."

I hate being called stupid haha

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I just started playing DayZ on Saturday evening but I wanted to applaud you folks that risk everything to help out new players.

I have died several times now but I did have the opportunity to help a player that was even less equipped than me and fortunately everything went well.

Regardless of how things turn out for me equipment/game wise, I can see myself going down the same path of helping others.

So don't get too frustrated when things don't go as planned and remember there are plenty of players that appreciate what you all do.


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