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Anyone else disagree with the current morphine spawns?

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First off, I love this game. It is a load of fun and is one of the only games I can lose myself in for hours. As a little disclaimer, I am a noob and only started playing about a week ago, but this is just one player's opinion.

I feel like the morphine spawn rate is completely out of whack. First, we have a fun little glitch where if you prone through a door you can lose half your blood, break your bones, and go into shock. Alright, I'm ok with this; it's an alpha.

Second, we make all players' bones glass and increase the percentage with which they break when being attacked by zombies. That's alright! It adds a lot of challenge to the game; try to avoid zombies as much as possible!

Third, we start with no means to protect ourselves and every weapon that spawns is surrounded by zombies nearly impossible to evade. Earlier today I was playing, and I was crawling through the bush up to a little barn type thing. I had no weapons and it had taken me about a half an hour to even get a clear path into the barn. Right when I entered I turned to my right and saw not one, not two, but 3 zombies just chilling in the corner! Great! They saw me obviously so I walked slowly up the ladder to try and find something to defend myself with, all while being pummeled by them. Oh hey, a zombie standing right on top of a double barrel shotgun! With no ammo! GG guys, well done. Needless to say, I broke my legs and died. I did manage to find a hatchet and kill the 4 zombies before then, but my legs were still broken and I wasn't about to crawl through the forests for 8 hours to maybe find some morphine. I'm fine with starting without a weapon. I like that challenge. Spawning zombies on top of weapons though? It's pushing it, but it's still realistic and I'll allow it.

The problems arise when all of these are added together. I like the difficulty of the game. I like the risk of dying and losing everything. Sometimes I even wish it would be a bit harder! But with great difficulty comes a great need for balance. And when there are multiple ways to (fairly or unfairly) break your legs and then the ability to fix your legs decreases tenfold, you know you have a balance problem.

Maybe I'm just terrible, but do any of you know how horrible it is to have to respawn with 11k blood, food, water, a weapon, and everything you need because you broke your legs and are nowhere near civilization? It's happened to me 3 times now, not to mention all the times I've broken my legs without the bare essentials. I'm not asking for morphine to be superfluous throughout every spawn. Just give me a chance to survive my first zombie encounter. Make bones only breakable below a certain amount of blood, like 6k or something. It's highly unlikely for your blood to get that low without running into at least a few different zombie encounters. Hell, start us with morphine like you used to. Give us two so we can survive one random doorway explosion and a zombie! But it's incredibly difficult to get yourself set up now, and even moreso to survive after you do when your bones can break on the first ever hit from a zombie.

My problem comes from the fact that breaking your legs is pretty much a guaranteed respawn. If you have some good stuff you can try and risk joining a server with side chat and getting someone to come help you, but that's highly unlikely. I firmly believe that the only way to die in this game should be...well dying (whether to starvation, thirst, another player, or a zombie). When I have to respawn 90% of the time because my legs are broken...well...

TL;DR: Anyone else frustrated by the lack of morphine? Share your thoughts whether you agree or disagree. I'd like to hear them :)

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Nein. Morphine spawns are fine as is. Most of the time, morphine isn't even needed. The time it takes to find morphine and the amount of times you break bones is balanced out.

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Holy wall of text !

I didn't read it, but I read the title and will answer that.

Not so much the morphine spawn allthough not having it at village / town pharmacies etc is a bit strange. For me it's more a case that bones seem so brittle now that to explore the map you need to be taking morphine hits to cure broken bones every 20 minutes.

I think most people who play CS in the southern cites are not affected though.

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Nein. Morphine spawns are fine as is. Most of the time' date=' morphine isn't even needed. The time it takes to find morphine and the amount of times you break bones is balanced out.


I have to completely disagree. Your bones are basically made out of toothpicks now.

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Ok the problem is that I haven't the slightest clue where to find a crashed helicopter and I've never been able to successfully have both a weapon and be in a town with a hospital at the same time. My bones always break before then xD. I've had a weapon and not been in a town, or I've been in a town and not had a weapon, but never both at the same time.

Everyone mentioned to go to a hospital, and yeah, duh. My problem is that I can't even MAKE it to a hospital.

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Ok the problem is that I haven't the slightest clue where to find a crashed helicopter and I've never been able to successfully have both a weapon and be in a town with a hospital at the same time. My bones always break before then xD. I've had a weapon and not been in a town' date=' or I've been in a town and not had a weapon, but never both at the same time.

Everyone mentioned to go to a hospital, and yeah, duh. My problem is that I can't even MAKE it to a hospital.


Yep I'm afraid the current system encourages people to keep respawning until they spawn at a city. Something many people do already to kit out.

Because you can't even start the game / journey until you have visited the hospital.

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I think morphine should spawn in super markets with a low, but significant chance, as this seems like a logical place for previous survivors to have stored loot/made a barricade (obviously failing in the end.)

Right now it's kinda bad how the hospitals are spread out. Since the only hospitals are in also the largest loot spots in the game, bandits swarm these locations and anyone looking to get some additional supplies generally ends up swiss cheese.

I think we just need more locations to find the odd medical supplies with hospitals being the best.

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The main thing I disagree with is morphine spawn patterns. Its like, pretty rare chance to get it basically everywhere on the map, but suddenly at a hospital there are 50 in one spot. I know it could be considered "realistic", its just that it creates a scenario where you visit a hospital once and you are fine for the next 20 hours of play.

In my opinion, medical supplies should be more scarce at medical locations (hospitals, medical tents), but there should be more in land medical locations. At the moment there are essentially only three places to get medical supplies from; Cherno, Elektro and Berezino.

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I agree. Obviously your average person isn't going to have morphine spawned in his barn, but then again morphine doesn't even "cure" a broken leg. So on a realism level, that whole argument goes out the window. I think they should have some kind of low, but possible, spawn rate in a lot of easily accessible areas as well, not just supermarkets. Not everyone can make it into a big town, as evidenced by the fact that at least 80% of my respawns since I've started playing have been a result of broken legs.

Either that, or don't mess with the morphine spawn rate at all and make it only possible to break a bone below a certain amount of blood as I mentioned before. You guys have no idea how frustrating it is to play successfully for a few hours and be so into the game, then when the first zombie you ever get hit by breaks your bones, leaving you with almost full blood and a pack full of goodies, you have to respawn because there's nothing else to do. I'm not a pro, but people who aren't pros should have a shot at playing this game too.

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The fundamental problem at the moment is that a broken bone is not punishment for a mistake. Being hit by a zombie is not a "mistake" per se, its part of the game and sometimes it is necessary. Broken bones are punishment for being unlucky.

I suggested somewhere else that broken bones should occur primarily when taking a prolonged or savage beating. A single zombie should not really be able to break a survivors bones. Being mauled by 3 or 4, however, should be almost guaranteed to. If people understand that it is their fault, they will accept a broken bone. At the moment however, its just random chance.

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I agree with your fix as well. See, many people have great ideas I'm sure. Having a 50% chance to have a limb broken randomly just doesn't seem very realistic...or fun. I agree with random things happening in a game. I agree with unlucky things happening in a game. But when there's basically a completely random chance that you'll have to start your game over? And it's a really high chance? Come on now.

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After breaking legs two spawns in a row, I headed straight for Cherno hospital and grabbed a couple morphine. Sucks they never spawn anywhere else but it is probably realistic. Grocery stores don't sell morphine (well maybe if they had a built in pharmacy).

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I couldnt find a single piece of morphine, till two days ago when I actually found one in the NW airfield. :s

Today, while I was looting those 3storie red brick houses N of Cherno, in a single room there were like 7 or 8 pieces of morphine.

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I don't get broken bones that often, but then i just run and lose my trail of zeds, but i do agree that have a broken bone or even getting knocked unconscious when over 10k blood is not fun. But i find it more frustrating when i fall from the barn platforms by accident and get a broken bone, I understand for a 2 story fall but when its not even an 8 foot fall, your legs should not break.

BTW, how can the all the survivors be survivors if they have glass bone syndrome, or is it a side effect of the infection that turned the rest into zeds?

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Morphine is retarded as fuck. Magically heals broken bones instantly. My bones also broke today when I had 12k blood. So I'm just supposed to never ever get hit by zombies and I have no way of ever avoiding broken bones if I can't do so. I have a problem with the way morphine works and how ridiculous breaking your leg is. Unable to move due to pain? Believable. My bone breaks other time a zombie hits me? Bullshit

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See, the hospital has glass that you have to break right? And to do that you need some type of gun right? I've made it to a hospital with a hatchet, but it just made the glass shattering sound and didn't actually break the glass. You guys make it sound like it's so easy to get to a hospital xP. Maybe it's easy to get there, but I have yet to even obtain a gun more than one life. I've spawned probably 15 times since I started playing, and I got a Lee Enfield once. Probably about 7 of those times I've gotten a hatchet, and the rest of those times I've died just trying to find a weapon. I'm fine with the above aspect. At least 10 of those 15 lives, however, I've had to respawn because I broke a bone. Wasn't even in any danger of dying, I simply broke a bone and didn't have morphine.

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I thought 90% of the replies on this thread would be "HURR DURR Dyno you're retarded you can't find a hospital you suck hurrrr," but at least a majority of you guys are in agreement with me that something needs to change. That's all I ask. Just change something so that it's possible for me to make it inland without breaking my bone every time I encounter my first zombie.

That's what alpha testing is for! Hopefully Rocket sees this and the many other threads about it and comes up with an interesting way to fix it.

Also, it's hard for me to keep going back and forth like this but I DO agree with you Pete. I like the layer of difficulty. It's just not balanced at all. Take a read through what I and others have had to say. You can keep morphine spawns the way they are, but make breaking a bone more realistic. If you're going to break bones every five seconds, then increase morphine spawns or increase the areas in which they can spawn. My problem isn't that bones break so easily or even that morphine is hard to find. It's that breaking a bone is a game-ending, random occurrence. When both of the above are true, a game-ending, random occurrence that you can't do anything about really starts to get on your nerves.

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I think you can throw empty cans to break the glass, and it takes maybe a dozen or two hits with a melee weapon to break the glass, I have already did a long ass crawl from the outskirts of electro to the hospital, i got there and repaired myself, but i think i died shortly after.

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Thanks SgtExo. I guess until a patch is released (if there ever will be one) I'll just have to make getting a hatchet, because those are easy to find, and then crawling to the nearest hospital my number one strategy and plan. That's how I'll have to start every game now, because I can't stand getting hit once by a a zombie and having to start my game over.

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If you only find it in hospitals, how did I find it in a residential building with a makarov mag and 2 chemlights? (Or it might have been a restaurant.)

And you don't have to break the glass, there's 2 loot piles on the roof, and sometimes one around behind the back of the place, next to the ladder to the roof.

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Morphine is too scarce in, but only because zeds can walk through closed doors and break bones with their first strike. One or all of these 3 elements need adjusting.

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There needs to be more!

At the moment it's stupidly easy to break a bone, last night three team members broke bones and we had a firefight with a guy who was also crippled with a broken bone :P

We have found one morphine injector in over ten hours of playtime and suffered more fractures due to bugs and zombies than i can count.

Here's a weird one,two of us enter a barn, we are making our way silently to the top (undetected) then "crack" "crack" we both break our legs!...

It'll be fixed (shame our legs won't be) but in the meantime it's hilariously broken :D

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