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Lost all my stuff

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Me and my friend were playing some DayZ when suddenly a message appeared saying "message not recieving".

We assumed the server was restarting which maybe was the case but cut to the case.


We timed out and rejoined again and when i rejoined, i lost all my stuff i had on me and respawned right back at the ocean as a  'naked' guy.

My friend tried to rejoin aswell but his screen turned black and timed out again and he eventually by rejoining got his stuff back again, which wasnt the case with me.\


Could a admin please contact me or could someone tell me how to contact a admin because i had quite a lot of good stuff on me, weapons, medical supplies, food, drinks, mags, a decently equiped m4 and it took me quite a while to gather these things.


Best regards,



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Could a admin please contact me or could someone tell me how to contact a admin because i had quite a lot of good stuff on me, weapons, medical supplies, food, drinks, mags, a decently equiped m4 and it took me quite a while to gather these things.



There's nothing anyone could do - it's the only rule of DayZ and the best one as well: Don't get attached to your gear.


Start over and do it again - you now have the experience to find all that stuff again. :)


In the meantime take a look at this and use the searchfunction so you don't open threads and aks questions that have already been answered:



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The server restared, you had played there for less than 30 mins I imagine, didn't log off until it happened, the hive never got to save your gear because of the restart. It happens, no one's fault and nobody can do anything about it.

Edited by EchoZeero

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2 friends and me got the same prob today.


we were aII 3 on a officiaI server then the server went offIine. we connected to another server and aII of us startet at the beach as fresh spawns...


we Iogged out and reconnected another server. my friends were stiII on the beach with their fresh spawned char and i spawned fuII equipped on the position we were as the server shut down...

BUT before i got my gear back at the 2nd connected server my char at the start screen was the fresh spawned one. not my oId eqipped one.


2 days ago i Iost my char to this probIem too.  and a few days before again. so this bug happend me 3 times and i know many ppI which Iost their chars to the same bug....




this needs to be adressed asap. it a game breaking bug.



p.s. i dont care about the stuff i Iost but its no fun to pIay a serious survivor this way. most of your cIan now runs around naked with pink hats and an axe kiIIing ppI on the coast cities because there is no point getting Ioot and defend it or try survive as Iong as possibIe. 

Edited by Pain0815

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