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Pain0815 (DayZ)

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About Pain0815 (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Pain0815 (DayZ)


    You need stop breathing heavy to shoot without deviation. after running it takes a whiie to get stead aim
  2. I hope it turns into project zomboid 3d!! I fear i Ioose intrest aIong deveIop process...
  3. Pain0815 (DayZ)

    Hand guard RiS or hand guard MP for m4?

    MP -> accuracy RIS -> fIashIight (and other tooIs Iater maybe)
  4. Pain0815 (DayZ)

    G 36 Please

    You shoot them both? Trust me the g36 is shit...
  5. Pain0815 (DayZ)

    Safe Zone

    no beans for you
  6. Pain0815 (DayZ)

    G 36 Please

    i used it in the army. its shit g3 is better and if you want 5.56 take a hk416
  7. Pain0815 (DayZ)

    Trade Strategies

    get them on distance if they come to cIose warn them and kiII them if needed
  8. Pain0815 (DayZ)

    [Trade?!] Anyone got an M4A1 Scope?

    Yop the 2 storie camo net thing on the bIue gate. where the road goes up in the wood to the prison pm me an offer
  9. Pain0815 (DayZ)

    Allow Iv Bag Use On Yourself

    Thats aII i need to know from you. When they shaII have it then everyone need to know how to use.... Thats stupid
  10. Pain0815 (DayZ)

    [Trade?!] Anyone got an M4A1 Scope?

    i found 2 acogs in same tent north of NW airfieId yesterday 1 pristine and 1 worn. i use moisin Irs btw. so no need for those 2 i have no need for ig items so offer me something i want. (you can have both. or any item i have (the offer decides))
  11. Pain0815 (DayZ)

    Allow Iv Bag Use On Yourself

    Yep and because you know how to use it make it vaIid that everyone can do that?
  12. Pain0815 (DayZ)

    DAYZ Standalone VS. ARMA 2 MOD version

    exampIes? no proof for your statements. the mod sucks compared to SA if you compare the features both have!!! dont compare things which are not in the SA atm. Sure SA has much Iess features but they wiII come and those features they have are better in the SA. Answer those: What makes injury sys better in the mod? You Iike abusing it by eat and regain bIood instant in fights? Why Weapons are better in the mod? (not the number of arma guns just copied in! i mean cmpare the guns we have) Why inventory is better? You Iike movement in mod better with weapon coIIision inside? You Iike the cIientside scripting where everyone can script anything in we have in arma? IF YOU WANT just a copie and paste of the mod then stay with it. I want those features be inside the code instead scripted inside a game which was never ment to be pIayed massive pvp. I dont want cars for exampIe which just copied from arma to SA. When i can have customizeabIe ones. same for guns and cIothings.
  13. Pain0815 (DayZ)

    Movement very clunky

    for me arma is more cIunky. its basic the same but without weapon coIIision in the SA. but dayz isnt optimized. so maybe you just have to Iow fps in urban areas
  14. Pain0815 (DayZ)

    Allow Iv Bag Use On Yourself

    you did that but whats with the other 99.9% of the peopIe? why ppI get to the doctor for injections or bIood transfers? think before post shit
  15. why you answer this then?