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mr pedersen

Shopping Mall Cart. storage more loot.

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Would seem rather annoying to move around and would probably put a bigger target on your back for others imo.

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Imagine pushing it down a hill with someone in it who had a LMG


Could be a tank :P 

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Imagine pushing it down a hill with someone in it who had a LMG


Could be a tank :P


LOL!!  :lol:  Now you got me laughing!

What you can do with it more then carry loot that we will find out ingame. Blocking doors with it?

I guess best way to use it would be in groups. The others could protect the one using the cart as he cant use his weapon.

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i lol'd so hard at this thread. pure awesomesauce~


see a dude rolling through cherno with one of these, you hollar out to him and he hollars back sayin "hey man! i just looted up the DayZ thrift shop!"


beans for you sir!

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Every object in the game should have a not-so-useful, but fun thing you can do with it. Shopping karts and steep hills could be a hoot!

Edited by McBonkhead
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Have a shopping mall cart race down a steep road or a mountain.

Or just flip the cart over with some one in it, so he breaks his arm or somthing.

omfg! lol!


Edited by Pedersen
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and cant travel through the grass. 

Edited by UnarmedCiv

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why not even a golf cart insted of carring clubs? Also drive a golfcar?

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Not a bad idea, but tbh they should not be rare with all the supermarkets we got in Chernarus :)
They should however, be very very slow off the road, make alot of noise when you move around and stand out like a 50 foot fire in the middle of the night.

So you can take your chances, which solo would mean suicide, but for a group of people it would be an ideal starter storage, before finding vehicles.



Every object in the game should have a not-so-useful, but fun thing you can do with it. Shopping karts and steep hills could be a hoot!



A hoot? More like a deathtrap lol.

Edited by Byrgesen
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Not a bad idea, but tbh they should not be rare with all the supermarkets we got in Chernarus :)

They should however, be very very slow off the road, make alot of noise when you move around and stand out like a 50 foot fire in the middle of the night.

So you can take your chances, which solo would mean suicide, but for a group of people it would be an ideal starter storage, before finding vehicles.





A hoot? More like a deathtrap lol.


I agree

* Noisy

* Driving it alone with cart full with loot = Suicide. Every one is going to want to get your loot.

* Could easy flpp over if you run very fast with it.

* One player could sit inside of it if it is empty. Run to fast with it you might flip the cart and player inside might get hurt.

* Works best with a group where rest of the team can give weapon support for the one driving it.

Edited by Pedersen
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Yes, have some beans sir  :beans:


But if they put it in, they might aswell rename it from "Shopping Cart" to "Zombie Magnet", because the noise is gonna draw Z's from everywhere to it lol

Edited by Byrgesen
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Good idea there sir!



Your group enter a town, it looks empty.

You push down the cart the steep road into the town and all the zombies that lurk in the dark now rush out.


Or as I would think it would work ingame because of the Arma 2 engine, some one has to push in along and be the zombie snack. And just hope the rest of his team can kill the zombies in time.

Edited by Pedersen

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Good idea there sir!



Your group enter a town, it looks empty.

You push down the cart the steep road into the town and all the zombies that lurk in the dark now rush out.


Or as I would think it would work ingame because of the Arma 2 engine, some one has to push in along and be the zombie snack. And just hope the rest of his team can kill the zombies in time.


Yeh not sure it will be possibly to simply push it and let it roll by it self :)

Perhaps its doable in the SA engine, but ive never seen it done in either A2 or A3 hehe.

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Excellent idea!


Where's the best downhill road to hold our first Chernarusian Shopping Trolley Grand Prix?

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First all contestant need to find a helmet.


The first who get through the town without crash or killed by zombies  wins and hole days consumption of beans :beans: !


:thumbsup:  :D

Edited by Pedersen
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