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Scariest experience in DAYZ? SHARE!

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I was sneaking through Zelenogorsk, coming from the northern road into town, slowly making my way down towards the convenience store. I avoided all zombies and made sure to keep an eye out for other players as well. I finally made it to the back entrance of the convenience store and my first thought is "Ok. I should probably scope this place out and make sure im alone before I start looting." so then I proceeded inside (nonchalantly. expecting absolutely nothing) and I make my way through the door to the front room and come out behind the main counter and as I walk in the first thing I see is a player digging through a pile of loot. At about the same time that I saw him, he looked up and saw me as well, we both panicked and raised our guns and started stepping back and forth firing our winchester 1877's, (we had the same gun) after about the 7 or 8th round I get lucky and hit him in the gut. He was out of ammo and reloading after my last shot rang out so I capitalized on this moment by deciding to retreat.

Now, by then im shaking horribly because of the shock of running into someone. Also, I was shaking both in game and IRL so at this point I could hardly even aim. I turn and bolt for the door to go back out the rear entrance thinking I had won and expecting him to retreat as well to patch up his wounds but just as I entered the doorway the loud bang of several colt 1911 shots echoed through my ears. Only one of them hit me and I survived but not before me and the other (what I now assumed was 2) survivors were greeted with a massive horde of zombies who had now begun to pour into the building.

Me, in my panic, gave absolutely no shits about the zombies coming towards me and waded my way through them, with several more pistol rounds wizzing past me.

I hid in a house a few doors down and patched my wounds then fought off the zombies that had followed me. In the distance I could hear the other 2 survivors doing the same thing.

My adrenaline didn't stop pumping full throttle for probably another 15 minutes afterwards.

I never did bump into them again but that was definitely one of the scariest situations i've been in so far.

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Mine is both hilarious and scary:

I'm very new to Day Z, since I only started on Wednesday, and this happened on Thursday. It was my first experience with a Bandit...

After many failed attempts at looting towns, I managed to find Chernogorsk, and get to the church after being followed by tons of zeds. I stayed there for a while and found some nice loot, including a Makorav which disappeared in my backpack because the ammo followed it when I put it in (Again, I'm new, I was derping really hard) so I ended up gunless in the end. I D/C'd for a bit and joined in again later on to a server with Side chat. I was looting the Church and thinking about what I wanted to do, then some people were asking about friendlies in Cherno, which I was skepitkal about, but all the survivors I'd met up until then were awesome, so I joined in saying I was at the Church. I took caution off on the pier to the side, and layed in prone to see who came. After a 5 minute wait I started seeing zeds agro, and then a person holding some sort of rifle came booking straight for me. In the direct chat mic he started whispering in a psycho and menacing tone "Come here big boy, come here big boy" getting a little louder each time. He'd also do that "tsk tsk tSK TSK TSK" sound (Hard to describe in text) that I know is from a movie with a psycho, but I don't know the name. He performed this psycho path image really well while chasing me and running from zeds. He never shot me for some reason, probably wanted me to be right there in front of him or something, but I ran into the Fire Station desperately yelling for help into Direct Chat. Someone in the fire station with a gun said he'd help and I told him to open fire on the crazy guy, but the crazy guy killed him instantly :( so I booked it onto the roof of the fire station, and the psycho stayed in the fire station, looting and waiting. I was up there for 20 minutes, and I tried climbing down the ladder on the very top part, and I fell off, breaking my leg and knocking me out on impact. I crawled to the second ladder when I woke and climbed down. I crawled into the fire station in a desperate hope to find Morphine, and he was still there, waiting. He gave me 3 seconds in a stare off, and put a bullet in my head. It was a scary as fuck moment for me, as I hadn't run into any Bandits before, but it was also hilarious because he pulled the psycho thing off perfectly lol. I think he might have been letting me live cause I was laughing into direct chat the whole time... and screaming "DON'T KILL ME, I DIDN'T DO SHIT TO YOU"

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I once looted the Polana store during the night in complete darkness. I approached the town from the south, and crawled through the street navigating by sound. Some zombie sounds from the left, crawl to the right etc. I had a compass so I could stay on-course.

After about 10 minutes of listening to zombie sounds and crawling around I finally reached the store.

Once inside I had to fire up a chemlight to see the loot piles! Afterwards it was another 10mins of crawling NW up the hill and to safety.

It was INTENSE! Ever since that I've been playing a lot at night!

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I experienced one (and there are quite a few) of my scariest moments ever yesterday evening. It was completely the making of my own stupidity/paranoia. I had just spawned and belly crawled my way into one of those warehouses with a catwalk where I usually find a hatchet in the little upper room.

I pick up my hatchet and was heading back along the catwalk on my way out and happen to glance down to the one of the lower windows. I froze in my tracks. There was someone with an axe standing stock still outside the window. It looked like a backlit silhouette of Jason from Friday the 13th - waiting silently to hack me to death. I just stared. I was afraid to move, my skin was crawling,heart pounding, palms sweating - those catwalks make so much fucking noise if you move. I whisper to my husband (like whoever is out there can actually hear me), "There is someone out there waiting for me! WhatthehelldoIdo?" I was less afraid of the 4 or 5 zombies making their way up the catwalk stairs.

He looks at my screen for a second and whispers back to me, "That's you, honey, it's your own shadow." "Move a little, see? It moves too!", like he's talking to a frightened 2 year old! I had completely psyched myself into full on frozen with terror mode over my own freakin' shadow!

I could try a million times and probably never recreate that perfect alignment of sun,my guy and windows. It was an image straight out of a horror movie. It's little things, sometimes, that make this game really stand out from others.

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A tale of 3 bandits: (worth the read)

In my first week of dayz, it seemed that every time i touched a weapon, SOMEONE would come out of the woodwork with their own to take it. no-ammo shotty - hatcheted, revolver - shot down by a winchester (i got him too ;D) to gear his friend, winchester - headshot by sniper walking down barn steps, m1911 - backstab troll. All of these happened either as I was leaving the building or very shortly after.

So I wander into one of those 3 lvl white barns and find a nice Winchester and 3 lovely piles of ammo with my name on it and my danger indicator goes off the chart. I immedately grab and drop down to the lowest level behind the boxes that allow me to see the entrance to the cover opposite me and both staircases. Not 20 seconds of waiting and in wanders John Q. Curious looking for loot with his markarov out. I tense up and see if i can make a break for it (not feeling exactly murderous just yet) and lo and behold he drops mid barn to a lee enfield. the holder then enters, quickly loots his kill, and posts up above me and i hear him hatching the incoming zeds.

I'm sitting there scared shitless to run or try to peak and kill this bandit cause i just know my luck streak and i dont want to risk it. Not too long after he comes down from my side holding his new prize with his rifle slung across his back and starts climbing the other side. Feeling righteous, i make my move and peak out, carefully scope, and headshot the murderer right as he peaks the last level. HUZZAH! I AM THE BRINGER OF JUSTICE. I HAVE MADE RIGHT THAT WHICH IS...oh shit

Mr."I camp barns wearing full camo" 's head suddenly enters my situational awareness from behind the boxes on the other side and ended my frantic rabbit zig zag with 5 shots from some kind of clip load pistol.

He could have had his head up for 20 min for all i knew due to the low contrast between his head and the back wall, but i know for a fact no one entered or exited without me seeing. he had just been camped watching it all play out so he could finish the victor.

bravo you patient bastard bravo

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First time: I log in at a deer stand, immediately notice there is loot underneath me. I think to myself "this is great!" As I'm looking through, I see a hand on the ladder, a guy comes up. He see's me there and we just stare at each other for a moment, until he climbs back down and hides behind a tree. I was so scared I couldn't shoot. All I had was a makarov. I just waited for death to come assuming he was going to light up the whole stand, but he just kept poking his head out. Finally I said I wouldn't shoot if he wouldn't and we went our separate ways.

Second time: Buddy and I are going to do a quick raid on Stary. We had a good system, I was usually hidden nearby on over watch with an M16 ACOG. As I started sweeping, I noticed a running zombie, so I follow that to the player it's following. My buddy wants to kill him since he's a liability... but as I keep watching him... I notice movement from a second bandit... then a third. At that point I start yelling to fall back, we were going to be out gunned. We retreat over the hill and hide behind a wall. Suddenly my friend calls out "Is that you?" I see nobody and yell no... too late, he gets pumped full of AK rounds. I hit the ground, there are two on his body. I'm freaking out and fire half my magazine at the guy looting, he drops and I take a bullet from his friend. I run away bleeding, manage to bandage, and kept running as bullets flew all around me. So much adrenaline IRL I couldn't even hold the mouse still.

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