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Curious about peoples 'Rules of Engagement'

What are your Rules of Engagement?  

214 members have voted

  1. 1. If you're a position to kill, do you...

    • Kill on sight EVERYONE
    • Kill on sight ARMED players including melee weapons but leave unarmed alone
    • Kill on sight ARMED players, leaving melee and unarmed alone
    • Come in peace unless given reason to fight

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i'll kill armed players if i think i have a good shot (remind them that they're playing dayz, and anyone could be scoping you at any minute), or if they're close enough to be a threat. 


freshie/melee players i'll kill if they won't back the fuck off, but i don't play on the coast at all after an hour of life so i don't really ever see them. 

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My SOPS for spotting other players might be a little different as I like to stick to the forests and smaller settlements, so I'm far more likely to spot another player before that see me.


More than one player, I'm going to slip away quietly and watch from a good distance.


If you're not armed and not moving towards me, you'll never know I'm there.


If you're armed and not moving towards me, I'm watching you through my sights. If you move away, you get to live. 


If you're armed and not moving towards me, you're getting shot.


Not armed and moving towards me, I'll move and watch you pass me by. If I can't move without being seen, I'll wait until you're within comms range and tell you to turn around and get going. Fail to comply, you get shot.

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I do my best to avoid other players, I don't trust anyone but I have never killed another player and I've only shot at players when they've shot at me first. If there's a chance I can avoid conflict then I will.

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I don't shoot on sight. SOS, so to speak.


"KOS" is relative anyway. Doesn't mean you have to win (kill) on every encounter.


I run around with a partner, squads or a big army most of the time anyway, so we can afford to be more friendly than the average loner who might not have backup or someone watching his back in turn.


Loner on loner encounters can be way more risky than group vs loner encounters. I suggest anyone to have good soft or hard cover before trying to communicate with someone. Running into each other can or will scare people and lead to quick or harsh reactions.

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When you say armed I think it could be nuanced... if a player has M4 on back and nothing in hands for instance ... 

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I would vote but my KOS criteria changes on the situation I try not to KOS at all I prefer to hold up and rob or just follow people for funsies. IMO you get a lot more fun out of doing other things to people other than just shooting them in the face.

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It all depends.

If they are armed? KOS.
If they have melee and are in my area? KOS.

If they are fresh spawns but there are armed dead bodies nearby? KOS

The only time I don't KOS is if they are a fresh spawn with no dead bodies nearby or if they are melee and keeping their distance. Everything depends on if there are armed dead bodies nearby though.

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I do kill on sight. Yes. 


I don't trust people with weapons. 


I always ask for them to surrender, and if they do I usually take ammo and food. 


Or some days I just pop them. ;)  :P

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My rules:
I dont KOS unless you shot me first, i can get away l, and you come too close to my hiding place.
I will shoot if you ignore if i tell you to stop running, i want to interact with you. Maybe we can trade stuff.
I shoot if i see there is no way out. I rather die in combat.

Most of the time i try to talk with you directly. Helping each other survive is my number 1 priority.

Edited by koffiekip42

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So given that it is normal in this game to go armed with a fire arm, these results pretty much mean that most people kill on sight by default...


What about cases where someone is armed, but does not have his/her weapon ready?

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Funny how i am killed on sight 90 percent of the time but this poll suggests i have just bumped into 10 percent of the player base.


The bandwagon is calling.

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Funny how i am killed on sight 90 percent of the time but this poll suggests i have just bumped into 10 percent of the player base.


The bandwagon is calling.


Been thinking about this as well, as posted before. I guess like in all games most people aren´t even on the forums. Ever.

But i´ve done the math.

9.106 pages of members, with each 20 people on it.

Gives us 182.120 people playing DayZ & DayZSA.

Mod has 1.737.741 players, SA has something over 1.000.000 (can´t look right now, site won´t load).

Now that´s roughly only 10% of players that are on the forums at all! Of those 10%, only half of them are "friendly", makes about 5% overall to be "confirmed" friendly.


Yeah, that totally fits on my experience ;)

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i dress as a classic dayZ mod hero and play as such. i was fired on by two punks in military gear and gas masks yesterday and i killed them both. the whole time i was on voice chat trying to get them to surrender but they wouldnt so i had no choice but to kill them (good fight by the way thanks for not combat logging :D)


if i see a player nearby i will attempt to remain hidden and talk to them with direct chat to figure out if theyre friendly or not. if they do not repond and im trapped then i dont have much option but to open fire but only after all other alternatives have been exhausted first.

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My reaction to you is based on your reaction to me. If you call out friendly and aren't in an aggressive stance, i'm cool. If i see you hiding from me and generally looking like you're about to attack, then I react appropriately. 

I generally try to avoid killing fresh spawns though.

Edited by Tizzle

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Been thinking about this as well, as posted before. I guess like in all games most people aren´t even on the forums. Ever.

But i´ve done the math.

9.106 pages of members, with each 20 people on it.

Gives us 182.120 people playing DayZ & DayZSA.

Mod has 1.737.741 players, SA has something over 1.000.000 (can´t look right now, site won´t load).

Now that´s roughly only 10% of players that are on the forums at all! Of those 10%, only half of them are "friendly", makes about 5% overall to be "confirmed" friendly.


Yeah, that totally fits on my experience ;)

I would really like to start another poll but this time put the question a bit differently s it is annonymous.


I would like to ask how often are you killed on site.


1100 % of the time

275% of the time

350 % of the time

425 % of the time


Then i think we would get the real answer, i think with this poll people will lie.

Edited by africanhungergames

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I'll just copypasta my response from another thread, which rather handily sums up my contact hierarchy:

I've come up with a bit of an internal flowchart for determining the outcome of my contact reports:


1. Ambient Threat Level

Recent events are the biggest factor in determining how my encounter plays out. If I've just overheard a gunfight nearby, I'm going to drop anyone outside of my group that has a weapon shouldered. True, perhaps they're some poor soul that just fought off a KoS'er and barely escaped with their life; regrettably, you're going to victim of circumstance if that's the case. It simply isn't worth the risk if you can confirm recent hostilities in the area. On the other side of the coin, though, if I've just overheard a friendly exchange over Direct, then I'm much more likely to identify myself and see if there's anything we can do to help each other out.


2. Location

The difference between how I handle urban encounters as opposed to scenarios in rural settlements is staggering too. I presume anyone that's in the middle of Cherno or Elektro has gone there with a very specific purpose in mind, whether it's to scrounge up a few medical supplies or hit the densely populated parts of town for a major food run. Either way, friendly banter usually isn't on their list of priorities. Not only do I expect players to be more natively hostile in urban encounters, there are also a lot more places an interested third party could be hiding to ambush both of us even when I do happen to find a friendly. Best-case scenario for a big city is evasion, but if the threat level dictates it, I don't rule out KoS if we both stumble across each other out in the open.


3. Can I gain anything out of an interaction?

Are there any supplies of which I am in immediate need? Antibiotics, morphine, food, water? If so, and there's not an immediately high threat level, I'll call out and see if I can trade, though still attempt to keep vision one-sided. If I can see you, but you don't have a clear fix on me, I like having that ace up my sleeve. Also helps to illustrate that I could have easily killed them by now if that's all I really wanted to do, a fact I often bring up to help cut any tension that arises. If, however, I don't particularly *need* anything at the moment, and just happened across someone on the way into town for a general lootgrab, I prefer to remain invisible unless I can confirm a recent friendly interaction as per Step 1.


4. Sizing up the individual

The sort of gear my new contact is running around with is honestly one of the last points of consideration I make. I've been known to wear everything from bright rainslicks to military camo, and my attitude regarding interaction never really changed based on the clothes I had on. If I can tell that they're only packing a melee weapon, though, that dials down the threat level pretty significantly, and I'll usually make a callout to see if there's anything they need. I also don't know of too many people that would bite the hand that feeds them, so the same applies to folks that are running around bleeding or have a horde of the undead lumbering after them. If they're ill-equipped to even take care of themselves, I doubt they'll be in a rush to "take care" of me-- though it's admittedly bitten me on the ass once or twice, I consider those exceptions to the rule, and it hasn't really turned me off from offering aid again in the future.



Since writing that, I will admit that even some of the times I've tried to help out fresher players have turned sour on me, choosing to fisticuffs me whilst I'm digging around in my pack for any potential goodies I can lighten their day with. It's left me a bit on the salty side, probably skewing my perspective for some future engagements, if in no other way, maintaining more distance than usual. Regardless of how I perceive your attitude up to that point, if I'm trying to keep a respectable distance that you insist on closing, you'll probably get turned into swiss cheese; once bitten twice shy and all that...

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I kill players who are threats, or players who I think have items I want. I don't kill if I stand nothing to gain from it. 

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I come in peace but if need be today is a good day to die...

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It's interesting to see peoples choices, I was expecting kill on sight all round to be a lot higher though!

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A bullet sparks a thousand fires, 


Don't set things on fire if you don't want to get burned....

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if you having no gun only fist or melee weapon I give chance for you


'go from here' >:(


you going you living ;)


you ignore or you coming at me I execute without think :thumbsup: :ph34r:


if you have gun and I see you first I shoot for kill everytime without hesitate B)


if you see me first and make chat no shoot I listen what you saying if you making sense maybe you survive, you talking no sense? prepare for the beach  ;)


if you attack me with any weapon I fight to death >:(


you are threat and I see too many combat log bitches to waste time doing 'interact' bullshit :|

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