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Mosin Nagant?!

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Im searching now for 3 days for a Mosin Nagant and I dont find one in Cherno or Elektro i see only the Magnum and the FNX45 maybe some melee weapons.... At Balota or NWAF there are TONS of M4's + attachments oh and i've found tons of Mosin attachments but still not the weapon.... Where do you guys find it? Or were are the best Lootspots to get one?

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Look in the schools (often in the stair) or large red brick building (In the shelf by the piano). Its always there, always

Edited by CyberVillain

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Im searching now for 3 days for a Mosin Nagant and I dont find one in Cherno or Elektro i see only the Magnum and the FNX45 maybe some melee weapons.... At Balota or NWAF there are TONS of M4's + attachments oh and i've found tons of Mosin attachments but still not the weapon.... Where do you guys find it? Or were are the best Lootspots to get one?

Check the room on the top floor of the school buildings, I regularly find them in there.

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Found my previous 2 Mosin at factory's flat roof in Elektro by the seafront, up the staircase and ladder. A tad odd but why not.



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Tech building, cars, red brick houses and all of the above.

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you may be disappointed, it only has 1 round for some reason, uses ak ammo, and you have to load it manually each time from the inventory screen.

Edited by jaybutts

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Nope, it has a five round internal magazine. Use 'load' rather than 'chamber'.

Also the 7.62 Mosin uses is not the same ammunition SKS or AK rifles use, to be clear.

Edited by samzala
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Look in the schools (often in the stair) or large red brick building (In the shelf by the piano). Its always there, always


I've never found any in that piano house, but I've found plenty above cafés in larger cities. Generally those multi-storied houses with a garage or shop in the ground floor has a tendency to hold them. But it is indeed extremely random. With my latest spawn I haven't found any Mosin, although I've been to several towns, while with earlier spawns I have found several.

Edited by BadAsh

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I once found 3 mosins on the ship wreck.


And i´ve seen atleast one in all the spawns mentioned above

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might be hard pressed to find one in electro, what with loads of people going there to find the exact same thing. 


everything that has been said above is valid 

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large red brick building (In the shelf by the piano). Its always there, always

Maybe not always (at least not in my experience), but every time bar one that I have found a Mosin, it was on that shelf. The other time was in the warehouse on the Three Valleys road to the West of Solnichniy, which only happened once and I ran around with it for hours looking for ammo before a Zed ruined it for me.

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School house, top floor in the only open room, there is a good chance of a weapon, so it will be one of any but there will always be one there, just server hop to find one, it's like a 1 in 5 chance.


Also found it in cars and apartments.

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all the above locations makes me happy.
I've only found them around military areas and on cold bodies.

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Ok i've heard that you can find a Mosin in some houses/factory buildings but i never find one....

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This is like the 8,000th topic started about finding Mosins, but they are a pretty common spawn in residential areas, cars, and the shipwreck in Rify

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Guns and ammo are pretty common still, but after testing them they probably are going to be extreme rare. I recommend to learn more melee, because i think its really needed in future for players and zombies.

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Mossins are almost impossible to find because server hoppers snatch them up quick. It is easily the best gun in the game at the moment.

Edited by Solopopo

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Guns and ammo are pretty common still, but after testing them they probably are going to be extreme rare. I recommend to learn more melee, because i think its really needed in future for players and zombies.


I would like to see them go to the extreme and remove guns altogether. This could let them focus on the wonky melee system that is currently in place.

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Whenever I find a Mosin, I search endlessly for ammo but never find it. Since I've got a large rifle on my back, I instantly become a target and get killed.


On the otherside when I find ammo, I never seem to be able to find the actual rifle up to the point where I'll eventually just stumble upon an M4 anyway.


I suppose that's always the way in DayZ  :lol: When I'm looking for something in particular I'll never find it.

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I usually find them on bodies! :)

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Nope, it has a five round internal magazine. Use 'load' rather than 'chamber'.

Also the 7.62 Mosin uses is not the same ammunition SKS or AK rifles use, to be clear.


Well technically first SKS rifles were made for the same bullet.

It was before they made it to testbed AK ammunition.

Edited by Jeppe

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Only ever found 3 mosins compared to something like 10 M4A1s during my gametime.


1st - Apartment block in Cherno (very little loot in these, but one of them did have a mosin)

2nd & 3rd - Red brick mansion one was on the floor and another was on top of the stairs.


All were without ammo.

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