Decks13 10 Posted January 13, 2014 So, I think this was my fourth life. I managed to make my struggle north from the coast for a while, not finding anything too exciting. I pick up a map. Nice. Oh wait, I'm pretty sure Im not on this piece of the map. But an airbase is... they should have guns at an airbase. Struggle forward. Get food and water. Get bit a couple times. Find a full medkit! Sweet. Compass! Sweeter! Struggle forward. Nice! This town is on my map! (translator cheating, since I, you know, don't read Russian.) And it's not too far from the airbase. Finally find good axe. Smash zombie heads. Avoid a possible bandit or two. AIRBASE! Tactical Vest! Headlamp. Zoom Scope! .45 CAL PISTOL. TWO MAGS!!!! Pop a couple zombies to get used to the gun. Climb up to the top of the tower. Another pistol. Word.Climb down lad...... AhhahhahHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHNOOOOOOOoooooOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Splat. God Dammit. 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monkfish (DayZ) 339 Posted January 13, 2014 Yeah, that happens. First time playing a happened across a dead body complete with large rucksack, medical kits, food/water and various other odds 'n' sods. The real bonus was the combat vest with FNX45 inside and tricked out M4 with ammo. SWEET! I did what anyone in their right mind would do and snaffled it all quickly, leaving the mostly-naked body in the water. 10 minutes later and I've glitched through a railing on the side of a building and fallen to my death. FUCK! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gugolas 228 Posted January 13, 2014 Another innocent victim of the most feared killer.You know, people says "kill the dead, fear the living...oh shit, ladder!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BrainlessZombie 190 Posted January 13, 2014 (edited) I feel you man... Here, have some beans :beans: Edited January 13, 2014 by BrainlessZombie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Electi 149 Posted January 13, 2014 My friend told me thats in mod if you step on rock you can brake leg or when open gates and they open in your side they brake you 2 legs, tell thanks you did not died because opened a door Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roscoc 52 Posted January 13, 2014 (edited) I feel your pain. im fully kitted out at the nw airfield... minding my own.. i got fully geared m4 & 2 pistols WITH! scopes and cantines and so on. So im feeling pretty chuffed with my self... think ok lets settle down in a tower.. up the ladder i go then standing there just nosing around then WTF!!! my guys decided hes had enough does the "stepping over something simulation" UH.. OH! nothing to stand on.. i fell to my death!!!! SO not only that its 1:51am.. and i spawn on the most south east point. being only 2 people on the server at the tiem i thought hmm good chance my gears there! got there at 2:41am and all my gear back! logged out and bed HAHA Edited January 13, 2014 by Roscoc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BadAsh (DayZ) 1513 Posted January 13, 2014 I did something similar. In one of those high-rise tower blocks that rings Cherno, on one of the stairs on the upper floors there is some rubble you usually have to step over by pressing "V". So on my way down I pressed V when I got to that point, but just as I did, my character apparently found a way to pass over that rubble, so he moves forward steps down to the landing, right in front of an open window, 7 or 8 floors above ground, and then of course my delayed "V" step goes into action, he determinedly take a big step across the window sill and fall down. He landed on the canopy above the entrance, and amazingly was completely unhurt. Don't know why, but probably lag or something at the moment of impact. As that was one of my first games I naturally thought that dying from falling down things had not been implemented in the alpha yet. So I climb the stairs on the neighbouring high-rise, find a canteen on the roof. As I thought I had just learned that falling down was completely harmless, why bother using those cumbersome stairs/ladders getting down? So I just step over the side of the building, and of course immediately fall to my death. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zabrilla 6 Posted January 13, 2014 I did something similar. In one of those high-rise tower blocks that rings Cherno, on one of the stairs on the upper floors there is some rubble you usually have to step over by pressing "V". So on my way down I pressed V when I got to that point, but just as I did, my character apparently found a way to pass over that rubble, so he moves forward steps down to the landing, right in front of an open window, 7 or 8 floors above ground, and then of course my delayed "V" step goes into action, he determinedly take a big step across the window sill and fall down. He landed on the canopy above the entrance, and amazingly was completely unhurt. Don't know why, but probably lag or something at the moment of impact. As that was one of my first games I naturally thought that dying from falling down things had not been implemented in the alpha yet. So I climb the stairs on the neighbouring high-rise, find a canteen on the roof. As I thought I had just learned that falling down was completely harmless, why bother using those cumbersome stairs/ladders getting down? So I just step over the side of the building, and of course immediately fall to my death. Have some beans dude. Made me laugh you did! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Decks13 10 Posted January 13, 2014 Haha. Good stories. Thanks for the beans. Next time, I will know to fear the ladders more than anything else. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DirtyscumbagLith 270 Posted January 13, 2014 I dont climb ladders unless I 100% absolutely have to. (Once found a guy on top of the ATC bleeding a fountain of blood to the top unit- waited, waited, then finally climbed it and looted his body. Never got sniped, but that was a nervous 2 minutes). I dont climb stairs while fully gear either (once was fully geared and climbed a set of stairs and magically flew through a window and died). That was awesome. Then again, I broke my leg walking off the 2 steps that meet the earth from the ATC, so I guess you never see it coming. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iwonamathdebate 5 Posted January 14, 2014 Similar story lucky and found an m4, tons of ammo, food, and lots of good stuff after having the character for a good 5 hours. Figured it wasn't a huge drop to the ground, so I skipped the stairs and dropped off the ledge. Apparently my character didn't like that and died haha... Oh well, guess thats what happens when you play the alpha version of any game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RestlessLegs 15 Posted January 14, 2014 (edited) fell off black mountain castle, got the respawn bug, relogged to run back to my epic gear... forgetting which server I died on Edited January 14, 2014 by RestlessLegs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Element47 2481 Posted January 14, 2014 I dont climb ladders unless I 100% absolutely have to. (Once found a guy on top of the ATC bleeding a fountain of blood to the top unit- waited, waited, then finally climbed it and looted his body. Never got sniped, but that was a nervous 2 minutes). I dont climb stairs while fully gear either (once was fully geared and climbed a set of stairs and magically flew through a window and died). That was awesome. Then again, I broke my leg walking off the 2 steps that meet the earth from the ATC, so I guess you never see it coming. i was more scared of doorsteps than of bandits in the mod. also beans for Veronika Zemanova avatar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dallas 5195 Posted January 14, 2014 "What goes up, must come down."-Isaac Newton 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 19 Posted January 14, 2014 (edited) Climb down lad...... AhhahhahHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHNOOOOOOOoooooOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Splat. God Dammit. "..and this is DayZ" Edited January 14, 2014 by Crazymaniac Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
knip 1 Posted January 14, 2014 Was at the broken ship north when I first started playing, slipped off and died.2 days ago was at the large broken container ship fully kitted out (minus any sort of gun), looked over the edge of the broken ship, slipped and died.Coupled with the fact that I can't respawn and I couldn't remember which server I was on, was SOL.Ships and me don't get along. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
caledric 45 Posted January 14, 2014 Ladders are OP... About 90% of my deaths are to ladders. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sinphaltimus 262 Posted January 14, 2014 .nope nope nope. I avoid ladders, rooves, stairs above 3 stories and large boulders. Kill me once.....I'll never do it again (game gkitch kills). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SyL3X 51 Posted January 14, 2014 Has anyone else experienced a sudden death? Happened to me couple of days ago. My status was healthy though... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted January 14, 2014 Has anyone else experienced a sudden death? Happened to me couple of days ago. My status was healthy though... Yup, there seems to be a bug where you inexplicably die. No idea what causes it or how to avoid it as of yet, unfortunately. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blfonsworth 32 Posted January 14, 2014 About your map and needing to be able to read russian: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PiLLZ 55 Posted January 14, 2014 hahaha, yesterday i was playing with my friend, we were at the army base, both on top of the hospital, i climb down the ladder no problem, im looking up to see what hes doing, i see him going back and forth trying to get the indicator so he can climb down the ladder, as soon as the words "dont fall down" leave my mouth i watch him fall and hear him scream and then i LOL hard, gather some of his things and go meet him at a spawn location. Just another wonderfull day in Day Z Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vertoxis 15 Posted January 14, 2014 Yeap, ladders are the #1 killer of survivors... as of my own experienceA couple noted ladders to stay away from (90% chance it will fuck your day up)APARTMENT BUILDING TOP FLOOR TO ROOF LADDER < ---- this one is the fucking devil.. its a small ladder at the top of the big apartment buildings in cherno... you will climb up it and right at the point where you would end up on the roof.. your character backs up (nothing you do stops it) and hangs midair for 2 seconds... drops the 1-2 feet to the floor.... and you break your leg or more commonly.... just die..... any "Caged" ladder.... this is a 50/50 any ladder ive seen with a guard cage around it..... ive randomly fallen off of.... straight up died (On a server with 1 other player... my friend... who was 3 towns away.. so no way i was shot) ...... this ladder seems to be death incarnate... no chance of broken legs here... if you climb it.... you will either die.. or make it... but then theres going back down... good luckThe only ladder ive NEVER had a problem with... are the silos near Solnichny and Kamishovo .... i can get up and down those no problems at all so far (but i only climb those to die and possibly get a better spawn)and for my "Ah fuck me" story......first time trying to snipe in cherno.... ive run and gunned through it... held people up.. but im generally in and out.... this time i wanted to go solo.... and snipe for an hour or two.. see what (what i think is the most boring) gameplay style is all about... so i ascend the apartment building (Had no idea about glitchy ladders yet) ...... climb that godforsaken ladder to the roof (stupid 2 foot ladder of doom) ... i peak over the edge around the roof... no one up here.. .AWESOME time to get ready... so i climb the last bit.. only to do the auto backwards walk at the top and fall right back down the ladder.... broken leg.... well at least i have this morphine!!!! ..... (pops morphine injection) .... nice cool morphine works... now.. about this ladder.. (figured it was a one time glitch.. ) go to climb it again.. at the point where im almost at the top.. i inch and notice my character starting to push backwards again.... so i try to go back down and it makes me fall (NO NO NO NO NO ... ::Butt pucker::) land.. and by the luckiest of luck... no injury or death... OK NEVER GOING BACK UP THERE.... (report bug).... ok now i still wanna snipe........ maybe this balcony will do.. no 360 view... but it shud workwalk out on balcony....... hit "go prone" key ...... character flops forward to go into prone..... glitches... i hang for 2-3 seconds over the edge of balcony (NO NO NO NO NOOOO) and............. drop......... dead..............................Well i didnt like that guy anyway (secretly sobbing) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites