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Question about FPS and Performance? Sorry =(

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Hi everybody,


Please let me start by saying, I completely understand that the SA is in Early Alpha and is nowhere near being optimised yet. I bought the game excepting performance to be not great, but didn't expect this! Also this isn't just a rant, I'm genuinely asking for some help please.


Ok, so I'm sorry in advance for yet another "fps problem" thread. But I'm having serious issues with almost unplayable framerates with every setting on Low or completely off on a pretty high-end PC. My fps drops as low as 20 in towns, villages and cites and I only get 50-60fps even if I'm in a open field.

But this is the worst part, my nephew who is running the SA at "exactly" the same settings on a £400 low-end PC gets the same or better fps then I do! lol.  :wacko:


My rig: i7 3770k [email protected], GTX 690 Cores OC@ 1200Mhz, 16GB RAM and DayZ installed on an SSD. Playing @1080p and all OC'ing is 100% stable.


My nephews rig: AMD FX-4 4130 @Stock 3.8Ghz, GTX 650Ti @Stock, 8GB cheap RAM, DayZ installed on a 5400rpm HDD. Playing @1080p


I've tried all the possible fps fixes listed on different sites, such as the DayZ.cfg tweaks and the Steam launch options, as listed here: http://dayzintel.com/dayz-standalone/dayz-standalone-performance-guide


I've also enabled SLI which improved my fps, so imagine how bad it was before I enabled it lol.

Both GPU's are hit 99% usage at times, but only around 2GB of RAM is being used and my CPU usage is down around 30-40% Total Core and Thread usage.


Anyway, this isn't a rant, I'm genuinely asking if anyone knows or can think of something I may have over looked???

I would really and truly appreciate any help or advice please.


Thanks everyone

Edited by euphoria4949

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Total long shot, but have you tried right clicking steam on your desktop > properties > Compatibility tab and make sure it's not set to Windows Vista.


I had massive lag in some steam games until I changed this and it fixed everything.

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Total long shot, but have you tried right clicking steam on your desktop > properties > Compatibility tab and make sure it's not set to Windows Vista.


I had massive lag in some steam games until I changed this and it fixed everything.


Hi Kinkymuffin, thanks for your reply, no I hadn't tried this. But I just checked it and no, it's not in compatibility mode.


Thanks though, appreciate it.

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Your settings in the nvidia control panel may be higher than his. Should mess around a bit with it.

Edited by Ratiasu

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your settings in the nvidia control panel may be higher than his. Should mess around a bit with it.


Sorry yeah I should have said but didn't want the post to be too long, I have already tweaked all Nvidia CP settings and Nvidia Inspector as well to lower, disable or optimise everything possible.


Thanks Ratiasu

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A lot of people with i7s are just having awful problems at the minute and I'm not sure why. Have you tried disabling HT in your BIOS?

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Hi everybody,


Please let me start by saying, I completely understand that the SA is in Early Alpha and is nowhere near being optimised yet. I bought the game excepting performance to be not great, but didn't expect this! Also this isn't just a rant, I'm genuinely asking for some help please.


Ok, so I'm sorry in advance for yet another "fps problem" thread. But I'm having serious issues with almost unplayable framerates with every setting on Low or completely off on a pretty high-end PC. My fps drops as low as 20 in towns, villages and cites and I only get 50-60fps even if I'm in a open field.

But this is the worst part, my nephew who is running the SA at "exactly" the same settings on a £400 low-end PC gets the same or better fps then I do! lol.  :wacko:


My rig: i7 3770k [email protected], GTX 690 Cores OC@ 1200Mhz, 16GB RAM and DayZ installed on an SSD. Playing @1080p and all OC'ing is 100% stable.


My nephews rig: AMD FX-4 4130 @Stock 3.8Ghz, GTX 650Ti @Stock, 8GB cheap RAM, DayZ installed on a 5400rpm HDD. Playing @1080p


I've tried all the possible fps fixes listed on different sites, such as the DayZ.cfg tweaks and the Steam launch options, as listed here: http://dayzintel.com/dayz-standalone/dayz-standalone-performance-guide


I've also enabled SLI which improved my fps, so imagine how bad it was before I enabled it lol.

Both GPU's are hit 99% usage at times, but only around 2GB of RAM is being used and my CPU usage is down around 30-40% Total Core and Thread usage.


Anyway, this isn't a rant, I'm genuinely asking if anyone knows or can think of something I may have over looked???

I would really and truly appreciate any help or advice please.


Thanks everyone



OK So you did install the game on your SSD, right? Because that fixed the FPS drops in cities for me, also there are some graphical options that you almost must turn off like clouds to increase FPS.


Watch this video, I use the settings he prefers and my FPS increased dramatically.




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A lot of people with i7s are just having awful problems at the minute and I'm not sure why. Have you tried disabling HT in your BIOS?


Not just i7's. My FX6300 hex can barely get past 15FPS in small towns.

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Right click on your dayz game in steam.





-maxMem=2047 -cpuCount=8       (2047 is max setting, 8 can be 2, 4, ...)

Maybe it helps you. Don´t know.

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Not just i7's. My FX6300 hex can barely get past 15FPS in small towns.


Really? My mate with an FX-6300 and GTX 760 is running great on "high" settings. :S

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Really? My mate with an FX-6300 and GTX 760 is running great on "high" settings. :S


Can you grab me his config settings? I'm running an AMD/AMD CPU/GPU setup - Radeon HD7850 2GB, so shouldn't be a problem...but it is.

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Total long shot, but have you tried right clicking steam on your desktop > properties > Compatibility tab and make sure it's not set to Windows Vista.


I had massive lag in some steam games until I changed this and it fixed everything.

I had compatibility mode selected and on Vista. Should I deselect it entirely or run it with Windows 7 selected since that is my OS. Also there are plenty of other things to play around in there but I'm fairly computer ignorant. Is there anything else that can be done to tweak settings?  Thanks

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Hellooo everyone, thank you for all your replies I really do appreciate them.


@Zjasuu - Thanks, but I have changed all of these and spent a good hour or more in an empty server changing them all and trying different combos and as far pretty much everything is on very low or disabled, but the low fps persists :(


@Mos1ey - Regarding HT, no haven't tried that actually good thinking, thanks I'll give it a shot. This is why I asked, more heads are better than one :D


@NoCheats - Thanks, but I have already done that and it didn't seem to do a great deal unfortunately :(


Thanks again to everyone.

Edited by euphoria4949

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A lot of people with i7s are just having awful problems at the minute and I'm not sure why. Have you tried disabling HT in your BIOS?

I have an i7 in my laptop I'm playing on. What does disabling the HT really do? I'm computer ignorant but HT sounds like it is suppose to make things go faster. Is it just because SA isn't optimized so it isn't utilizing this properly, but once it is optimized HT should be used?


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I have an i7 in my laptop I'm playing on. What does disabling the HT really do? I'm computer ignorant but HT sounds like it is suppose to make things go faster. Is it just because SA isn't optimized so it isn't utilizing this properly, but once it is optimized HT should be used?



Basically, yes HT (Hyper Threading) is designed to make your CPU faster or give it more processing power. HT means "Logical" Cores.  A quad core CPU has 4 "Physical" CPU Cores but with HT it becomes sort of like an 8 Core CPU. But logical cores ain't as good as physical cores for overall power.


And why mos1ey suggested I try disabling HT is because in some games, although not many, HT actually reduces performance. Most games don't use HT they ain't optimised to use it, a few games do use it, and a few games, well kinda get confused when you have it enabled and that reduces performance.


That's a rough synopsis. Hope that helps

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Im useless with AMD but I have read a butload of posts regarding AMD in the "can i run it" threads.


Is there a specific fix regarding AMD and dayZ? I think a mod even posted a link to some fix for AMD users. (i recall reading some mod posting something for an AMD user)

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Im useless with AMD but I have read a butload of posts regarding AMD in the "can i run it" threads.


Is there a specific fix regarding AMD and dayZ? I think a mod even posted a link to some fix for AMD users. (i recall reading some mod posting something for an AMD user)


If you find it, please give me a PM so I can at least attempt to sort my issues out.

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W7 Ultimate 64


OK now I'm running out of ideas :p install latest graphics card drivers. I have a GTX 660 Ti and the game runs very well.

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I have an i7 in my laptop I'm playing on. What does disabling the HT really do? I'm computer ignorant but HT sounds like it is suppose to make things go faster. Is it just because SA isn't optimized so it isn't utilizing this properly, but once it is optimized HT should be used?



By disabling HT you are essentially running your i7 as a standard quad-core CPU instead of a quad-core with each of it's cores split in half. No, HT is not useful for gaming, it's only really for heavy multitasking and video editing.

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OK now I'm running out of ideas :P install latest graphics card drivers. I have a GTX 660 Ti and the game runs very well.

 LOL it's ok, I'm out of ideas as well =) I do have the latest drivers installed.


I think it's either due to SLI or more specifically my card being dual GPU. Regret buying the 690 now not just because of this but in general it was a waste of money. Hindsight is a biatch! :-\

Edited by euphoria4949

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Try disabling antivirus. I've read a lot of posts about battleeye and antivirus together causing really bad performance issues.

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