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So, I MIGHT have combat logged....and something very confusing...

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Was running around in the hills behind Bolota. Passed the airfield by, then came down out of the hills near a lone gas station with a couple of train cars parked on the tracks nearby. Climbed into one of them to hide out for a moment to stop and assess my gear and what not, before logging out for a bit (had some stuff to do).


Just before I was about to log out, this is what happened:


I heard a zombie scream, followed by an M4 shot. both sounded very nearby.


I waited for about 30 seconds, pointing my pistol at the opening of the train car. didn't hear anything else. I decided that I didn't have time for a long standoff (assuming the nearby shooter even knew I was there). Since I had things to do, and nothing else had happened for a few moments, I logged out.


After taking care of my business, I came back, picked a new server, and logged in to find myself a fresh spawn with none of my gear.....WHAT???


Im really disappointed. I KNOW that I didn't get shot. I MIGHT have been shot AT, but I wasn't hit...


Now I have to start all over getting myself kitted out again before I can go hunting....which is fine and all, but I JUST got done doing that for the last 2 days. And now all that hard work is gone for what? A bug? A combat logging punishment mechanic (if that's the case, that's not so bad. I would gladly accept this mechanic, even if it DID sorta screw me over)? I don't know. All I know for sure is that it wasn't a legitimate kill from another player. I was still alive and HEALTHY (yes, had that status) when I logged out.


I was really well equipped too. was REALLY looking forward to hunting. All I had to do was scout out a good hide (which is what I was doing before I logged) and wait for my prey....Now I have to start fresh.


NOTE: This isn't a wine thread. Im frustrated that I have to start over, but it is what it is, I guess. and I guess what it is, is an alpha state game...

Just wondering if anyone else had experienced anything similar...

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It's a glitch. The proper thing to do is to log out immediately then wait for a few hours, then your data should come back.

Seeing that you are already starting a new life, that possibility is now a impossibility.

Hey, I did the same thing too. My character reset and I was pissed, then started again. When I learned that you just wait, saved me 2 lives, many hours of extra scavenging.

Edited by Space Milk
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but what caused it? the fact that combat occurred near me (the shooter may not have even been shooting ME. He might have been killing the zed I heard nearby). So what, anytime you get aggroed by or even NEAR another player and you need to log you have to do so for a couple HOURS?

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Naw, doesn't have anything to do with combat. I've had it happen on empty or nearly empty servers. I think it's just ahiccup somewher when a server is trying to get your player information. It asks what your character status is and basically get s 'derp' in response so it starts you fresh. I've had it wipe a toon, only to have me log right back out and back in and it's there. Sometimes it takes a couple of hours, usually a couple of hours. Once you start doing things with the character it's too late though. Probably just a derp in the communication with the player database.

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The situation you described is 100% a combat log. Combat logging is not just people logging after being shot, it's logging when in danger. If you were caught out by some underlying combat log prevention script, you can have no complaints. On the private hive sever I used to administrate, you could have faced a 3 day ban for this. Our rules there, were to move atleast 500m away from said engagement before logging, otherwise you are clearly acting to avoid death via logging out. My advice to you, however innocent, would be to follow the above mentioned guideline to ensure it never happens again. 

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This has also happened to me on a few occasions. Didn't know about logging out and waiting might fix the problem. Considering Im just waiting for my next character to die to start something... different I dont really care if it happens again.

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I heard a zombie scream, followed by an M4 shot. both sounded very nearby.


Did you adjust your sound levels beforehand?



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I think that may not be an entirely fair judgment, on your part Delta...


I NEEDED to be somewhere, yet I still waited for a few moments. And I only logged out after not hearing ANYTHING for another 30 seconds. Its not like I panic quit the moment he shot.


I didnt have time for a prolonged stand off. Let alone moving 500 meteres away...

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Oh my god. Gews you are right. After messing around in my inventory, I pulled up the options menu to play around with a few settings. I might have accidently moved the volume slider, causing me to hear the gunshot, after which I panicked, backing out of the menus to pull up my pistol....


good lord...

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  On 1/13/2014 at 5:15 AM, Delta Smoke 01 said:

The situation you described is 100% a combat log. Combat logging is not just people logging after being shot, it's logging when in danger. If you were caught out by some underlying combat log prevention script, you can have no complaints. On the private hive sever I used to administrate, you could have faced a 3 day ban for this. Our rules there, were to move atleast 500m away from said engagement before logging, otherwise you are clearly acting to avoid death via logging out. My advice to you, however innocent, would be to follow the above mentioned guideline to ensure it never happens again.

Dude seriously? He clearly stated he was gonna log anyway and if anything he was just unlucky. He wasn't even confirmed for getting shot AT. So cool down with that. He did nothing wrong and you shouldn't try to make him feel bad.
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  On 1/13/2014 at 5:15 AM, Delta Smoke 01 said:

The situation you described is 100% a combat log. Combat logging is not just people logging after being shot, it's logging when in danger. If you were caught out by some underlying combat log prevention script, you can have no complaints. On the private hive sever I used to administrate, you could have faced a 3 day ban for this. Our rules there, were to move atleast 500m away from said engagement before logging, otherwise you are clearly acting to avoid death via logging out. My advice to you, however innocent, would be to follow the above mentioned guideline to ensure it never happens again. 

Kind of over the top there Delta. It wasn't a combat log. And Gews correctly summarized the situation that he went into his configure screen, and what he heard was the sound slider. 

Way to jump the gun there buddy.


Edit- Your response as a mod actually kind of made me rage.

Edited by Daemonkid
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This happened to me too. Except that I panicked and immediately exited the server telling my self "That did not just happen". After that, I didn't wait, so I join another server right off the bat. I had all of my stuff again thankfully.

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Done it myself, not logged, but adjusted the sound, heard a gunshot and shit bricks , exited the settingswaited for the shooter. Derp.

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i wouldnt really have called this strictly a combat log does it border on one yeah maybe but that is just an opinion ( not stating as fact or that you should be burned at the stake for it.


You ask why do i feel it borders on combat log when he wasnt shooting at you or even known you were there? This is the fine line my opinion ( not fact not a fire carrying pitch fork weilding mob) is you decided to interact with what happened you waited when you said you were going to log out, you drew a pistol and investigated the sound (even if you only went as far as the door) when ya said you were going to log out.....


What would have happened had the noise been just out the door you had seen the guy with the m4??? If he had seen you and you logged out it is combat log ( and no one but the m4 guy can say he did or didnt see you ) what if he was right outside the door and hadnt seen you would you have shot him in the back.


Thats why in my opinion your actions made it a combat log ( far from the worst one no one is or should bee butt hurt by this one) you continue to play out of interest of the combat going on then decided against it.. Real life calls we all have to go sometime but to have not been a log you would have logged as soon as you were finished with your inventory settings stuff not sought what made the combat noises.


Dont worry i dont hate you for it again a fine line in my book many would think its not so huh kinda dead thread really and not sure why you posted it when you werent going to like what was said.....

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Might have been lag. If you started having a lagspike just after you heard the shots, you wouldn't have seen anything of what happened. You might have been shot, and if you logged out before the lagspike was over, you have no clue. 

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  On 1/13/2014 at 5:00 AM, Crazykage said:
NOTE: This isn't a wine thread. Im frustrated that I have to start over, but it is what it is, I guess. and I guess what it is, is an alpha state game...

Just wondering if anyone else had experienced anything similar...


Character resets can be caused by:


1. Server not using up to date files


2. Server not whitelisted on public hive


3. Server desynced with public hive


4. Character data corrupted.

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you simply chose the wrong server and this caused the wipe.


search the forums to find your answer.


basically stick with a favorites list of similarly names servers: IE
dayZ Ca-24 mpgs.com

DayZ NJ-12 gameservers.com


make sure they all share that naming convention. Not dayZ crazymanserver 24, 24/7 day, loot

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