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What is the point of guns?

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Typical useless forum troll, post something useful or gtfo.


Actually what he posted was correct.  Many people suck in games, they just refuse to admit someone is better than they are.

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I never had a problem to hit anything, I know when I die is cause I fucked up especially in a fire fight. Some things you cant control (like glitches) but never so far have I shot at someone and he has not downed quickly from those shots. I'm pretty sure you missed most of your shots, maybe not all of them but most. Now get the sand out of your vag and go play a new character, its really easy to gear yourself up.

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So much lol in this thread. And @ the guy protecting OP. If he can aim so well then why is he making a whining thread about it. Logic for dayz. Ha get it?

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Pointing out a flaw in the game counts as a meltdown? o.O

K lol.


I am asking if you had a melt down cause you are over reacting.


Flaw in this game? Even with server delay, don't you think you missing 17 bullets isn't all game related? Stop joking lol. 

Edited by CrazyandLazy

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Were you using third person to shoot at this target?  That might be why.

Edited by MuchHigher

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With the OP taking a well deserved vacation from the forums I think it's time to lock this...

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