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*Workarounds to some common bugs*

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Here's some compiled bug workarounds. Remember, this stuff will be fixed in time so this isn't a piss and moan thread.

- When reloading the mosin while prone it locks up and glitches. Cancel it by putting the gun away for a few moments. Avoid it by rising to a crouch for reloads. You may be able to drop the gun and reload it in 'vicinity' window?

+ to avoid that glitch, eject bullets (if some left) - put the mosin out of your hands (X-button), throw bullets into mosin (drag&drop) and directly take it in your hands (drag&drop) while the reloading animation appears - almost as fast as normal reloading (thanks h0nkX)

- Switching between quick slot items is far less buggy if you lower the weapon/item before switching. Alternatively you can make the item switch via the inventory for better results.

- - If you switch items/weapons with them raised your character will stop moving, but if its lowered you can switch while on the move.

- Switching weapons while crouching ALWAYS (for me anyway) results in the character putting it away immediately after. I've had hit and miss success with simply doing it in the inventory(thanks Hells High)

- Death by ladder - I've eliminated ladder deaths by always standing up straight and emptying hands before I start climbing down. Otherwise my survivor will jog off the edge, lemmings style. For ladders that drop you when you reach the top, start sprinting forward at the top (thanks Trent Wise)

- Jog toggle will sometimes bug out, preventing you from jogging. I used to d/c to fix this but I found its an issue with right-click zooming, so just spam right click a bunch of times to fix the jog bug.

- The max stack size for M4 ammo is 60. The only way to achieve this I've found is filling a 60-round mag and emptying it to create stacks of 60.

- Firing from prone will sometimes cause bullets to clip the ground directly in front of you. This is unrelated to zeroing. This is just a theory but perhaps the mechanic that causes grass to flatten when prone is interfering with bullet path. I can't test until tmrw.

- Stuck in walls - my cousin managed to get stuck in a wall/sealed room twice. Both times he was sucked into the wall by opening his inventory while walking into the wall. Same thing got him out. He reproduced this in the jailhouse building wall, bottom of the stairs directly to the right.

+ if your glitched into a invisible room, run against all walls while pressing V (jump) to glitch out of the room. if this does'nt help, run against the wall and unplug your internetcable/wlanstick and immediatly put it back - now you should rubberbanded straight out of the room. (Thanks h0nkX)

--Expansion of getting out of walls trick. When you get stuck in an invisible wall, go up to the wall and standing vault NOT RUNNING and quickly disconnect from the server and rejoin. Your character should be on the other side of the wall (thanks Immersive)

Please chime in if you have any workarounds!

Edited by UbuntuFoo
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With the ladder one i found that you can avoid falling back down by like you said taking anything out of your hands and sprinting as soon as you hit the top! Great list for new players!

This should be stickied somewhere

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- If you switch items/weapons with them raised your character will stop moving, but if its lowered you can switch while on the move.


- Switching weapons while crouching ALWAYS (for me anyway) results in the character putting it away immediately after. I've had hit and miss success with simply doing it in the inventory.


- Take M4 mags and 7.62 cartons into your inventory before emptying them or the bullets will most likely disappear. Also make sure you have an inventory slot available for the bullets to go into, or they might empty onto the ground and will likely glitch.


- Make sure you are in an open area away from trees before dropping a case/ammo can. I've accidentally traded many cases for an item instead of putting the item inside and end up with a case glitched into a wall. I like to hide in evergreens to sort out items, and dropped items like to spawn inside the tree's trunk, making them inaccessible.


I'm sure I'll come up with more. I like to hang out on the coast and help newbies get started, usually passing on this kind of knowledge.


Edit: Never raise your melee weapons unless you are trying to look around it. The physically accurate nature of the melee system will follow the animation, hitting to the right of your character (go inside a house and stand parallel to a wall to try this out). Always attack in the lowered position to ensure center hits, also accounting for the swing time on moving targets.

Edited by Hells High

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- When reloading the mosin while prone it locks up and glitches. Cancel it by putting the gun away for a few moments. Avoid it by rising to a crouch for reloads. You may be able to drop the gun and reload it in 'vicinity' window?



to avoid that glitch, eject bullets (if some left) - put the mosin out of your hands (X-button), throw bullets into mosin (drag&drop) and directly take it in your hands (drag&drop) while the reloading animation appears  - almost as fast as normal reloading.



- filling multiple canteens/H2O bottles requires you to drop the full ones before you can refill the empties.


you just have to take the full canteen/bottle out of your hands (X-button) and take the empty one in your hands (drag&drop). u probably meant filling them by the shortcutbar, right?



+ ammoboxes only show 6slots while in hand - if u want to see all 10 slots, drop the box on the ground. (protecting cases and medipacks don't need to drop on the ground, u can watch the inventory of them just by taking them into hand)

+ medipacks and protecting cases can take up to 6 items. if u got 3 items in the case, you'r not able to put a item into it wich takes 2 slots - empty the box or remove at least 1 item, now u can fill it for example, with a saline bag/scope/bipod etc.

+ if your glitched into a invisible room, run against all walls while pressing V (jump) to glitch out of the room. if this does'nt help, run against the wall and unplug your internetcable/wlanstick and immediatly put it back - now you should rubberbanded straight out of the room.

+ since epipens doesn't work (at least it never worked for us), simple collect blood from the senseless person, add a starkit to the bloodbag and give it the person back.

+ you can't combine the gascanister and gastove in the inventory, if u want it to work, put the stove in your hands, drag and the drop the gascanister on it, drop it on the ground and turn it on.

Edited by Guest

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to avoid that glitch, eject bullets (if some left) - put the mosin out of your hands (X-button), throw bullets into mosin (drag&drop) and directly take it in your hands (drag&drop) while the reloading animation appears - almost as fast as normal reloading.

you just have to take the full canteen/bottle out of your hands (X-button) and take the empty one in your hands (drag&drop). u probably meant filling them by the shortcutbar, right?

+ ammoboxes only show 6slots while in hand - if u want to see all 10 slots, drop the box on the ground. (protecting cases and medipacks don't need to drop on the ground, u can watch the inventory of them just by taking them into hand)

+ medipacks and protecting cases can take up to 6 items. if u got 3 items in the case, your not able to put a item into it wich takes 2 slots - empty the box or remove at least 1 item, now u can fill it for example, with a saline bag/scope/bipod etc.

+ if your glitched into a invisible room, run against all walls while pressing V (jump) to glitch out of the room. if this does'nt help, run against the wall and unplug your internetcable/wlanstick and immediatly put it back - now you should rubberbanded straight thru the wall

Good tips on mosin reload and escaping walls/rooms. Is drawing blood from an unconscious player 100% safe? Like the game doesn't deduct that blood and outright kill them?

As far as the multiple canteens, your tip didn't work for me. If I have 3 canteens, 1 full and 2 empty, only the full one is recognized in my hands regardless which canteen I actually drag+drop.

Edited by UbuntuFoo

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yep, just remove the canteen out of your hands (x-button) and drag the empty canteen in your hands. maybe i got you wrong and that was, what u meant with drop them.

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- Firing from prone will sometimes cause bullets to clip the ground directly in front of you. This is unrelated to zeroing. This is just a theory but perhaps the mechanic that causes grass to flatten when prone is interfering with bullet path. I can't test until tmrw.


Keep in mind, if you're using any kind of scope, you are NOT looking down the barrel, you're looking slightly above it, so while there may not be anything blocking your line of sight through the scope, that doesn't mean your barrel isn't pointed directly at something.  This happens a lot when people look over a ledge on a roof and see a player in the scope, but end up shooting the ledge.

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-Expansion of getting out of walls trick. When you get stuck in an invisible wall, go up to the wall and standing vault NOT RUNNING and quickly disconnect from the server and rejoin. Your character should be on the other side of the wall.

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- filling multiple canteens/H2O bottles requires you to drop the full ones before you can refill the empties.


Wrong.  When you use the hotbar for an item, it always selects the 'first' one in your inventory, so just make sure the first one in your inventory is an empty one if you're wanting to refill.  THen when that one is refilled, swap in another empty canteen to be the first one.  I keep all my canteens in my vest or pants so they're easy to switch around.  WHen you have multiple canteens, after you have emptied the first one by drinking it through the hotbar, you'll notice when you try to drink again, it is selecting the first one and saying it's empty, even though you still have full ones.


You just have to swap the empty one over with a full one so the first one being selected by the hotbar is the proper one.


The hotbar will always select the first one of an item if you have multiple in your characters storage slots.

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-Expansion of getting out of walls trick. When you get stuck in an invisible wall, go up to the wall and standing vault NOT RUNNING and quickly disconnect from the server and rejoin. Your character should be on the other side of the wall.


Expansion, wut?  I need an explanation for the expansion.

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I've completely eliminated the problem with mosin by using bullet stacks of 5 and not reloading while having sights up


Not sure which one it is, but I haven't had a problem with the gun ever since

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Another tip from me, it might be a game mechanic for now and I don't know if it will be fixed at all but I hope so. Do not lay down in grassland... someone who looks at you from a distance more than 70 meters, see's the area naked while you think you're covered in grassland. You just give the person who shoots at you a clean target, especially mosin. if you wanna lay low, try to blend into trees somehow... or use a group of trees, its much harder to spot.

Edited by gingatsu

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