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Venting, feel free to ignore: entire villages with "fake" houses.

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Starting out is always such a pain unless you already know the map by landmarks. I spend literally 20 minutes holding down the W key, running through featureless woods looking for a sign of civilization. 9/10 times I come to a village consisting of a dozen or so small houses and shacks with 10-20 zombies (may as well be 1,000 with no weapon).

On the RARE occasion I can crawl on my stomach and a Z does not magically see me through a wall or miraculously sense my presence, I spend the better part of an hour painfully crawling from pretend house to pretend house only to find they're nothing but boxes with facades painted on them.

I know veterans don't have this problem as you probably know each settlement by sight, I know DayZ uses the existing Arma 2 map so it's those designers that made them, but can we get some random loot generated outside of these "houses" at least? Maybe some dead bodies that spawn with a few items?

It seems when I do stumble upon a location where loot spawns it's a place I've already seen 10 times despite my very limited play experience. Basically it makes the world much smaller than it appears when there are so few places that are worth visiting.

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Learn how you can recognize which buildings can be entered - use your binoculars. If you can see through the glass - yeah, go for it. Scout the village before entering, plan your path, use your brain.


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Agreed, annoying to stumble across a small village and find out it has completely no enterable buildings but has million zombies...

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Learn how you can recognize which buildings can be entered - use your binoculars. If you can see through the glass - yeah' date=' go for it. Scout the village before entering, plan your path, use your brain.


How is a new player supposed to know the difference between a house you can enter and a house with the door closed?

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If I have binoculars then I've already found some loot.

I know about looking through the windows but you can't see all the houses from the outskirts. There's no avoiding getting closer to investigate houses that are blocked.

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Change position, circle around village - you will be able to see all enterable buildings.

Some tips:

You wont be able to enter this house:


but you will be able to go into this:


Difference? The second one doesn't have shutters!

This two are source of good loot:



Cool already? :)

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After a few days of playing you'll reckon which buildings are enterable or not.

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All of us noobs went through the process of crawling through towns and learning which buildings are open and which aren't. Sorry the game has gotten tougher for noobs now but you will learn quickly to spot these buildings from the outskirts even without binoculars and plan your path to them accordingly.

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All of us noobs went through the process of crawling through towns and learning which buildings are open and which aren't. Sorry the game has gotten tougher for noobs now but you will learn quickly to spot these buildings from the outskirts even without binoculars and plan your path to them accordingly.

Yeah this, we all started out with no idea... after a week of playing, or maybe less you'll know most of them and be able to spot them before you even enter the village. Sometimes its just not worth going into some of the very small villages, but most have at least 1 building worth exploring, even if its just a barn on the edge.

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How is a new player supposed to know the difference between a house you can enter and a house with the door closed?

Why is a new player supposed to know everything? We all were newbies, difference is some of us didn't cry at the forums at every turn. If you can't even enjoy the beginning when you learn the map and different towns, don't bother playing this at all.

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Short answer is, you aren't supposed to know. You have to learn and grow through experience.

The learning curve for this game is really steep at the moment. Rocket has said that the zeds are over sensitive right now as he's in the process of re balancing them. So take heart, it will actually get easier!

As for which buildings you can enter, you will learn to recognize them. Someone already posted screenshots above of some of the buildings you can go inside and how to tell the difference.

Head to this link:


Look at all the buildings that have listed loot spawns. There are a few non enterable buildings that have loot spawn on the porch. This is a case of you just have to play the game more in order to learn what buildings you can get into and what you can get in them.

Good luck!

As for the guys going at the OP, stop being dicks. The perfectly valid answer to the original question is "play more and learn." It's ok to tell people that. You can do it without being dicks. Try helping rather than insulting people for not knowing something that you do.

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When Arma 3 releases and Dayz comes out, they'll bitch that you can enter every building but their is no loot. Why even search the buildings? ... lol

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I've just done this for the first time. Its just no fun. Maybe they should work on new building models rather than adding pointless features like spawning with tits.

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As for the guys going at the OP' date=' stop being dicks. The perfectly valid answer to the original question is "play more and learn." It's ok to tell people that. You can do it without being dicks. Try helping rather than insulting people for not knowing something that you do.



And I agree that you could learn all the building types, but that's kinda stupid to suggest. I've been playing for weeks and I still don't know them all for sure.

I just spent nearly two hours running north east from Kamenka. I traveled through 3 villages and came up with a heat pack, a crowbar, and an empty double barrel shotgun. There was also an empty warehouse (not even trash), and 2 barns containing only hatchets. If I hadn't found a can of coke and frank and beans back in Kamenka (where I started) I probably would have died just from the dehydration/starvation.

Simple fact is it's not worth leaving the shore at this time.

It's incredibly heartbreaking to spend 45 minutes crawling through a village with 8-12 houses and not find a single item.

I don't care how amazing you are because you knew exactly where the airfield was and happened upon an ak47. 80% of the offshore villages are completely useless. Fact is fact.

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Generally barns close to the small villages and on the road sides have decent loot in them, and gas stations are always worth a look too ;)

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For me its useless when a game has houses that i cant visit.

replace all houses by "real" houses or delete all "fake" houses from the map.

the performance and fun of the game goes up after it.

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For me its useless when a game has houses that i cant visit.

replace all houses by "real" houses or delete all "fake" houses from the map.

the performance and fun of the game goes up after it.

You do realize the dev's of dayz didn't make this map right? That's why there are houses that can't be entered. Figuring out which houses can and can't be entered is part of the learning curve. It's also just a bit unrealistic that every building should be enter able. Some would be blocked off, partly destroyed or blocked with rubble.

But, since you're gonna hear it over and over again here I'll spell it out for ya: Alpha is Alpha.

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Its actually pretty surprising how many loot spawns are out there, even around those closed buildings. You just need to know what to look for.

When I first saw a spawn map like this: http://dayzdb.com/map

I was shocked at how many little loot spawns are scattered, even in those empty villages that might only have one building with an open door. Little doghouses, chicken-sheds, outhouses, etc all have chances to spawn loot.

If you are tired of searching manually that map is a good trainer tool, if you click on the colored dots it loads a screenshot of what the building looks like, so you can learn what to look for.

As the map shows, leaving the coast is not only not pointless, its a pretty good idea. All of those red deer stands are gonna be your primary source of weapons, and you can find all of the other loot as you travel. Its slower going, but you're less likely to get shot in the back my some shoot-first mouthbreather than skulking around Cherno.

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Something to take into consideration as well, if there are zombies, there are buildings with loot(even if those buildings are just shacks), zombies spawn based off loot points, not just randomly.

If you're running through the woods and you spot zombies milling about(probably 2-3), there is a deer stand in the near vicinity. A great place to look for starting loot is on the outskirts in barns(Increased chance of base long guns - shotguns, rifles).


That's a map to all of Chernarus, if you look at where you spawn(when you first log in, bottom right side it will say Chernarus and the line below that is your general area) and then use the map, you can find towns significantly easier, as well as deer stands etc. Yellow dots on the map tend to be near useless(Low chance of usable loot), you're looking for grey $ symbols and the brown watchtowers.

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Some of those un-enterable buildings have loot that spawns in the doorway. Not many, but some. Binocs are a great tool for scouting out towns both for the transparent window buildings you can get in and spotting the little loot piles that I mentioned.

I've just done this for the first time. Its just no fun. Maybe they should work on new building models rather than adding pointless features like spawning with tits.

I'd like to see that as well. Funny thing about the tits is that I try to give people the benefit of the doubt if they don't know I'm there (unless I need or want their goodies) but when I see female avatars, it is shoot on sight, no questions asked. Anyone who chooses to play a female character is 99.99% likely to be a griefer.

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Well, you could always wait for Arma III....

But, there is Red brick houses, Wooden (brownish) house [There are two of this type, one enterable and one not], school, Red apartment buildings, gray apartment/restaurant buildings.

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Something to take into consideration as well' date=' if there are zombies, there are buildings with loot(even if those buildings are just shacks), zombies spawn based off loot points, not just randomly. [/quote']

That is not totally true, I have seen many buildings out in the middle of nowhere with Z's but no loot spawning.


That list shows a lot of buildings that have Z's spawning with them but no loot.

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I love how u acted like 20 minutes was a big deal, we spent about 2:30 hours just walking to camp.

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