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Base Buidlind and How it Works?

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Hello Everyone,


I have been playing the game and have recently been active on the forums.


I have seen the many posts about Base Building that will eventually be implemented into the game.


My question is for those who played the Mod, because I did not.


How did base building work in the mod?


How did bases save? Did they only appear to other players when you logged in? Or could someone go and loot your bases right after you logged out?


Were saved bases server specific, so if you switched servers your base was not on that new server?


Lastly how do you think it will be similar or different in the standalone?


If there is a thread like this I apologize and if someone provides the link I will certainly go and read it.


Thanks, look forward to some feedback hopefully.



Edited by Egoballer06

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in "vanilla DayZ, there was only the lowly tent. Origins had a garage and house that you could build (hero and bandit, very static). Epoch had a more robust mechanic walls (concrete block or wood), ceiling/roof, steps, ladder... Best thing to fully see whats out there (in MODS) visit youtube.


EDIT, and any instance of building will have to be server specific, it has to be (two people build something on the same area... that would be bad)

Edited by BelMarduk

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'Base building' is the only thing that really concerns me about the SA road map.


I really don't want to see player made buildings popping up all over Chernarus, it'll just end up being a clusterfuck and take away from the beauty of the map.


The only acceptable solution for me (which Dean has mentioned in the past) is underground instances that can be discovered somehow by wandering players and that can be raided, none of this safe house bollocks please, your equipment should never be safe in this game.


Overground building could really fuck this game up for me, go play Rust if that's your thing is my opinion on that.

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The best solution i think is to be able to take over and board up existing buildings mainly because it would add to the emersion of the game and lets face it in RL what would you do have an underground base or board up your house get guns and survive :D

Edited by soap1982
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The devs have mentioned a sort of "underground" base building, but i would like to see the reintroduction of tents and smaller bases (which will probably be added at some point)

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Yeah in the mod there was only tents at first. Later we got stashes that were much more concealed, but held considerably less. Also you could always have driven a car somewhere and popped the tyres....instant tent :D They didnt persist over servers.


Im hoping for the SA though they move away from just storage items, and give us more utility things to build. If we get that then we could find people just visiting our camps and leaving them intact.....so they can come and use the facilities without building there own. Or untill they build there own....then trash it.


In the mod the only thing to do really was trash the camp (denial of enemy resourses we used to call it lol). Or you could skim some ammo every few days and hope they didnt notice. The best way to do it was put everything you want in one of the vehicles....blow the rest and then crush the tents before leaving.


With utility, just destroying everything may not be the first choice :) 

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  On 1/10/2014 at 2:46 PM, soap1982 said:

The best solution i think is to be able to take over and board up existing buildings mainly because it would add to the emersion of the game and lets face it in RL what would you do have an underground base or board up your house get guns and survive :D



Yeah, that could be OK, but also, if not done right could lead to tremendous levels of trolling so would need to be thought out very carefully.


Remember the days of barbed wire blocking up all the buildings so we couldn't get in?

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From some of the posts, it seems in the mod you could enter someone's base/camp freely regardless if they were logged in or not? If someone could explain that and how it worked that would be great.


Also thanks for the other posts guys, great feedback. More posts about the mods base/camp building mechanics would be great too.



Edited by Egoballer06

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There hasn't really been many official details about it.  Like the majority of supporters to the game, you are better off playing something else and coming back in 6 months when there might be some bulk to the game, its pretty bare atm (~50% of the items in the game serve no purpose atm).  Be cautious of expressing your opinions or concerns to the game as well, the "It's alpha" followers will eat you alive.

Edited by SKuDD3r

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There is so much that needs to be done before this could be considered.  


If I had to choose though, I like the underground stuff and being able to take over buildings that are already placed.  I agree that your gear should never be 'safe'.

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  On 1/10/2014 at 2:42 PM, RedNome said:

'Base building' is the only thing that really concerns me about the SA road map.


I really don't want to see player made buildings popping up all over Chernarus, it'll just end up being a clusterfuck and take away from the beauty of the map.


The only acceptable solution for me (which Dean has mentioned in the past) is underground instances that can be discovered somehow by wandering players and that can be raided, none of this safe house bollocks please, your equipment should never be safe in this game.


Overground building could really fuck this game up for me, go play Rust if that's your thing is my opinion on that.


From what I have read and seen in YouTube is that you can still knock down/destroy the walls and doors in the Epoch mod to get inside the "base".


However I too would be concerned as Chernerus is way too small right now to allow base building like in the Epoch mod as people will be making every other building a "home"... These kind of boarded up buildings should be something you occasionally come across but if we have it on the scale like epoch every castle, office, firestation, barracks etc.. would be claimed. So there would have to be limitations or ways to prevent people making homes in every single building.


Also base building would have to be server specific otherwise there would be conflicts (server/data) side as people homes might be in the same place on the hive so if you join a server you have not built your base on then you will have no base etc...

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i think, the best solution is to allow players build TENTS and also allow players to fortify pre existent houses.
maybe adding reinforced doors that dont let zombie get into the house for a time.. like in PROJECT ZOMBOID.

ORIGINS was cool, but i agree with Rednome.

I really dont like the Underground bases .

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