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Logout timer

logout timer  

96 members have voted

  1. 1. How long should be a possible upcoming logout timer?

    • 0 [sec]
    • 10 [sec]
    • 15 [sec]
    • 20 [sec]
    • 30 [sec]
    • 30+ [sec]

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30 seconds, resetting to 30 seconds every time a shot is fired/hits within X radius of the player during the duration.


To clarify, even if they log out, during the 30 second countdown, someone hunting said player could shoot at their area and keep them logged in long enough to get over there to kill.

Edited by BonnyBrown

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Actually, I've killed 1 person in 40 hours to test how a fireaxe works. I'm generally friendly, and sneaky. I have better ways to spend my time than ruin other peoples fun and work they put into getting their equipment.




And let me get that quote for you. Since you've gone and taken it totally out of context. Which someone of your caliber intelligence is expected to do.

it doesnt matter, you still combat logged and didnt fight. You "pussied" out

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it doesnt matter, you still combat logged and didnt fight. You "pussied" out


Actually I didn't you should learn to read my friend. I stated a hypothetical fake situation explaining a reason why I would consider combat logging.

Edited by Zeet.

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Timer should work only if you have been shooting recently or someone has been shooting at you - or there is a player in your vicinity. 

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youre still a pussy for considering it


And what are you for actually doing it. Please stop calling yourself names.

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And what are you for actually doing it. Please stop calling yourself names.


dont you have to get ready for middle school ?

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Timer should work only if you have been shooting recently or someone has been shooting at you - or there is a player in your vicinity. 


You don't understand what combat logging is.


For exemple, I was looting firestation in elektro when I saw thought window squad of 3 guys with m4 moving my way. So I esc -> exit the game, before any shots was  even fired and this way I was not killed. And this was combat logging that need to be dealt with log out timer.

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dont you have to get ready for middle school ?


I'm actually 2 years younger than you but many years the intellectual superior. So no, I finished highschool 3 years ago. But seriously, you're a hypocrite for calling people pussies for talking about a hypothetical situation in which they would CL because the games immersion is broken, and then you actually go ahead and do the real combat logging. Which is cancerous and will be removed whether you like it or not.

Edited by Zeet.

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I agree with 30 seconds, but surely the symbol thing is a terrible idea. Waiting for the timer is NOT combat logging...


Example. You are approaching a town, after quite a long play, and want to have one final scavenge for food and ammo. Just at the edge of the town, you spot a group of armed players moving in from the other side, yet they dont see you. You then forget about looting and decide to log out. 

So what then? A massive symbol above your head sayiong "I'm logging out, please leave me alone(?!)" appears above your head for all to see, while your trying to hide in a good spot.


No offence but I think that is a bad idea..



Im not talking about a big glowing sun 5 feet above your head or anything like that. Just like a green ! directly above you head.  So it would only be seen if someone is close or already looking at you through a scope.

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If you want to log out of the game, you need to make camp (maybe get a sleeping bag out or something similar?) If you log out without doing this, your character stands up in plain sight for 30 seconds?


I think this is a good idea too. This could kill two birds with one stone. It would stop the server hopping in the jails and military camps as well and keep people from combat logging.


In all actuality if people would quit being so quick to kill on sight or just kill people just to kill people then the need people think they have to exit the game as soon as they see someone would go away as well. Personally I don't want to kill someone and ruin their day after they have spent hours and hours searching for loot. Usually I just go the way to avoid the need to kill them. If they start to follow me and it looks like they don't share the same level of consideration then ill take action.


If you pay attention most of the time you can escape, there isn't a need to combat log quit being so scared.

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I'm actually 2 years younger than you but many years the intellectual superior. So no, I finished highschool 3 years ago. But seriously, you're a hypocrite for calling people pussies for talking about a hypothetical situation in which they would CL because the games immersion is broken, and then you actually go ahead and do the real combat logging. Which is cancerous and will be removed whether you like it or not.

When did i say i combat logged? because i dont agree with a log out timer and ill continue to hit alt f4 or ill just hard crash it and it will be like i never even opened up dayz. I dont think that means i combat log you brain dead moron

Edited by Crakka

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When did i say i combat logged? because i dont agree with a log out timer and ill continue to hit alt f4 or ill just hard crash it and it will be like i never even opened up dayz. I dont think that means i combat log you brain dead moron


30 seconds rofl. 

i cant wait to alt f4 instead of waiting 30 seconds cause people need to cry and bitch


With all these direct insults, you are in serious risk of being banned. I'd calm your panties down.

Still proving you being a hypocrite. And yes, that's exactly what combat logging is. Jesus, these CoD kiddies need to get back to their children's online daycare.
Edited by Zeet.

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hahahaha you think i give two shits about being banned from a video game forum rofl. A game thats sinking fast thanks to retards like you

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hahahaha you think i give two shits about being banned from a video game forum rofl. A game thats sinking fast thanks to retards like you


:) Speak for yourself my young friend.


Its people like you bringing this game down with bad attitudes and worse game mentalities. Luckily the devs can remove the shit you guys want and implement ways you can't abuse game mechanics.


One day, you'll alt f4 and come back a few hours later to an absolutely empty inventory. Your ragey butthurt fuels my powa.

Edited by Zeet.

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:) Speak for yourself my young friend.


Its people like you bringing this game down with bad attitudes and worse game mentalities. Luckily the devs can remove out the shit you guys want and implement ways you can't abuse game mechanics.

i just hope every time you go to log out you die cause you wanted the 30 second timer.

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i just hope every time you go to log out you die cause you wanted the 30 second timer.


So be it. If that's the price for immature babies like you to stop combat logging in fear with piss dripping down their leg I'd gladly pay it.


But I'm not as simple as you, as to log off in a spot you could even be in danger from.

Edited by Zeet.
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Zeet & Crakka

Stop it or I will put both of you out to grass.


Seriously though back on topic. Can we get your opinion at all? As to adding in a logout timer.


(As I've been trying to constructively argue the point the whole time while taking insults.) >_>

Edited by Zeet.

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I vote 30 seconds




for me SOME action should not restart timer or cancel log out


example if you shoot/melee attack is cancel log out timer ;)


if you walk/eat/drink doing passive thing this dont cancel timer :thumbsup:  :)

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I vote 30 seconds




for me SOME action should not restart timer or cancel log out


example if you shoot/melee attack is cancel log out timer ;)


if you walk/eat/drink doing passive thing this dont cancel timer :thumbsup:  :)


This is a good idea. If implemented I wonder what would happen if you were to eat or drink when there is say 5 seconds left on the timer. Would the food/water still count or would it be wasted.

Edited by Zeet.

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This is a good idea. If implemented I wonder what would happen if you were to eat or drink when there is say 5 seconds left on the timer. Would it still count or would it be wasted.

is good point ;)

I imagine is not register if you doing 5 second before :|

my point is sit wait 30 seconds doing nothing is no good

but if possible do some passive character manage why not? :)

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Those who combat log are missing both "the real enjoyment and the point" of playing dayz.  Its not about killing or being killed.  Its the enjoyment/rush/heart stopping monents brought on by firing or hearing the first shot from a Mosin/M4, knowing that any mistake made could mean the past 4-5 hours of hard graft could be wiped out in an instant.  Its about getting the kill without being killed, its about hearing that shot being fired at you and either killing your attacker or evading them like a pro.


So i feel sorry to those who's first thought is to hit alt-f4, as they wasted £20 on a game that is clearly not for them and soon enough they wont be playing as fixes are put in place.


So i guess you can enjoy it while it lasts, as it will be the many of us who know how to play fairly that will be enjoying ourselves in the long run.

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I have pld several games where you can not alt-f4, how difficult is to implement it?


Anything between 15-30 is fine by me and ye what kos said, cancel timer if you bleed, shoot, move.

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