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when will base building start in the SA ?

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I think base building is a silly idea TBH. We have all these empty houses and structures, why would anyone waste time building something from scratch?


What I would like to see is some kind of gear storage, i.e. tents/stashes like in the mod, although I think they need to disappear on their owner's death.

then whats the point in hiding things? lol

normally you stock up on guns and ammo for when you die you can run to your tent and get gear 

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the basics are already in the mod so it shouldn't be hard to add from that.if you cant add that in 6-9 months when its already available id be looking for a new job.

The Mod has nothing to do with the SA! I really wish people would stop saying things like this. The Mod is a completely different proposition to the SA. Whether or not a specific feature is in the Mod will have no bearing on the implementation that may or may not appear in the SA.


This is a new engine. It will have new code. It may or may not be similar, but it won't be a case of simply copying and pasting it from the Mod.


And back to the OP; It will take as long as it takes. That's all we know apart from the fact that it is on the DayZ roadmap.

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I mostly agree with Mzly on this one. One thing I saw on a regular server with just a few extra scripts was just another item you could deploy like tank-trap kits and barbed wire. It was a simple wooden barricade, taller than the player model and maybe three to four feet wide. Just adding those three items would make bases possible. Being able to fortify a house would be awesome. I haven't checked out all the old spots, but there were quite a few places around the map that are off the beaten path, contain structures of different kinds and with some barricades could be made into great bases. One was NW of NWAF, I think, and it had a two story bunker type building and some tents around it. Another is along a logging road and was just a little shack that could easily be fortified. Even places with rock piles could be cordoned off to make a base. That's what type of bases I think should be possible. Not even interested in Rust type shanty towns popping up all over the place. Besides adding to server load they just aren't necessary. These three items would be easy to add and if done after server hopping/combat logging is fixed would be an awesome idea. 

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This is a new engine.

No it is not a new engine at all, please read up and do some home work before you post........

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No it is not a new engine at all, please read up and do some home work before you post........

Yes it is. Its the Real Virtuality engine that's been heavily modified to be more like an MMO than ARMA. In fact I think when its done it will be a completely different engine, only with RV tech used here and there.

Edited by Nereus77

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People play games because they are fun, not because they are realistic. Games should NEVER sacrifice fun for the sake of realism.


That being said, people really enjoy building a home to call their own. Something away from the already established cities. It also gives people a sense of ownership in the game which increases playability exponentially.


DayZ is supposed to be more of a simulator. It's not your average game.


then whats the point in hiding things? lol

normally you stock up on guns and ammo for when you die you can run to your tent and get gear 


That defies the point in permadeath. I consider that to be more of an exploit than a feature of the mod TBH.


As for the posts above - Rocket always talked about creating underground bases that sounded more like The Road-esque stash points than above ground structures to me. Not sure what you guys have been reading/watching...

Edited by Mos1ey

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The Mod has nothing to do with the SA! I really wish people would stop saying things like this. The Mod is a completely different proposition to the SA. Whether or not a specific feature is in the Mod will have no bearing on the implementation that may or may not appear in the SA.


This is a new engine. It will have new code. It may or may not be similar, but it won't be a case of simply copying and pasting it from the Mod.


And back to the OP; It will take as long as it takes. That's all we know apart from the fact that it is on the DayZ roadmap.

no relation cause it does are you blind ! some stuff will be used or tweaked and used.


rocket has been hitting up gary from rust on twitter normally when this happens a idea or feature pops up from that game in dayz ! :lol:


payday is great ! handcuffing and payday masks :lol:



just watch :)  rust does have good crafting base building and gary was saying others will copy my ideas maybe he meant dayz who knows :D

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Maybe the ability to build up walls/barricades around cities/towns/villages that are destructible and/or at the least deteriorate without upkeep.  This to me would seem like what would legit happen in a post apocalyptic scenario, people controlling the towns that already exist. This would encourage larger groups of survivors to work together.

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I think base building is a silly idea TBH. We have all these empty houses and structures, why would anyone waste time building something from scratch?


What I would like to see is some kind of gear storage, i.e. tents/stashes like in the mod, although I think they need to disappear on their owner's death.



Agreed, I do think that building "underground lairs" for the storage whores is, in reality, pointless.  

- Tents should have different sizes (i.e. 2 man/4/6/or 8 in natural green & brown colors).

- Players SHOULD have the option to simply roll that tent up and take it whether it's you, a friend or some random on that server.  That's one thing I found gimpy, so I don't know if insta-wipe would be a "better" solution as you stated but I would give it a try when it comes for sure.

- Stashes should be different, you should have to find weapon cases & storage containers when you're stashing your gear.  It seems ridiculous that you could store 30 Raw meats in the ground and you could just take them out two weeks game time later and eat them.  I am thinking that would be the trade off, you don't expose your loot above ground but you have to store your things properly or they become weathered & damaged from sitting in a hole. 



Another thing is if they are going the "base building route" that they should consider shelter crafting, so that you could sleep underneath with your Bedroll.  The thing that I would like about crafting shelters is that it would be more natural than say a tent, you put it up against a tree and it's better camouflage.  This is where, as off-topic as this is, choppers are going to ruin "base building" unless they can fix the artifact glitches from a distance and the air.  I know that in the mod it was only a matter of time until people either PvP or base build/hoard; being a gear hoarder in the mod I always despised how easy it was to DERP around in a helicopter finding everything.  I just hope they have server filters specifying choppers/no choppers later on in the development or else I will be a very unhappy survivor...

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servers reset every 1-4 hours on average and with them i assume your houses would go with them (if they didn't servers would just become cluttered with little bases that people started but never finished). for rust to have suitable base building they wipe their servers a couple times a month mabye

Edited by Timecharge

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Tents! tents! tents! tents! Wilderness zombie survival! I agree 10 fold.


Agreed with this, DayZ epoch made DayZ to far fetched for me, i love the idea of wilderness survival, or being able to slightly (literally) slightly modify existing buildings, building complete new structures seems strange and removes the survival element of dayz...personal opinion of course, add tents to dayz, and i honestly believe it will completely change up the game for the better, i really miss those days in 2012 when you searched for a tent, then a perfect spot to hide it....then went to work and worried about your tent being found and looted. 

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DayZ is supposed to be more of a simulator. It's not your average game.

It really isn't a simulator. It takes about 8 5.56 shots to kill, who knows HOW MANY 9 mm rounds it takes. I have a hard time believing that Rocket's study that showed that it usually took 8 5.56 bullets for an American soldier to kill someone. Even if it did, a lot of terrorists are jacked up on drugs, unlike the characters in the game.

You can survive with NO BLOOD, then replace all of your blood with saline.

Broken limbs have NO EFFECT as long as you use a splint or morhine, both of which immediately cure your limbs. Got hit by a 7.62 round to the stomach? No worries, aplly a magical bandage and eat and drink for 20 minutes. You're good to go!

Since when are there such an abundance of exotic guns like p1s and longhorns anywhere in the world, little less a poor post soviet state? Or Payday masks...

They want to make it so that a gun thats uses 5.45 Russian rounds uses 5.56 NATO rounds.

This game does not approch realistic. Its about realistic as Arma, where you take "just a" pistol round at point blank to your face and keep on walking.

Edited by Bruce of Wayne

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If you take the announcements from January and apply the timeline to actual progression ratio I would say 2017 rough guess.

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It really isn't a simulator. It takes about 8 5.56 shots to kill, 

Someone has never used an M4A1 in DayZ

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I think base building is a silly idea TBH. We have all these empty houses and structures, why would anyone waste time building something from scratch?


What I would like to see is some kind of gear storage, i.e. tents/stashes like in the mod, although I think they need to disappear on their owner's death.

because its more fun to build your own then modify something someone else built. besides that, who the hell would want to set up shop in a town(other than people who are here for the sole reason of deathmatch), thats just asking for trouble.

Edited by hellcat420

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