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Have map will travel.........unfortunately

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So I have a map and have been running foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, is there a way to get a marker on the map to show where exactly I am so I know which direction to head? Ive literally been running for about 45 mins now and haven't run into anytown or anything, I didn't even know that was possible! lol

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It is awesome, very awesome! If you had a map could you put down some floating indicator in front of you IRL?


Edit: Don't try to pull the "This isn't real life" card, because we all know this game was designed as a realistic survival simulator (mind the zombies)

Edited by Beck
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Thing is we've seen this a million times over. They are not being mean or anything, its just what you say is a direction DayZ will never go. 


Try to follow roads, follow signage and you needn't use a map at all. Also try and use the sun to navigate if you get lost. ;) Good luck

Edited by Zarniwoop
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Every road on the map will either lead to a dead end or a town eventually. You might be at the top of the map if you ran 45 minutes and didn't find anything but even if you were you could head south and will eventually find something you can relate to what you see on the map. Even having played quite a long time in Chernarus I've gotten turned around a couple times but its relatively easy to figure it out if you learn to translate what you see in game, (even if its a couple hills and a road), to what's in the map.

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Thanks a lot for the helpful posts, I appreciate it. I did eventually find out where I was. I ended up in a train station at the very top of the map. I wasn't asking for the game to be changed,  all I wanted to know is if there was something that told u where you were on the map, that's all. I've only been playing for about 6 or so hours so I understand that I have a lot to learn. Thanks again.

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Shift + click on the map and it will set a waypoint to the town. If you have a compass, use it to find out which direction you are from the waypoint and find where you are on the map

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South is towards the water, if water is on your left hand side you are running west, if on your right you are running east, ive been on this game six hours and was able to figure that out without a map or a compass, look at signs when you enter a small town so you can orient yourself on the map, this game makes you think  a little so dont be afraid to use your noodle 

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Thank you pillz, your wisdom is infinite, and i am but a peon to your knowledge. May they write poems and stories of your bravery and masculinity.

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Here MrCmurder..


Apart from traditional navigation methods (map and compass) there are many ways to navigate in the ArmA engines, for example you can follow the power lines or this:






This is a Horror Survival game. Learn or perish.

Good luck dude. This isn't a game of convenience.




Edited by TYS
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I try to find a village/town and look at the Cyrillic sign. Then I look for the place on the map and check the environment (forest, plains, hill). Usually I know my whereabouts and which side is North by then. At night you can also look at the stars of course, but I haven't played during night time, but I've heard Pole star is headed North in this game.

Edited by Bernharde
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