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Dean The Lying Salesman

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Its old news to most of us, but still refreshingly annoying. Yes hacking is still a viable option for some user's it seems, and i would have expected this to have been the priority problem for the developers and Mr Hall; considering he announced The Standalone under the pretence a suitable system would be in place to prevent it from becoming the circus the mod was and is. No less than an hour ago on one of the EU Zombiemod servers, I came across a player standing on sniper hill facing Electro, which was odd; as he was standing; and odder still not moving. A quick shot to his head with my M4 and a look inside his inventory, i discover a mosin with over 200 ammo, a pistol (not the magnum) with 4 clips, and (the dead giveaway) 4 morphine injectors!! I did what any honest person would do; and took dat loot. 


I ran a little away from the corpse and begin going over the loot, sorting it, and was trying to seperate the ruined bullets from the pristine. Server lag prevented this mechanic from working, so i switched server to another highly populated server with a better ping. I finish sorting the rounds, and make my way through sniper hill; when i see the exact same character model of the previous hacker, standing in the same place again, not moving with his back to me. I can only guess he was loading scripts or something similar to keep himself busy. Another quick shot through his back, and i check the inventory to confirm the exact same loadout as before. Either it was the same person, or we have multiple people who aren't the most subtle players.


Around 30 mins later after trying to find some less geared players to finally test a mosin with a long scope for the first time (sorry i know), i see a guy with his back to me, again on sniper hill, this time he is crouching behind a tree, facing electro, doing a little camp. The textures on his face are all white, and i think nothing of it, as i believe i have a genuine player infront of me as normal. I sneak up behind him, to around 15 metres, carefully and patiently unload 15 rounds from my pistol into his back. He begins to equip his rifle as I begin to wonder why he isn't dead nor bleeding for that matter, and i quickly make my retreat. A classic forest shoot out begins; i aim carefully with my mosin now, both of us hiding behind tree's and wait for my opportunity to present itself. He clumsily sits to the side of the treenow  instead of behind it, I lean out, line up my aim and fire with the mosin. Instead of the expected blood splatter of my foe, the bullet seems to hit an invisible wall. Perhaps it believes it hit the tree; no worry's this is an alpha after all. I try again, waiting for the right moment as before; but again i notice the bullet do no damage to my attacker, just as his rifle peirce's my flesh as stop leaning out from my cover. Perhaps its the zeroing i think, (if that is even enabled yet), and this is my first time using a mosin with a long scope (pristine condition). I switch to my pistol, its hard to miss with this at close range. My foe, knowing i am bleeding, comes out from behind his cover, and begins to flank my position at close range. Believing he has won, he opens himself up to my position; he has no cover, is at close range, and isn't even directly facing me now as he continues to flank and move closer. I aim down the sights, lean out and open up with 3-4 shots. There's no way they couldn't have hit their target; it doesn't get much easier than this in close quarters combat; and yet no sigh on and wound appears. He moves closer, his white textureless face draws near, and with it, the final sound of his mosin upon my still warm corpse. The realisation i have just witnessed a 3rd hacker in under 1hr dawns on me too late.



I bought Standalone with the hope that hacking would be a thing of the past; we where told all loot would be spawned and controlled differently to previous mod incarnation's, that it would be server side, not client side. My dayz crashes roughly every 15-30 mins, due to microsoft data prevention (even though its turned off), the bex error ("dayz has stopped working"), or because nvidia are lazy twats when it come to optimising a gtx 295. but i understand all of this, because standalone, in its infancy, is still in alpha, thus these set backs are acceptable to me. What is not acceptable is what seems like Mr Halls failure to support a legitimate loot spawning system the covers the entire map and all players within it. not only that, but to add salt to the wound, we have no way to report or even identify any said hackers. You would think after the chaos of the mod, and the shear annoyance and time consumption it must have taken on the poor support team at battleye; you guys would have made this an evolving priority, and not released even an alpha; where surely you must have known scripting could be at least still possible. We all know its only a matter of time before scripting grows and grows once more; the only question is will you have a controlled loot spawn system to counter it, as well as a system to counter client side spawns, and a team dedicated to finding exploits and evolving their software to counter them over the years. You may want to start by trying to counter all current known scripts, and challenging your team to try to create some of their own, at least that way you find the leak before a public community does. 

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Alpha. Give the developers some respect. A lot of people in this community are like babies demanding everything be addressed NOW. Shut up and help the game grow instead of filling the forums with garbage.

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Such intelligence, much patience, wow

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More fucking whining? Seriously? What happened to these forums? And all of them are first posts?


...losing faith in humanity.

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This forum is nothing but a whingefest. Every 20 threads or so I see a good idea. (or a bad one but at least its original and not a KOS SOLUTION (faceplan)....)

The rest of the threads are just people bitching. This forum infuriates me.

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To quote Rocket himself off of these very forums:  Do not buy the game yet!  The release of our Alpha is about getting those who want to be involved from the ground up, up and into the process. What we do encourage you to do, is to read reviews, watch livestreams and lets play videos, and talk to your friends. The alpha is going out into large scale testing for the first time, this means many things (mostly bad) will happen such as nasty bugs, connection issues, lost loot, etc... Our aim right now is to present the bare-bone architecture and check that works, getting some feedback on the direction in the process.


Said forum posts lists major bugs/issues already known with the game, including your listed problems with loot spawns and hacking.  


While I applaud the well written and thoughtful presentation of your post, it appears that you're yet another person who didn't understand what you were buying and in what condition the product was in even though it was stated quite clearly by both the seller and the producer.  As such, I can only shake my head and laugh at the indignant nature of your frustration.

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OP forget describing your issues/inconveniences in these forums.


Rocket's Army will just yell "Alpha" in your face and insult you.


Sadly, you are not welcome here. 

Edited by xX_fr0st-w0lf_Xx

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The SEARCH bar is good before angry rant lol. All yor questions have been answered over and over....


Loot Respawn system.....YES

Zombie respawn system.....YES

Updating anti hack measures.....YES

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If you want the community to respond to your opinion, a wall of text that said what could have been summed up in four sentences isn't a great start....


Whining and name calling isn't a graceful dismount, either.

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  On 1/9/2014 at 3:09 AM, DefilerDan said:



To quote Rocket himself off of these very forums:  Do not buy the game yet!  The release of our Alpha is about getting those who want to be involved from the ground up, up and into the process. What we do encourage you to do, is to read reviews, watch livestreams and lets play videos, and talk to your friends. The alpha is going out into large scale testing for the first time, this means many things (mostly bad) will happen such as nasty bugs, connection issues, lost loot, etc... Our aim right now is to present the bare-bone architecture and check that works, getting some feedback on the direction in the process.


Said forum posts lists major bugs/issues already known with the game, including your listed problems with loot spawns and hacking.  


While I applaud the well written and thoughtful presentation of your post, it appears that you're yet another person who didn't understand what you were buying and in what condition the product was in even though it was stated quite clearly by both the seller and the producer.  As such, I can only shake my head and laugh at the indignant nature of your frustration.


This +1


OP -1

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Your first post as a member here is a complaint about an unfinished product. I'll throw out a big L O L at that....


The white textureless face is a glitch. It happens on menu screen to me sometimes.


"I bought Standalone with the hope that hacking would be a thing of the past; we where told all loot would be spawned and controlled differently to previous mod incarnation's, that it would be server side, not client side."

> No, you bought Standalone knowing it was only an Alpha and unfinished. Unfinished means they haven't finished everything. Its literally that simple. They haven't finished the server security functionalities. What's so difficult to understand about that?


"What is not acceptable is what seems like Mr Halls failure to support a legitimate loot spawning system the covers the entire map and all players within it. not only that, but to add salt to the wound, we have no way to report or even identify any said hackers. You would think after the chaos of the mod, and the shear annoyance and time consumption it must have taken on the poor support team at battleye; you guys would have made this an evolving priority, and not released even an alpha; where surely you must have known scripting could be at least still possible."

> Mr. Hall does support a legitimate loot spawning system that covers the entire maps and all players within it. Its not finished. Again...whats so difficult to understand about the "unfinished" part of its alpha state? Also...this IS an evolving priority. Have you read their recent "priority list" for upcoming features? Not release Alpha? because....its an alpha? I miss your logic.


Because you're obviously new to the game, you may be unaware of a 'duping' ability some players are using to copy their body and double their inventory. If they don't hide the body other people will find it. It's not a script. It's not hacking. Its an exploit. A natural exploit that will be fixed.


You ran into 3 quesitonable incidents in 1 hour and found it completely reasonable to join this site, complain about the game and its developers...all over 3 "questionable" encounters....in an Alpha game.



Edited by DKR

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  On 1/9/2014 at 3:11 AM, xX_fr0st-w0lf_Xx said:

OP forget describing your issues/inconveniences in these forums.


Rocket's Army will just yell "Alpha" in your face and insult you.


Sadly, you are not welcome here. 


You are right sir, Danny told me to "shut up" then compalined about the whingefest of other people bitching. not very nice, and quite the contradiction. Im really sorry seeing hacking take place led me to complain on the forums; that is completely wrong of me it seems.

Edited by Chiefo69
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There a TON of warnings specifically telling you not to buy the game and it is broken. There are no surprises or positive expectations in this stage


he is not a lier, have some respect

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