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General Desire

Am I naive in wanting to learn the map myself?

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I would highly suggest any new players get a good online map to help them learn the routes and landmarks however I have about 80  hours in so far and I have traveled so often that I can nav a good portion of the map with out ever looking at my map now idk about most but I have a great photographic memory so I only have to see a house/groups of houses one maybe two times to know where that is in the world


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The in game map was a god send for me. Ive logged about 30 hours into the standalone, and i know the N.E. coast, extremely well lol. Lots of early deaths and respawns there. It wasnt until I found the map pieces that i realized exactly how large the map really is. I frequented the N.E. airfield alot, thinking it was the N.W. airfield. Imagine my surprise when I discovered I was incorrect. And you really will pick up on the spelling from the street signs pretty quick. 

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Best way to play the game IMO, at least at first until it gets old. Another map will hopefully come along and we'll be able to do it all over again. I liked following the power lines myself, but im sure there are many other thing to do to. I definitely recommend 3D Vision for exploration, its amazing to behold every pixel in the correct position on the 3rd dimension.

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Alright, so I'm not alone, good :) One thing I did think of is maybe I'll Google the alphabet so I at least know how to pronounce everything. That's a lot easier to remember than looking at a random collection of letters and signs.




That's exactly what I did. Im not proud of this, but I didnt even know there was a online map the first days I played the game. I was so lost it wasn't even fun. I found a map ingame, but that was with western letters, so instead of actually googling dayz map, I googled russian alphabet to find out what was on the street signs. Also, I thought Chernarus was the name of a city, not a country, so I spent a lot of time looking for that great city. Oh what a noob I was :).


But not using the online map has given me certain advantages though, and now I can easily find my way around. I have some problems in the middle and northern parts, but along the coast, it's very easy :)

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I try not to use the online map but when I go to meet friends and they tell me where they are I still gotta look. I don't have an issue reading the road signs as I know Cyrillic.  

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He he, first time I played with a friend we both had no clue of the map, but we managed to find each other by looking at the end of piers. Of course at that time everyone basically spawned in the same spot. I haven't spawned near Balota in ages

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In a way I feel cheated because I played so much Arma2 before the standalone came out.  I knew the map from all the custom missions I played in Chenarus.  I would countinue what you are doing, sounds like you are enjoying the game.

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Nothing quite like knowing the map like the back of your hand. Knowing every gulley, alleyway and the safe routes of approach. Knowing the possible locations for snipers, routes for quick and easy escapes in dangerous situations. Learning the hard way is the best way. You'll be a superior player because you don't need to use a crutch to navigate. It's glorious.

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Hi General Desire.  Some of us have been playing the mod for nearly 2 years and Arma for up to a decade or so in some peoples' cases, from what I hear.  So they are very familiar with the map, which is based on the Arma map, though not identical.  I think I read somewhere that Rocket planned on expanding/changing the map later. :thumbsup:

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