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Teemo (DayZ)

Name of the game: Survival.

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i think this is a great idea. i keep a record of days myself at the moment but error easily arises when i miss a day of play or two.

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some kind of survival based stats would be great, but - they MUST not include any information about kills, we don't need to encourage people with a K/D ratio.


could include things like

survival time - current life

average survival time - personal

average survival time - global

amount of zombies killed in a life - current life/global



and of course they could take it further, but yeah, i like it, great idea. So long as pvp stats are avoided entirely.  


Yup the core idea is stats about survival time and some achievement titles about it. Zombie kill count could be a option, but since they are so easy to kill i dont see it much rewarding atm. maybe with time there will be different kinds of Z's, some much harder to kill and then stats could become interessting... but then i dont see any hint atm. that dayz has or is planing a stats db. but i do hope that they will consider it, since it could be an extra motivation and help with longterm replayability.


I agree that any stats about pvp should be totally avoided.

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Had a similar idea with a event upon death showing you your progress so you can reflect over your progress.


See link in signature "Death Event".



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I like this idea. I have a player now, in the MOD, who I have been using now for 9 days, unsure of the time and would love to know! I like this idea a lot.

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Well seeing as people seem to find this angle to be at least worth consideration...


How do we go about passing it on?

How do we get some attention about this?

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I really like this idea , we all know we need SOMETHING to make it so people dont kos all the time.

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I really like this idea , we all know we need SOMETHING to make it so people dont kos all the time.


i dont think this has a influence on KOS. it suggest a mainly personal time log and titles according to the amount of time you survive.

the only small influence i see atm. is that it disstracts players who KOS a lot and focus more on survival with the help of others instead killing them on sight. but KOS is the easier way to survive atm. so that wont happen much...

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i dont think this has a influence on KOS. it suggest a mainly personal time log and titles according to the amount of time you survive.

the only small influence i see atm. is that it disstracts players who KOS a lot and focus more on survival with the help of others instead killing them on sight. but KOS is the easier way to survive atm. so that wont happen much...


See this is where I disagree.

Some people will still hunt players. But I'm hoping that this might make people less suicidal.

If held up at gun point, I'm hoping people will play along, hand over their goods, and carry on if it means they get to survive.

Right now, I find that people beeline straight for me, fists up, regardless of whether they're held at gunpoint or not.


Heck, people with pistols seem more keen to go down, guns blazing, vs superior numbers with carbines, than cough up their beans.


The stories that make DayZ so damn unique, don't happen when people just shoot each other. They happen when they don't.

I'm merely wishing to give people an incentive to hope for the best. To try to survive.


The system I suggest is entirely private. If people wish to brag, they can do so on their channels or via pictures, but once in game, it's your own little motivator, nothing else.


Hence, it's a non-intrusive system. If you wish to ignore it, you are free to. That way, we don't impose arbitrary rules upon people. They're free to play as they see fit. Too many suggestions I see here, rely on people playing the game in a certain way.

Here, I'm merely hoping to play to peoples vanities, instead of actively forcing them to change play styles, I'm trying to trick them into doing it.


The griefers will remain, and bandits will be bandits... But maybe their victims will play differently, and frankly, that's a start.

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See this is where I disagree.

Some people will still hunt players.

This. No amount of changes to the game, short of preventing players shooting other players, will stop some people shooting others on sight. This is simply because some people prefer that style of play (after all, if you kill anyone in eyesight, they're not a threat to you or your loot) and some people are just arseholes who enjoying being dicks and/or trying to ruin games for other people, because they find it funny or are just shit at it and angry or whatever.

In DayZ, there is a simple rule: Do NOT get attached to either your kit or your player because, at some point, you WILL lose them. Sometimes at the same time, sometimes not. If you are not comfortable with this fact, you're playing the wrong game.

Edited by Monkfish

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I think this is a great idea, but I beleave this information should not be displayed in game, as a survival "lable" may attract unwanted atention. maybe personal achivements awards in steam or something would be the way to go for this?

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Steam achievements would only pop up once, and then be forgotten.

An indicator next to your character, every time you logged on, is a much more consistent motivator.

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Just bumping....


You have been alive for XX hours.

You have wasted XX lives and your average life time is XX hours.


All this time you have managed staying alive for XXX hours for once.

Edited by HellGuy
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this is pretty much what i posted earlier today, so sorry for stepping on peoples toes (please go check it out if you like, or maybe we could combine threads) - my idea was a kind of hall of fame type system where your "top 5" lives in day z could be commemorated and you'd have time spent alive and maybe the gear you had.  Local only, and you could choose what lives were put into the top 5. obviously the first  would be, then you would be able to choose whether you can add a life to the hal lfo fame once you die. i really like the idea of having a time alive counter, becuase lets face it - the idea of the game is to survive! let's atleast find out how long we're able to do that :)

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i dont think it should be combined with kill stats at all.


also it should be subtle and without public ranking.

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Public ranking would welcome instant grief.
Bandits would target you, not because of your loot or a perceived threat, but simply to ruin your chance at beating your record.


I dislike the notion of this inviting any form of meta gaming from others.

It's purely meant as a personal motivational tool, albeit one that might just make people try a little harder to live, avoid unnecessary risks and thus, rub off on the way we play the game.


In theory, if people care about living, they'll take less risks, meaning they'll attempt fewer suicide encounters, meaning they wont be as random once encountered, meaning they'll cooperate, meaning at least some of the reasons for KOS might vane.
i.e there'll be less reason to shoot first, out of blind paranoia, because the amount of players who'll punch you in the head, might decrease, purely because these players now care about staying alive.


It's naive and utopic... But it might just have a tiny impact, and frankly, that makes it worth it to me.

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I love this idea. It would be pretty simple to implement too. As others have said dont make it public and no kill stats, just your survival times beside you character at the main menu.

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