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not sure if this has bee on before or not but i would like to see some leg holster some time or at least a holster i could attach to my belt chest ones suck they look good but 0% extra draw speed and holstering doesn't even have the right animations not that its a problem but would be nice to find some instead of like 5 chest holster in every warehouse and factory

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I'd like this but then they'd have to make some sort of belt slot for the character.

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I'd like a noticeable increase in draw speed from a holster rather than from your pants. Why bother to have a holster when i can have a vest which gives me 4 extra slots while having a pistol in it.

Edited by Dchil

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I must say the chest hoslter is great, but some other could be fun to find and to wear.

It could be so fun to have a belt or a leg holster, or pouch knife.

I would love to carry severals guns all in holsters, and look like a badass crazy gunman.

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in arma it always destroyed my imersion to see holsters without the gun you carry in it.


i read that the engine is making it almost impossible...



if there will be holsters displaying you handgund or even multiple handguns i will go down on my knees and shout "HALELUJA" ;)

Edited by Spearsbeers

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in arma it always destroyed my imersion to see holsters without the gun you carry in it.


i read that the engine is making it almost impossible...



if there will be holsters displaying you handgund or even multiple handguns i will go down on my knees and shout "HALELUJA" ;)


If you put a gun in a holster you see it, yes.

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You should be able to holster your gun in the back of your pants. ... 


Picture for clarity purposes:




You can't see it that good but still.

Edited by UmBe

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It would be cool to see more holsters added to the game. especially if it allowed you to carry multiple pistols at one time.  I not sure why you cant wear the chest holster and a vest at the sem time but maybe this will be changed later. Adding a holster for around your ankle or you thigh would be nice or a belt holster.  Really I would be happy with anything that dint' make me take up four space to carry my pistol around.

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Wait, what? Holsters give no benefits to weapon draw speed? That's guff. More holsters would also be good.



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Yeah, belt holsters and leg holsters + double chest holsters (or six, like el duce in the movie boondock saints ^^).

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Yeah, belt holsters and leg holsters + double chest holsters (or six, like el duce in the movie boondock saints ^^).

this calls for a trench coat with pockes for all kinds of stuff inside.

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man some really great ideas you guys i hope they will be in the game, specially love your ideas about different kinds of holsters and also being able to holster in your pants is a very good one as it not only makes you look bad ass it is very convenient. knife pouch would be great to see as later in the game knife will serve many purposes and the trench coat, i love it as there could be several types like your sexy western ones and your rugged yet scary dark ones maybe even a simple yet elegant ones limits are endless :thumbsup:    

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man some really great ideas you guys i hope they will be in the game, specially love your ideas about different kinds of holsters and also being able to holster in your pants is a very good one as it not only makes you look bad ass it is very convenient. knife pouch would be great to see as later in the game knife will serve many purposes and the trench coat, i love it as there could be several types like your sexy western ones and your rugged yet scary dark ones maybe even a simple yet elegant ones limits are endless :thumbsup:    


ofc you like a trench-coat, but a black one with several knifepouches, right? Mr. V ;)

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IWB holsters - inside the waistband , for concealed carry under T shirt .

at the moment there is no point to holsters if you can just hot swap items "in" your backpack from the hot bar .

may not be popular but think items in backpack should  "not " go to the hot bar without stopping to open bag .


if this changes holsters & sheaths will play a big role , along with how you go about organizing your gear to include mags !

like to see gun belts & or battle belts for this reason .

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Personally I like this idea as currently the pistol takes up 4 slots in you Inv if you don't have holster slots that could hold food or a med-kit.

Also for knives a holster around the leg or boot looks nice and opens up some inv space.


Alterantively allow me to carry a smaller backpack variant infront of my character, so large one on my back and maybe a hunting or normal backpack infront.

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Just an extract from one of my previous posts re: holsters & belts.


What I'm thinking is a leg holster that gives you a slot for a pistol, plus 2/3 mags (maybe limit the slots so they can 'only' take pistol/ammo) . However it can't be used with cargo type trousers because it impedes the leg pockets - hense jeans only, then players have to decide if they want cargo trousers with extra pockets, or jeans with leg holster(s). Kind of gives jeans more if a purpose besides rags, and if the leg holster is rare(ish) then you just have a high value trade item if nothing else.

Some kind of belt(s) would be cool, no idea if feasible though, but say, a hunters belt that takes shotgun shell's, police belt to take your torch/handcuffs/2/3 pistol mags or a military belt with room for handcuffs/pistol/riles mags/canteen, or just full on military webbing with swap-out compartments.

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I'm kinda surprised nobody has brought up drop-leg pouches. I never have enough pockets, irl or game. I'd like to see something like a molle system incorporated onto/into some of the gear. I know plate carriers are planned for implementation and almost all of them have mag/aid/dump/utility/holster pouches that can be placed at the shooters preference. But before any more additional inventory slots open up for all the various items I'd like to see weight balancing addressed.

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I would definitely like to see a hip holster and leg holster. Drawing a weapon from the holster should be much quicker that getting it out of a pocket.


I would also like to see holsters/sheaths for knives that allow them to be drawn quicker.

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