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About VirtuaStig

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  1. VirtuaStig

    I find the zombies have been buffed considerably.

    I don't think so, I have also noticed that they take 5 to 7 bashes from a prestine axe before going down...I think this is a mistake.
  2. VirtuaStig

    DayZ Standalone Server Hosting

    Hmmm interesting how some people think that thier money gives them power to do anything...... 1. There will always be rules in place simply because none of us own the game we are playing, nor do you own the server....youre RENTING. :o 2. Game companies want people to buy the game, cause it's about money and they need money to keep giving us games in future :huh: E.g: Do you think that beacuse you own a house that you are allowed to do as you please..... no there are rules and it's called "LAW" if you break the law you end up in prison or worse. Thats still not where it ends just because you own the house and land does not mean that you get water for free. Conclusion: Rules are there for a reason, if you do not like them then do not spend money on a server..... Also I believe the guys going on about "I paid", "My money" and "I do what i want " are a bunch of kids who have yet to learn that breaking the rules have consequences. lets see how many flames I get.... B)
  3. VirtuaStig

    You are dead

    I agree With every patch the game gets worse, apparently they fix but hey does not work. You want my specs AMD dream machine cost me $4000 so please the game is broken beyond repair shut it down and fix it............
  4. VirtuaStig

    Remove Spawn Timer when joining same server.

    Unfortunately I do not agree with the Server timer as I have died more from the game killing me or not saving my character than players or zombies combined, so I say let me server hop until they can fix the current status of the overall game and make the servers stable. Imagine spending 3 days looting to find decent items only to find the server has not saved any of it or you load the server and your dead.
  5. VirtuaStig

    i have big performance probs with new patch

    Same issue, unfortunately the problem was not present before the update
  6. VirtuaStig

    Equipment ideas

    I would like to see some smart phones or devices, instead the radio being your only source of communication why give us smart devices that can be used both as an GPS or a form of communition, it can be used as a torch, it shows your friends profiles and allows for quick messages in-game. if found this one item will replace your compass, GPS, Radio. Infact in the day and age we live in, I'm supprised the character does not spawn with one.
  7. VirtuaStig


    Personally I like this idea as currently the pistol takes up 4 slots in you Inv if you don't have holster slots that could hold food or a med-kit. Also for knives a holster around the leg or boot looks nice and opens up some inv space. Alterantively allow me to carry a smaller backpack variant infront of my character, so large one on my back and maybe a hunting or normal backpack infront.
  8. VirtuaStig

    Should we be able to carry two rifles?

    I also agree that even in real life a person will be able to carry more than one large rifle, in Arma 3 I can carry a machine gun and still carry a RPG..., now I understand that with a Civilian this is not realistic, but if the world was overrun by zeds I would carry any and everything I possibly could.
  9. VirtuaStig

    Backpacks as stash

    Great idea, I would also like to have some gear saved up for when you get killed. Perhaps a Global inventory for each player to store some items would be a little better, and the G-Inv should only be accesable at lets say a vendor of some sort... or perhaps each player get s to create one "Stash" anywher he wants (done while in-game not from a map) and the "Stash" will remain there unless moved by the player. This would be especially helpfull for clans who recruit new players or current players after death - this will also creat new experiances as players are forced to run for more supplies. The Stash should be limited to in available slots, otherwise some players might just get too powerfull.