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Well, I think everyone knows that you can actually mark stuff on the map by double-clicking on wherever you wanna mark and write whatever. I was thinking and.. what if it wasn't visible for every player on the server and in case you call someone and he has something marked on his map, once you take the map you'd be able to see all his marks, this way people could find out about locations, camps, etc..


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This is neat... probably only to me... because I looooove the idea of maritime rutters.

See, a rutter was a special map and/or log that a sailing captain kept. It had all his personal shortcuts, observations, finds-- it was essentially his own personal cheat sheet to smooth, efficient, safe, and rich sailing-- often, during the age of exploration, it guarded state secrets in terms of navigational routes to colonies and trading ports.

It was protected as a priceless treasure.

When a ship was sacked, one of the first things sought was the captain's rutter so that new trade routes or intel could be gathered.

Imagine if the map auto-logged all the major things you discovered or placed-- tents, helicopters, vehicles.

Then it became your own personal rutter. If you got shot, it would be a cool bit of loot to discover for the next guy.

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I've been saying this since Day 1, excellent idea, adds another level to gameplay.

You could kill people, get their maps and find their loot.

This could also be used as a trap, you could mark stuff on maps and then either put it on a corpse or in a loot pile and wait with an aumbush.


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Well, I've changed the topic's name, I hope someone from the development team sees this.

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My only issue right now is that there aren't many of us who hoard...

What else could maps track or modify about the world that would make them more universally coveted?

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Well, I guess that's it. The problem is; most of the people that has a camp does not mark on the map since they use teamspeak/ventrilo/mumble or they already recognized the way to their camp. On most of the servers, the marks are visible for everyone, which shouldn't, that would make people actually use this feature. Perhaps if the player has a waypoint it should come with the map aswell, perhaps he marked on his map some cars locations, who knows?

That's my point, would be awesome if the maps could be a developed feature.

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Oh that is a BEAUTIFUL suggestion OP!

I think the team had envisioned a player being able to write a journal as they went as well. That way, when you came across a body you could read 'their story' in Chernarus.

This would be a cracking complement to that!

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Ok, maybe this is a terrible idea:

Maps are replaced with a sort of hand drawn treatment.

They are revealed via fog-of-war.

As you encounter other maps, they contribute to your map's fog of war reveal.

Any loot point that is inspected is annotated onto the map. They can be inspected in-map for their current spawn condition and inventory from that point on.

It's not "realistic" but it gives a reward for exploring the world with a map in tow, as well as pillaging new maps from other players. It gives the illusion that the map is annotated with enticing loot findings, even though it would actually be updated based on the current spawn condition (simply because it would be silly and pointless to annotate old spawn states since they change regularly as people approach them.)


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Well, it's actually a good idea, since no one actually uses the mark option.

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My team doesn't even mark maps with markers. We just use screenshots of waypoints. The only reason it's even universal markers is because we are in the same group in game in ArmA's mind, the group itself is blufor. Unless there's a fix for that it won't really be changeable.

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That's what I am saying, most of the groups doesn't use it because they use online resources to record their most important location or things they found. Sometimes I do use waypoints though..

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great idea, + 1 , but don't see the need for the attention demanding title tbh :P

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Well, tbh I don't think this will work at all.

I believe all experienced players, when needed to memorize some location, just write down its coordinates on a RL paper, without shouting about it by map mark.

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