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Movement up Hills.

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Please Please Please, Let us Run, or at the very least Jog up a hill.

Walking at the slowest pace at even a slight incline, Sucks dogballs.


Keep up the great work Rocket, Loving the game, Standalone is looking great!

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Please Please Please, Let us Run, or at the very least Jog up a hill.

Walking at the slowest pace at even a slight incline, Sucks dogballs.


Keep up the great work Rocket, Loving the game, Standalone is looking great!

Try zig zagging.

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Try zig zagging.




If you go up a hill at an angle you go much faster than going just straight up it.

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I know that....


But it would be better to be able to walk straight up. :/

I understand in the mod, being arma mechanics and all.

But just being standalone, make it you know, Standalone on this subject :D

Edited by Kritch

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I know that....


But it would be better to be able to walk straight up. :/

I understand in the mod, being arma mechanics and all.

But just being standalone, make it you know, Standalone on this subject :D

It is still the same (yet largely re-written) engine as before. Besides why don't you try sprinting straight up a 30+ degree hill with a loaded backpack and a large 2x4 (to simulate a weapon). You just can't do it, believe me i have tried and all you end up doing is having to stop more to rest with no noticeable increase in average speed.

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It is still the same (yet largely re-written) engine as before. Besides why don't you try sprinting straight up a 30+ degree hill with a loaded backpack and a large 2x4 (to simulate a weapon). You just can't do it, believe me i have tried and all you end up doing is having to stop more to rest with no noticeable increase in average speed.

you'd still be able to go up faster than the pace currently in the game. and what if you aren't wearing a full backpack and weapons? you're still going at that very same walking pace. plus in real life you wouldn't just walk up straight, you can lean forward and use your hands which you can't in the game.


bottom line is that you need to be able to go up hills faster.

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plus in real life you wouldn't just walk up straight, you can lean forward and use your hands which you can't in the game.

that would be a nice mechanic for dayz!


if u have something in your hands, walking speed is the limit. with free hands u could jog up that hill...

couse beeing shot at while trying to get up a hill, is currently a death sentence...

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This is good. It's unrealistic to zig zag. Make it so we can jog at least. Perhaps causing more consequences in the process. Hunger, thirst, panting, light headedness, etc. Slowing to an infant speed crawl for a 8 degree incline is BS!

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Can you sprint up a hill IRL?...no!

So, no way, I love that it takes me longer to walk up hills.

What I would like to see it a better animation for walking up a steep hill.

Like pushing your hands against your knees.

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so u trying to tell me, u cant jog up a hill when fired upon?

idk last time i played paintball and was shot at i practically jumped that hill chuck norris style!


its not that we want to "sprint" up a 60° incline... but as soon as a bump appears in dayz the player immediately starts walking at the slowest pace possible...

would be nice if we could speed up the walking if we have our hands free.

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The incline and spd system is completely accurate in my opinion.  Please do not change it!  You need to navigate terrain... there needs to be times where someone gets away or catches up because they are better at avoiding slow-down inclines etc than you are.  That must be in this game... period.  Already this game feels far too liberal on how long we can sprint/run for... like im driving a fucking car or something...

I cant believe people want MOAR FASTR... weird.

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