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The Soviet Connection.

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@Pyrozite:I play Metro and I do agree with your opinion. One thing i'm curious about is why aren't there any flags flopping about anywhere? I've come across a soviet symbol painted on one of the buildings but that's not much, really.

In would presume everything Soviet and Russian related would be torn down during and after their independence. Russia is quite proud of its accomplishments during its communist era, but hell, do most of its satellite states hate it.

Although Chernarussian flags could be more prominent, but I'd say they were all taken down during the civil war in case they showed support for the government in the face of the communist rebels.

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This guy obviously never played ARMA 2

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As for the foreign intervention, yes it is likely they left a lot of equipment behind if they were to abandon Chernarus to fight the global epidemic, however, it is likely they would destroy a lot of it to avoid enemy capture,

So zombies use guns now?

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Yes, Chernarus should have more of Soviet stuff, than Western. Somewhere about 70/30.

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Sure more russian stuff, but it seems I need to remind you guys the NATO is not only consisting of US troops, here are the big states on it whose equipment it should include: USA, UK, France and Germany. So you should be able to rarely find M16/M4, L85A2,  FAMAS and G36 to name the standard rifles.


I would opt for 70/30 to 80/20, with more there wouldnt have been any fights between russia and NATO

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So zombies use guns now?


With all sorts of armed factions running amok, it would be safer not to let it fall into potentially hostile hands.

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With all sorts of armed factions running amok, it would be safer not to let it fall into potentially hostile hands.

In today's DayZ, being more worried about the bandits than the pathetic zombies backs up what you say. But seriously, if it's a global epidemic, local conflicts are going to be on hold, seeing as this is a zombie apocalypse. The worry isn't armed factions anymore if the zombies are bad enough for them to be called a "global epidemic". You might as well be arming them anyway.

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I am pretty crap with any non British military gear to be honest. But I think as every one else has been saying that it should be more Russian orientated. What I would like find out law wise is chenarus meant to be the point of origin or very near to the point of origin of the out break? If so I can see there being an opertunity to have lots of options for different country's equipment about maybe chuck in some PBs in the woods and check points in villages where you can find that nationalitys equipment plus soviet or Russian stuff there too to show them working together. For me I would like to be chilling round with a SA80 just as a bit of patriotism. I haven't played the mod so am not aware of any back ground storey so I could be pissing in the wind here a bit with his poste.

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Ah, that's Stalker right? I remember that section of the game. :) Mounts of radioactive shit.





As for the foreign intervention, yes it is likely they left a lot of equipment behind if they were to abandon Chernarus to fight the global epidemic, however, it is likely they would destroy a lot of it to avoid enemy capture, and what did remain would have quickly been scattered all over Chernarus and out by remaining militias and panicking civilians.

But what used to belong to the Chernarus military and police forces, mostly Kalashnikovs and Russian shotguns, would still be found in police stations and military bases, because, where did they have to go? The soldiers and officers probably manned their posts until infected or killed off by armed militias.

But in the end everyone fuckin died so who gives a shit >:C


Well, as I know, this is a I Am Legend scenario where the prion killed, and turned some into the zombies as we see. So, I guess there's not that much to fight the zombies when they were a byproduct of a deadly plague that was killing left and right.

Edited by AntonioAJC
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Someone compared Chernoruss to Czech Republic, from what I understand only the terrain was modeled after Czech Republic. CDF however has a lot of similarities with Ukrainian military, even flags on the shoulders similar. There fore there should not be that many western weapons and gear, however there should be some post soviet Chernarussian designed equipment similar to Ukrainian gear.







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crap ... thats all i got .....

love you guys too .... not that way .. the other way ... you know what i mean ... im ... going now .



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I want to see ranged weapons from PKM's, SVD's, SV-98 and RPG-7 all the way to Air rifles, .22's, bows, crossbows, slingshot and all that jazz.

While it is hard to realistically make guns and military bases extremely rare realistically, it is possible to have ammo be rare.

Every gun should use the correct ammo, no skipping out and making AKM's fire a different 7.62 cartridge to match other rifles.

Their should be rounds around, but enough different rounds to water down the field.

Ammo for a specific gun should be really hard to come by.

More often than not you would have piles of ammo and be coming across guns that don't use any of the ammo you already have.

Civilian ammo should be more common to come by, with military weapon ammo largely sticking to military spawns, which should be drowning in zombies.

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I want to see ranged weapons from PKM's, SVD's, SV-98 and RPG-7 all the way to Air rifles, .22's, bows, crossbows, slingshot and all that jazz.

While it is hard to realistically make guns and military bases extremely rare realistically, it is possible to have ammo be rare.

Every gun should use the correct ammo, no skipping out and making AKM's fire a different 7.62 cartridge to match other rifles.

Their should be rounds around, but enough different rounds to water down the field.

Ammo for a specific gun should be really hard to come by.

More often than not you would have piles of ammo and be coming across guns that don't use any of the ammo you already have.

Civilian ammo should be more common to come by, with military weapon ammo largely sticking to military spawns, which should be drowning in zombies.

SVD and AKM rifles confirmed by Chris Torchia.

Edited by AntonioAJC

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Maybe someday. But it's all fictional regardless. You're also taking quite a bit of info from the mod. See, in dayz sa chernarus is actually a part of the us that Russia took in the war of 2024 after a somewhat drastic technological decline. In the conflict for the us to take it back in 2032, zombies. See how I did that?

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If you guys want a better mother russia, we need a Nuclear Plant or atleast a radioactive one

Don't think so. If there ever was a nuclear power plant, then the government would have demolished it due to its unnecessity, high costs, and the imports of uranium. That, and Chernarus is just made up of small towns and some cities. Not an area where that much electricity is needed.

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I want to see ranged weapons from PKM's, SVD's, SV-98 and RPG-7 all the way to Air rifles, .22's, bows, crossbows, slingshot and all that jazz.

While it is hard to realistically make guns and military bases extremely rare realistically, it is possible to have ammo be rare.

Every gun should use the correct ammo, no skipping out and making AKM's fire a different 7.62 cartridge to match other rifles.

Their should be rounds around, but enough different rounds to water down the field.

Ammo for a specific gun should be really hard to come by.

More often than not you would have piles of ammo and be coming across guns that don't use any of the ammo you already have.

Civilian ammo should be more common to come by, with military weapon ammo largely sticking to military spawns, which should be drowning in zombies.


Damn straight son. A lot of game developers seem to have issues distinguishing HATO 7.62x51 for Russian 7.62x54®. That annoys the shit outta me with the Mosin Nagant.

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Maybe someday. But it's all fictional regardless. You're also taking quite a bit of info from the mod. See, in dayz sa chernarus is actually a part of the us that Russia took in the war of 2024 after a somewhat drastic technological decline. In the conflict for the us to take it back in 2032, zombies. See how I did that?

Sorry, nope. Its not up to us to make a complete history of the place. The History of chernarus was made up by Bohemia up to 2009 and we can see not much has changed since then. (Apocalypse was in 2017, apparently) 


Part of the Russian Empire to 1631-1917 then the Soviet union untill 1991 when it became it's own Country. A civil war occurred in 2009 and the Battered CDF was saved by US Special Forces. Russia invaded for some reason i don't remember but was driven out and the Chernarus Government regained control.

Edited by thedogfoodyayho

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Damn straight son. A lot of game developers seem to have issues distinguishing HATO 7.62x51 for Russian 7.62x54®. That annoys the shit outta me with the Mosin Nagant.


I really don't have any knowledge on munition and even regarding fire-arms but is it possible to have ammo with same diameter (like the ones you are speaking of I suppose) that couldn't fit in the same magazine but could fit if charged a bullet at a time from the top into the chamber? It would be cool is some munition wouldn't work conventionally with another fire-arm but could have a work around to adapt it (although there would be consequences such as wearing out the gun, having it jam, ...)

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Bump is in order,


And lets not forget the Czech Connection:

VS 52/57 Rifle

VS 58 Assault Rifle

Mlok, Oblacky & Red Desert Czech Camo's


I would be very happy if these were added to the game!

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Well, the environment is built around story that BI came up with (such as US with its appearance tried to push back communist rebels from taking over the country) and you know the drill, where is US, there is NATO and where is NATO there is everyone. It could be like impact between Russian forces and Alliance forces. Well, maybe not everyone but UK makes sense as biggest alliance for US.


Anyway, I still vote for Galil SAR/AR than that is it for now :)

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