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Update on rubberbanding/screen glitch

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I know there are already some threads on this issue but after reading some comments and talking to a few fellow players it seems that the uncontrollable rubberbanding/ glitching has been resolved for some but it continues to plague my client.  Since the character wipe then unwipe and battleye implementation a few days ago I have died multiple times warping out and off of buildings from this new glitch.  


To explain it further basically my character turns in unpredictable directions, usually a total of 90 degrees approx 2 degrees at a time and moves roughly 10 meters in a period of about 5 seconds.  During this time I have no control over any movements in the game.  This glitch happens roughly once every 5 to 10 minutes. I haven't seen a post describing in detail their form of rubberbanding/glitching so I made this post to see if anyone else is experiencing the same thing, or if it could be a problem with my settings.  


I have tried numerous servers (at least 5-10) and the same thing has happened.  I was playing with a friend last night on the same server and we wasn't experiencing any of the symptoms I was.  Just to reiterate, this only recently started happening a few days ago.  


This is not the same rubberbanding where your character goes back 5 minutes (roughly 200 meters) and freezes your client forcing you to hard reset.  


To be more specific, this problem occurs in both cities and in the wilderness.  Also I play on official DAYZ servers.


Input appreciated, Thanks

Edited by strict_flow

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It is possible the server your playing on hasn't been synced to the main database to be updated to the current build..

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I know there are already some threads on this issue



Why not use them, then? It will be easier to get input / replies in the existing threads anyway.

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Every server I've joined post-patch has had even more constant (but less dramatic) rubber banding. (As in, they're closer together but I don't zip as far back)

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I feel your pain, man. I had my fully geared char. commit suicide off of the shipwreck by the RB'ing.


Never had anything like it 'til a couple of days ago, annoying as hell.


Was also running through the fields in Elecktro and my guy decides he just gonna run in a really laggy curve to the right for about 15m, all while I'm under sniper fire from noob mountain, then get tele'd back and good 30m.


Good job his aim was terrible.

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A forum member said to avoid Server name location-100+ since they are privately owned and could cause errors with server.cfg. Less than 100 is ok.

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I also had insane problems with this yesterday and earlier today. My character was going i large circles, and he even went through buildings on hes way. He could also teleport a small distance sometimes. I had some problems about every second minute, so for me the game has not been playable for the last two days. 


But i did try the game for about 20 minutes after the newest patch, witch steam automaticly downloaded for aboud 1,5 hours ago, and i'm happy to say i did not have any problems what so ever. To early for me to say that the problem is gone for me, but its looking very promising. I'm looking forward to test it out for real tomorrow. Now its work for me. 


Good luck to all of you, and i hope your problems will be gone too. 

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